Marilyn Monroe: Accident or Murder


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
This makes for a good mystery debate. Is it possible the CIA murdered Marilynn to shut her up? The CIA can always be found around an important American death of mysterious causes. I was thinking, if so, how could these deaths be different than Obama ordering a hit on a US citizen terrorist?

Her death in 1962 at the age of 36.

This is the official cause of death ('probable suicide').

However conspiracy lovers say that it is not consistent with forensic facts. She died, apparently, of a rectally administered barbiturate enema (source which, if true, could not have been administered by herself.

Recently published transcripts from conversations with her psychiatrist, John Miner, indicate that Monroe was not suicidal, and was making plans for her future, including a remarriage to Joe DiMaggio.

"I feel certain I'll win an Oscar for one or more of my Shakespeare women," Monroe says according to the transcript.

Marilyn knew a lot about JFK: his marital infidelities (at the time hushed up) and other private matters. She had his notes and letters and was privy to Kennedy's involvement with Sam Giancana, the mob leader. The Kennedy brothers had discussed national security matters with Monroe.

It is reasonable for the Kennedy administration to want to at least try to cover up the liason with Monroe, but did they?

There are witnesses, including a policeman, who places Robert Kennedy in the area at the time of her death.

It is possible after this rejection her good mood, seen earlier in the day, changed and she killed herself.

It is also alleged that someobody removed a diary and an incriminating note from Monroe's home at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive, Brentwood.
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I've always believed that her death was way more than a suicide.

After all. She had dealings with both JFK and RFK. Was the CIA involved?? Who knows.

If the documentaries on the subject are to be believed there were a lot of unexplained things dealing with her death.

Too bad they can't dig her body up and do another autopsy. With modern forensics I wonder just what they would find if anything??
Well if the CIA did have something to do with it on behalf of the Kennedy boys wouldn't that take the agency out of any conspiracy stuff regarding JFK's killing? Why do something to protect him in August '62 and want to off him a year later?

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