Mass Shootings Are A Leftist Problem


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Despite the out and out lies being told to you by the dimocrap scum media, most mass shootings come from the left, not from Conservatives.

the dimocrap scum media complex will spin the numbers (aka; LIE) and tell you otherwise but the facts is the facts.

It is beyond disgusting and rage-inducing when for the past three years and longer we have been smeared as racist, violent, knuckle-dragging throwbacks by the Democrat-Left-Media Complex while at the same time the latter has exhorted their followers to get in our faces, not give us a minute's peace and even worse. Just yesterday, Rand Paul is going to have to undergo surgery to IIRC remove part of his liver that was damaged when his neighbor almost beat him to death and protestors in front of Mitch McConnell's home threatened to "just stab the motherfucker in the heart." Do I have to mention the guy in New York who's going to lose an eye because he dared wear a MAGA hat in Manhattan, let alone James Hodgkinson, and so on, and so on, and so on? (Stolen verbatim from JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ as was the link below)

51% of Mass Shooters in 2019 Were Black: Only 29% Were White

Looking at the data from the Mass Shooting Tracker, widely utilized by the media, as of this writing, of the 72 mass shooters, perpetrators in shootings that killed or wounded 4 or more people, whose race is known, 21 were white, 37 were black, 8 were Latino, and 6 were members of other groups.

51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino.

Three mass shooters were Asian, two were American Indian and one was Arab.

Then there's the fact that dimocrap scum politicians didn't have the human decency to wait until the bodies were cold to start campaigning on top of them

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can solve this Country's problems

Disbelieve that at your own peril
Despite the out and out lies being told to you by the dimocrap scum media, most mass shootings come from the left, not from Conservatives.

the dimocrap scum media complex will spin the numbers (aka; LIE) and tell you otherwise but the facts is the facts.

It is beyond disgusting and rage-inducing when for the past three years and longer we have been smeared as racist, violent, knuckle-dragging throwbacks by the Democrat-Left-Media Complex while at the same time the latter has exhorted their followers to get in our faces, not give us a minute's peace and even worse. Just yesterday, Rand Paul is going to have to undergo surgery to IIRC remove part of his liver that was damaged when his neighbor almost beat him to death and protestors in front of Mitch McConnell's home threatened to "just stab the motherfucker in the heart." Do I have to mention the guy in New York who's going to lose an eye because he dared wear a MAGA hat in Manhattan, let alone James Hodgkinson, and so on, and so on, and so on? (Stolen verbatim from JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ as was the link below)

51% of Mass Shooters in 2019 Were Black: Only 29% Were White

Looking at the data from the Mass Shooting Tracker, widely utilized by the media, as of this writing, of the 72 mass shooters, perpetrators in shootings that killed or wounded 4 or more people, whose race is known, 21 were white, 37 were black, 8 were Latino, and 6 were members of other groups.

51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino.

Three mass shooters were Asian, two were American Indian and one was Arab.

Then there's the fact that dimocrap scum politicians didn't have the human decency to wait until the bodies were cold to start campaigning on top of them

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can solve this Country's problems

Disbelieve that at your own peril

what a load of horseshit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Mass Shootings Are A Leftist Problem

Of course they are. By default.The right has shown at every instance that they aren't interested in a solution.
Mass shootings kill people. Less than mass shootings kill people. Illegal immigrants kill people. Abortion kills people.

Both parties have their blind eyes and dirty fingers in the killing game.
Despite the out and out lies being told to you by the dimocrap scum media, most mass shootings come from the left, not from Conservatives.

the dimocrap scum media complex will spin the numbers (aka; LIE) and tell you otherwise but the facts is the facts.

It is beyond disgusting and rage-inducing when for the past three years and longer we have been smeared as racist, violent, knuckle-dragging throwbacks by the Democrat-Left-Media Complex while at the same time the latter has exhorted their followers to get in our faces, not give us a minute's peace and even worse. Just yesterday, Rand Paul is going to have to undergo surgery to IIRC remove part of his liver that was damaged when his neighbor almost beat him to death and protestors in front of Mitch McConnell's home threatened to "just stab the motherfucker in the heart." Do I have to mention the guy in New York who's going to lose an eye because he dared wear a MAGA hat in Manhattan, let alone James Hodgkinson, and so on, and so on, and so on? (Stolen verbatim from JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ as was the link below)

51% of Mass Shooters in 2019 Were Black: Only 29% Were White

Looking at the data from the Mass Shooting Tracker, widely utilized by the media, as of this writing, of the 72 mass shooters, perpetrators in shootings that killed or wounded 4 or more people, whose race is known, 21 were white, 37 were black, 8 were Latino, and 6 were members of other groups.

51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino.

Three mass shooters were Asian, two were American Indian and one was Arab.

Then there's the fact that dimocrap scum politicians didn't have the human decency to wait until the bodies were cold to start campaigning on top of them

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can solve this Country's problems

Disbelieve that at your own peril
It's opposite day. Socialism is a right wing problem and if you put ice in the freezer it turns into water.
Thanks to the liberal media the fix is in and democrats didn't have to defend James Hodgkinson. The FBI with it's vast resources of psychological analysis couldn't come up with the motive for the Vegas shooter even though the targets were conservative kids attending a country music concert that the media dubbed a "Trump rally". Nobody blamed the democrat governor in Virginia when an absolutely crazy person who was undergoing psychiatric counseling was able to "legally" purchase forearms and murder 30 people in Va.Tech Blacksburg because of a glitch in the instant name check that protected the "privacy" of the insane. When an obviously psychotic man shot congresswoman Gabby Giffords the local sheriff and the MSM tried to blame Rush Limbaugh. You have to keep firearms away from crazy people but what happens when all crazy people are democrats?
Mass Shootings Are A Leftist Problem

Of course they are. By default.The right has shown at every instance that they aren't interested in a solution.

Incorrect. They are not interested in the solutions proposed by Democrats.

Define the word "conservative."

I'm going to be a pest about this until we can agree what the definition is. Too many morons on this board define

conservative = Christian

which is right up there with the ANTIFA definition of "fascist," which is

A White Person who doesn't vote Dem
I think I 'm gonna stay away for a while.

dimocrap FILTH already disgust me.

When they have something like this, a way to blame anything and anybody they don't like for a tragedy, they become intolerable.

There is nothing on this Earth more despicable than a dimocrap scumbag ranting and screaming in self-righteous indignation at those he blames for a problem that he caused.

And this Forum is full of them. To the brim.

In fact, if you took away the names from the dimocrap scum posters in here, you'd be lucky to match 2% of the posts with the posters. They're all the same.

They're all singing from the same Hymn Book.

They're all scum. They're all cultists.

They have no intentions of trying to solve the problem, only finger pointing.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

They seriously are.
I think I 'm gonna stay away for a while.

dimocrap FILTH already disgust me.

When they have something like this, a way to blame anything and anybody they don't like for a tragedy, they become intolerable.

There is nothing on this Earth more despicable than a dimocrap scumbag ranting and screaming in self-righteous indignation at those he blames for a problem that he caused.

And this Forum is full of them. To the brim.

In fact, if you took away the names from the dimocrap scum posters in here, you'd be lucky to match 2% of the posts with the posters. They're all the same.

They're all singing from the same Hymn Book.

They're all scum. They're all cultists.

They have no intentions of trying to solve the problem, only finger pointing.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

They seriously are.

says the finger pointing name caller.

btw, thanks for your non solution

u f'n dumbass hypocrite.
Despite the out and out lies being told to you by the dimocrap scum media, most mass shootings come from the left, not from Conservatives.

the dimocrap scum media complex will spin the numbers (aka; LIE) and tell you otherwise but the facts is the facts.

It is beyond disgusting and rage-inducing when for the past three years and longer we have been smeared as racist, violent, knuckle-dragging throwbacks by the Democrat-Left-Media Complex while at the same time the latter has exhorted their followers to get in our faces, not give us a minute's peace and even worse. Just yesterday, Rand Paul is going to have to undergo surgery to IIRC remove part of his liver that was damaged when his neighbor almost beat him to death and protestors in front of Mitch McConnell's home threatened to "just stab the motherfucker in the heart." Do I have to mention the guy in New York who's going to lose an eye because he dared wear a MAGA hat in Manhattan, let alone James Hodgkinson, and so on, and so on, and so on? (Stolen verbatim from JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ as was the link below)

51% of Mass Shooters in 2019 Were Black: Only 29% Were White

Looking at the data from the Mass Shooting Tracker, widely utilized by the media, as of this writing, of the 72 mass shooters, perpetrators in shootings that killed or wounded 4 or more people, whose race is known, 21 were white, 37 were black, 8 were Latino, and 6 were members of other groups.

51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino.

Three mass shooters were Asian, two were American Indian and one was Arab.

Then there's the fact that dimocrap scum politicians didn't have the human decency to wait until the bodies were cold to start campaigning on top of them

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can solve this Country's problems

Disbelieve that at your own peril

Great post.

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