Maroon is the colour!


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
A little boy was standing in front of a mirror in the toilets at Heathrow Airport, when in walked a Royal Marine staff sergeant in his dress blues. The little boy turned to the Marine and said, "Wow! Are you a Royal Marine?"
The Marine replied, "Why, yes I am, young man. Would you like to wear my hat?"
"Boy, would I!" said the little boy. He took the hat and placed it on his head and turned to admire himself in the mirror.

As he was looking in the mirror, he heard the door open and through a ray of bright light, a man entered the room. But, this was not just a man -- he was more than a man. He wore a maroon beret and was a Paratrooper.

The little boy turned and went over to the soldier. As he approached him, he could see the reflection in his boots. His eyes widened as he stared up at the soldier's chest full of medals and at the wings on his shoulder. He tried to speak, but he couldn't. Finally, he took a deep breath, and managed to say, "Excuse me, Sir. Are you a Paratrooper?"

The Para replied with a thunderous voice, "Why yes, I am!! Would you like to shine my boots?"

The little boy smiled, and said, "Oh, no sir!! I'm not a Marine. I'm just wearing his hat!"
Original: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer...
Translation: Rudolph was a four-hooved ungulate,
Original: Had a very shiny nose...
Translation: Who, incidentally, possessed a nasal appendage of a maroon lustre.
Original: And if you ever saw him...
Translation: Consequently, if circumstances were to present themselves that he ever came into your view,
Original: You would even say it glows...
Translation: You would most undoubtedly remark at to its illuminary qualities.
Original: All of the other reindeer...
Translation: The multitude of other members of the population in his ecological community,
Original: Used to laugh and call him names...
Translation: Had previously teased, chuckled boisterously, and dubbed him unspeakable pseudonyms - the objective of which was to lower his self-esteem and make him miserable.

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