Marines already in Baghdad

Regardless, the US cannot wait, we tried that with those freedom fighting mujahideen, didn't work out.
I believe the Marines were also there to provide security for the embassy in Iran back in 79 unless the nation is ready to take a serious stand here get everyone the hell out this half measure stuff won't cut it.
If anyone was damn fool enough to send marines to protect the embassy instead of evacuating the staff the reason was to get the Marines and the staff all killed. Whichever Iraqis are still alive are alive because they joined ISIS themselves.
The marines are thereto evacuate, and what else, is not being reported. We have a large ship there also. Could be the Marines are in touch.
Once they have their caliphate set up they'll be paid a presidential visit apologizing for past transgressions and be handed huge payments to help them become good world citizens. Especially if they don't mess up any of the golf courses.

Marines are there to provide embassy security.

Yes, but some of us got on the phones and emailed stating that isn't enough. The G. H. W. Bush is there, time to get Congress and the President out of their cushioned chairs.

And do what exactly? I have immediate family in the Army in Kuwait and on an aircraft carrier God knows where now. I've had enough of useless wars that have accomplished nothing but to keep the Old Guard busy at Arlington. YOU go.
Once they have their caliphate set up they'll be paid a presidential visit apologizing for past transgressions and be handed huge payments to help them become good world citizens. Especially if they don't mess up any of the golf courses.

Doesn't look like the US Marines are there to kow tow to anybody(.) If so, that will be a FIRST.

I believe they are BADLY outnumbered..BADLY outnumbered .....and we know how well this administration protects its' embassies and personnel.

Better than the Bush admin embassies but still not well enough.
How fitting (ironic) that the U.S. aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush is heading to the Persian Gulf. Deja vu all over again...
How fitting (ironic) that the U.S. aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush is heading to the Persian Gulf. Deja vu all over again...

Be glad a US Aircraft Carrier is there, the name might be ironic yes, but the purpose is imperative, unlike the last two Iraq wars.
I saw an AP headline stating that they beefed up security at the Baghdad embassy. So, they can do that if they wish, despite the proposed cuts. Why not get them the hell out of there? Either we send enough troops to kick ass and get it done with or we get out completely. Leaving a handful of people is not acceptable. Libs don't like kicking butts. They like to sacrifice our people by putting them in a no-win situation. Needs to be all or nothing.
How fitting (ironic) that the U.S. aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush is heading to the Persian Gulf. Deja vu all over again...

Be glad a US Aircraft Carrier is there, the name might be ironic yes, but the purpose is imperative, unlike the last two Iraq wars.

Sending the ship there only means something if you intend to use the weapons on it and the people your trying to intimidate believe you will use them.
How fitting (ironic) that the U.S. aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush is heading to the Persian Gulf. Deja vu all over again...

Be glad a US Aircraft Carrier is there, the name might be ironic yes, but the purpose is imperative, unlike the last two Iraq wars.

Sending the ship there only means something if you intend to use the weapons on it and the people your trying to intimidate believe you will use them.

Exactly. Libs always approve of sending people, then they bitch if our troops do anything after they get there. They like sending a few people and then expecting them to sit and watch. How many troops did we lose because we kept sending handfuls over there and refusing to send the back up they needed? We sacrifice people by not giving them the force they need to fight back. Liberals are ignorant about how our military works. They aren't just ornaments to place around the country. They could end this in a hurry if they were allowed to function as intended. When our troops do their jobs, the left bitches about how evil they are. Just can't win. It's got to be all or nothing. If our troops can do the job they are trained to do, keep them away from that cesspool.

Of course, the radicals are just gaining more ground, like they've been doing steadily since Obama has been in office. And they are becoming a bigger threat. None of them are on the run or junior varsity terrorists. Obama helped them grow stronger. He has done more for the radical Muslims than anyone else.
Once they have their caliphate set up they'll be paid a presidential visit apologizing for past transgressions and be handed huge payments to help them become good world citizens. Especially if they don't mess up any of the golf courses.

Doesn't look like the US Marines are there to kow tow to anybody(.) If so, that will be a FIRST.

I believe they are BADLY outnumbered..BADLY outnumbered .....and we know how well this administration protects its' embassies and personnel.

Thanks to Congressional efforts, the game has all changed for the worse, yet relocation of rapid response teams has been reborn..
Doesn't look like the US Marines are there to kow tow to anybody(.) If so, that will be a FIRST.

I believe they are BADLY outnumbered..BADLY outnumbered .....and we know how well this administration protects its' embassies and personnel.

Thanks to Congressional efforts, the game has all changed for the worse, yet relocation of rapid response teams has been reborn..

Obama notified Congress, 275 military personnel to Iraq. Sure, just 275..................:doubt:
I've heard that the U.S. embassy in Iraq is the largest in the world.

It is at least one of the biggest. I didn't authorize this motha' with my tax dollars. Did you?


supposedly over 1$ billion

social security is broke btw ..

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