Marine LePen Will Save France

Le Pen, Farage parties win elections for European Parliament in France and UK, Greens surge in Germany: polls
France has had enough of immigration bullshit and Islamic terrorists. Germany still doesn’t get the picture as men there allow women to be raped by the Muslim scum.
Stupid Frenchmen must have elected her 2 years ago. But the Rothschilds and their "independent" Media were pushing their puppet Macron and France had to pay the price for a wrong choice. I'm glad France seems to be waking up now. Good morning, France!
Oh Yeah! :2up:

Not a buff on European politics, but isn't Macron still the President of France? It doesn't seem like it was that long ago when he beat LePen in the French elections...
Europe is beginning to get free of the Globalist New World Order tyranny!

This is so good!!!!

HALLELUJAH! Yes Yes Yes!:yes_text12:
France? thats a country in Europe? right? and what language do they speak there? Canadian? I forgot
France for the French

Not for the Muslims.

but then..... French people know that!

ohhh you bet they do! :wink_2:
Fuckin' A! Keep that momentum going, girl and boot Macron's ass in the next presidential election. France first!

Le Pen, stare down Macron and give the SOB a good fucking handshake from Americans, would ya?
The brilliant American patriot Tucker had the brilliant European patriot Nigel on several times over the years!

France? thats a country in Europe? right? and what language do they speak there? Canadian? I forgot
No, they speak Arabic in France.
That's what happens when you let people in your country who plot to overpopulate, remove other people's rights by being willing to kill anyone who doesn't observe sharia law at 20% population, and when they're at 40 %, your nation is dead, and natives will be finding someplace else to live unless they throw away all their traditions and become mohammadans in one form or another..
I guess France is getting a little tired of all the trucks of peace.

Le Pen, Farage parties win elections for European Parliament in France and UK, Greens surge in Germany: polls
France has had enough of immigration bullshit and Islamic terrorists. Germany still doesn’t get the picture as men there allow women to be raped by the Muslim scum.
your topic is misleading, change it for " putler will save France "

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HOLY FUCK! They actually did it! They blamed Russia!!!! :auiqs.jpg:



Le Pen bank loan demonstrates Russian methods of spreading ...

Dec 27, 2018 - Two and a half months after the Le Pen loan was signed, a Mediapart ... In 2016, with the backing of Russian premier Vladimir Putin, Russian ...
Putin awaits return on Le Pen investment | Financial Times

May 4, 2017 - “It is clear that Russia is sympathetic to Le Pen in the election.” ... During the moratorium period, the bank sold the FN loan to Konti, ...
Putin Can't Get Europe's Nationalists to Bite - The Moscow Times

Feb 25, 2019 - However much Russia may want to fund Europe's political disruptors, ... The trial revealed that Le Pen's party had been servicing the loan ...
Washington Post: A Russian bank gave Marine Le Pen's party a loan ...

Dec 27, 2018 - Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with then-presidential ... When French politician Marine Le Pen needed cash for her far-right party, ...




Have any of you looked at Le Pen's economic agenda? Under Le Pen France will become a carbon copy of Venezuela. Her economic policies are heavy on welfare with no means of generating taxable revenue to pay for her policies.

The French need to protect their culture but Le Pen is not the solution.


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