Marijuana: The Next Diabetes Drug?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Maia SzalavitzMay 21, 2013

Toking up may help marijuana users to stay slim and lower their risk of developing diabetes, according to the latest study, which suggests that cannabis compounds may help in controlling blood sugar.

Read more: Marijuana: The Next Diabetes Drug? |

Well, I'm not certain how I stand on this. I have diabetes and am obese but smoking weed doesn't turn me on. Maybe in a pill, food, or drink?

Maybe this would be a way:

Local butcher bringing home the bacon with 'marijuana pigs'
By Lindsay Cohen Published: May 21, 2013

SEATTLE -- Pot-infused bacon? There's a shop for that.
A Seattle butcher said he's found a way to marry marijuana and meat - by feeding pot plants to pigs.

"We're able to make anything you can imagine," said William von Schneidau, who runs BB Ranch Meats in the heart of Pike Place Market. "Somebody requests something and we make it, and make some extra of it, and see if people like it."

Read more w/video @ Local butcher bringing home the bacon with 'marijuana pigs' | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

May make for a very tasty ham and cheese sandwich.
Crazy logic...weight gain is the only cause of diabetes and pot heads are ahead of the curve because they forget to eat.
Gov't. crackdown on companies claiming to cure diabetes...
US FDA Warns Companies Over False Diabetes Claims
July 23, 2013 > U.S. health regulators are cracking down on 15 companies for selling products they say falsely claim to cure or mitigate the symptoms of diabetes.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent letters last week to 10 domestic and five foreign companies, warning them that their products violate the law. A total of 20 products are covered by the warning letters. In some, treatments are being sold as “natural” when in fact they contain pharmaceutical ingredients, the FDA said. In other cases, prescription drugs are being sold to patients without a prescription; and in some cases products are falsely claiming to cure or mitigate the symptoms of the disease. The products are being sold online and in retail outlets, the agency said, though it could not say how many stores the products are sold in or how many have been distributed online.

But Howard Sklamberg, director of the office of compliance in the FDA's drugs division, said he considers health care fraud in general, and health care fraud involving diabetes products in particular, as “a large problem.” The FDA said three of the most potentially dangerous cases it had targeted involve unapproved products originating in Asia that contain pharmaceutical ingredients not disclosed on the product labels. These products are called Diexi, which was shipped from India, Insupro Forte, which was shipped from Malaysia, and Jiang Tan Yi Huo Su Jiao Nang, which the FDA said translates as Anti-diabetic Pancreatic Capsule and was shipped from China. Diexi, made by Amrutam Life Care, is marketed on the company's website as an “anti-diabetic herbal formula that provides an effective treatment to relieve all symptoms related to diabetes.”


The World Health Organization estimates that 346 million people globally suffer from diabetes, and if current trends continue, deaths from the disease could double by 2030.

According to the FDA's testing, however, Diexi contains metformin, a pharmaceutical approved in the United States to treat diabetes under a physician's supervision. Another drug, Insupro Forte, is advertised by Easy Pha-max as “Truly Savior of Diabetics.” The company claims the product is made with a plant-based protein that helps bring down blood sugar levels and repairs physically altered cells. In fact the product contains glyburide, an FDA-approved diabetes medication that can cause serious side effects including low blood sugar if not taken properly, the agency said. Testing showed that the Anti-diabetic Pancreatic Capsule contained metformin, glyburide and phenformin. Phenformin was removed from the U.S. market in 1978 because it was associated with lactic acidosis, a serious condition that can cause weakness, tiredness, muscle pain, trouble breathing and a sudden slow or irregular heartbeat.

The companies could not be immediately reached for comment. “Diabetes is a serious chronic condition that should be properly managed using safe and effective FDA-approved treatments,” FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said in a statement. “Consumers who buy violative products that claim to be treatments are not only putting themselves at risk, but also may not be seeking necessary medical attention, which could affect their diabetes management.” Nearly 26 million Americans have the disease, which can lead to heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and amputations of the lower limbs. If the firms do not comply with the law, the FDA can take action to prevent the products from being imported from overseas, and it can seize those made domestically and initiate criminal proceedings.

US FDA Warns Companies Over False Diabetes Claims
Crazy logic...weight gain is the only cause of diabetes and pot heads are ahead of the curve because they forget to eat.

Wrong...................weight gain is NOT the only cause of diabetes.

And................fwiw.................apparently you've never smoked pot, because if you had, you'd understand the term "munchies". Matter of fact, cancer patients who have lost their appetite because of chemo smoke pot, and it stimulates their appetite, resulting in them eating.

It would be nice if you could actually respond from something other than a right wing knee jerk reaction sometime.
Crazy logic...weight gain is the only cause of diabetes and pot heads are ahead of the curve because they forget to eat.

Wrong...................weight gain is NOT the only cause of diabetes.

And................fwiw.................apparently you've never smoked pot, because if you had, you'd understand the term "munchies". Matter of fact, cancer patients who have lost their appetite because of chemo smoke pot, and it stimulates their appetite, resulting in them eating.

It would be nice if you could actually respond from something other than a right wing knee jerk reaction sometime.

It is also can be beneficial in getting the elderly to eat better.
Well, I'm not certain how I stand on this. I have diabetes and am obese but smoking weed doesn't turn me on. Maybe in a pill, food, or drink?


Move to medical marijuana state and you can get marijuana extracted into liquid form.

Unlike big Pharma's (deadly) marijuana pills these nostrums actually have ALL the cannabanoids that exist in that medicinal herb.
whitehead wrote: Crazy logic...weight gain is the only cause of diabetes and pot heads are ahead of the curve because they forget to eat.

Dat's crackheads...
... potheads get the munchies an' pig out.
whitehead wrote: Crazy logic...weight gain is the only cause of diabetes and pot heads are ahead of the curve because they forget to eat.

Dat's crackheads...
... potheads get the munchies an' pig out.

Depends on the STRAIN of pot amigo.

Not all pot causes munchies.
No some strains of pot increase the heart rate causing heart attack and stroke.

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