~Marilyn Monroe's Dress~


May 13, 2011
Marilyn Monroe's 'Subway' Dress sells for $4.6 million at Debbie Reynolds Auction.

That iconic flock that flew up as Marilyn Monroe stood on a subway grate in "The Seven Year Itch" sold at an auction for $4.6 million.
It was estimated to fetch between $1 and $2 million!
Wow, wonder if the person who bought it, will ever wear it?? :lol:


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I saw this dress along with many others in Vegas at her casino. It was gorgeous! There was so much small detail on the dress in person, that did not come across on screen. It had faded to a warm ivory and was not the brilliant white as seen in the movie.
I saw this dress along with many others in Vegas at her casino. It was gorgeous! There was so much small detail on the dress in person, that did not come across on screen. It had faded to a warm ivory and was not the brilliant white as seen in the movie.

Oh wow, lucky you!!
It does look like a plain ordinary white dress, I can't see any of the tiny details. I bet it was gorgeous~
I saw this dress along with many others in Vegas at her casino. It was gorgeous! There was so much small detail on the dress in person, that did not come across on screen. It had faded to a warm ivory and was not the brilliant white as seen in the movie.

Oh wow, lucky you!!
It does look like a plain ordinary white dress, I can't see any of the tiny details. I bet it was gorgeous~

Debbie Reynolds had/has a fabulous collection of movie wardrobe...i was truly impressed. I am sorry she does not have a permanent exhibit of it all somewhere in Hollywood.

Her casino SUCKED..... but the exhibit was wonderful!
I saw this dress along with many others in Vegas at her casino. It was gorgeous! There was so much small detail on the dress in person, that did not come across on screen. It had faded to a warm ivory and was not the brilliant white as seen in the movie.

Oh wow, lucky you!!
It does look like a plain ordinary white dress, I can't see any of the tiny details. I bet it was gorgeous~

Debbie Reynolds had/has a fabulous collection of movie wardrobe...i was truly impressed. I am sorry she does not have a permanent exhibit of it all somewhere in Hollywood.

Her casino SUCKED..... but the exhibit was wonderful!

In the article I was reading, Debbie Reynolds did say she had many other dresses that Marilyn had worn. Ms. Reynolds was a huge fan of Marilyn's. The money brought in from the auction was going to some charitable organization.
Oh wow, lucky you!!
It does look like a plain ordinary white dress, I can't see any of the tiny details. I bet it was gorgeous~

Debbie Reynolds had/has a fabulous collection of movie wardrobe...i was truly impressed. I am sorry she does not have a permanent exhibit of it all somewhere in Hollywood.

Her casino SUCKED..... but the exhibit was wonderful!

In the article I was reading, Debbie Reynolds did say she had many other dresses that Marilyn had worn. Ms. Reynolds was a huge fan of Marilyn's. The money brought in from the auction was going to some charitable organization.

From what i remember.... the exhibit said she had thousands of pieces. One of the other dresses i remember was the beaded dress that Barbra Streisand wore in Hello dolly.
What did Debbie pay for the dress and when did she acquire it? Does anyone know?

There was never any mention of how much Debbie Reynolds paid for the dress, I doubt we will ever know that.
And I just know she obtained Marilyn's dress some time after Marilyn's death of course, but I don't know an exact date. I will try to go back to the article I was reading and see if I can find anything more about this dress :)
Debbie has a HUGE collection of movie memorabilia that she stores in a very well prepared warehouse in Northern California. She has MANY thousands of iconic objects. A good friend of mine has been there several times and i got to go once to see what was there....it is truly an amazing collection.
What did Debbie pay for the dress and when did she acquire it? Does anyone know?

From what i recall of the exhibit...and i may be wrong. She paid nothing for a good deal of her collection. She asked the studio for the stuff and they gave it to her.
What did Debbie pay for the dress and when did she acquire it? Does anyone know?

From what i recall of the exhibit...and i may be wrong. She paid nothing for a good deal of her collection. She asked the studio for the stuff and they gave it to her.

You are probably right, because I was thinking Debbie Reynolds most likely got all those things for nothing, but I didn't want to say that for sure.
Well, I am beside myself, I swore I read that part of the proceeds from this auction were going to a children's charity, but I can't find that anywhere, it seems Debbie Reynolds mainly had the auction because as much as she tried to passionately save this slice of Hollywood history, the years of accumulated bills necessitated the sale *sigh*
But she has had this huge collection for some 50 plus years and she sold 500 items at this particular auction.
It was held in the theater of the Paley Center in Beverly Hills. And there were more of Marilyn Monroe items that were sold, but that white dress was the big sale.
Also sold that night was the armor that Charlton Heston wore in Ben-Hur, as well as the dress and ruby red slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard Of Oz. The Garland dress sold for $910,000 and the red slippers sold for $510,000.
A huge portion of the collection went to Saudi Arabia and Japan.
I would have really liked to get a glimpse of the ruby red slippers in person :lol:


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Well, I am beside myself, I swore I read that part of the proceeds from this auction were going to a children's charity, but I can't find that anywhere, it seems Debbie Reynolds mainly had the auction because as much as she tried to passionately save this slice of Hollywood history, the years of accumulated bills necessitated the sale *sigh*
But she has had this huge collection for some 50 plus years and she sold 500 items at this particular auction.
It was held in the theater of the Paley Center in Beverly Hills. And there were more of Marilyn Monroe items that were sold, but that white dress was the big sale.
Also sold that night was the armor that Charlton Heston wore in Ben-Hur, as well as the dress and ruby red slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard Of Oz. The Garland dress sold for $910,000 and the red slippers sold for $510,000.
A huge portion of the collection went to Saudi Arabia and Japan.
I would have really liked to get a glimpse of the ruby red slippers in person :lol:

LOL..ya know what... they were not that impressive. The were rather clunky pumps with sequins. Granted they were aging but they sure were not well....elegant shoes.

Debbie Reynolds has had a history of money problems. I would not think she would give these things up for charity....
Well, I am beside myself, I swore I read that part of the proceeds from this auction were going to a children's charity, but I can't find that anywhere, it seems Debbie Reynolds mainly had the auction because as much as she tried to passionately save this slice of Hollywood history, the years of accumulated bills necessitated the sale *sigh*
But she has had this huge collection for some 50 plus years and she sold 500 items at this particular auction.
It was held in the theater of the Paley Center in Beverly Hills. And there were more of Marilyn Monroe items that were sold, but that white dress was the big sale.
Also sold that night was the armor that Charlton Heston wore in Ben-Hur, as well as the dress and ruby red slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard Of Oz. The Garland dress sold for $910,000 and the red slippers sold for $510,000.
A huge portion of the collection went to Saudi Arabia and Japan.
I would have really liked to get a glimpse of the ruby red slippers in person :lol:

LOL..ya know what... they were not that impressive. The were rather clunky pumps with sequins. Granted they were aging but they sure were not well....elegant shoes.

Debbie Reynolds has had a history of money problems. I would not think she would give these things up for charity....

You know syrenn, looking at the photo I attached and comparing that to the way I saw them on my DVD, they don't even look like the same shoes!
I mean, I know time does things, the aging process and all, but nobody supposedly wore them and she was said to have everything in well care.
But I agree with what you said here, those ruby red slippers don't look as impressive as I was picturing them to be :cool:
I believe the shoes that were sold were the ones used in pre production. They had the Arabic twirl to the toe and the director didn't like that look so changed them for the ones you see in the movie.
I believe the shoes that were sold were the ones used in pre production. They had the Arabic twirl to the toe and the director didn't like that look so changed them for the ones you see in the movie.

Ahh...k then, makes sense, cause they honestly do look completely different (the photo I attached) than what I seen in the movie.

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