Mass Returns From Saudi Arabia Risk Instability In Yemen


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It looks like there will be more trouble in Yemen because of these hundreds of thousands of Yeminis returning from Saudi Arabia. I don't think Yemen really needs more trouble than it already has.

Mass Returns From Saudi Arabia Risk Instability In Yemen


December 3, 2013

Around 200,000 Yemeni expatriate workers have returned from Saudi Arabia since June, according to estimates from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), amid a sharp escalation in deportations as Saudi authorities crack down on those breaking labour laws – developments that risk increasing poverty and destabilizing the transition in Yemen, say analysts.

The Yemeni government says it expects at least another 400,000 jobless returnees in coming months.

“[The returnees] complain of different kinds of violations, not necessarily from the authorities but from their sponsors (Kafeel’) when they refuse to pay them any compensation for the work that they have done in their companies,” said Hooria Mashhour, Yemen’s Minister of Human Rights. “Other kinds of violations [take place] during the process of deportation, when they become subject [to] physical or psychological kinds of violations.”

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Mass Returns From Saudi Arabia Risk Instability In Yemen Eurasia Review

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