marijuana moving off Schedule 1

Absolutely they already have this through something called dabbing. It’s this oily type of marijuana substance that people smoke in things that look like pens. It’s not your traditional joint or pipe. It’s this vaporized marijuana where you are vaping through some kind of pen. These are very powerful, expensive and addictive products.

Of course this is just common sense when you mix capitalism and marijuana, you’re gonna get some evil people who will put in the most addictive substances in their products, and they will get people hooked on it.

I think smoke shops are a heinous site for the country. I can’t stand the site of smoke shops in this country. They are often accompanied by BLM signs, vandalism, and graffiti and other sources of anti-American Filth.
lol....yea right....geezus....
It is interesting though with regards to marijuana and masculinity. There have been these people who have provided for incorrect View That violence is not associated with marijuana like it is with alcohol. They will say “alcoholics beat their wives. Marijuana users are peaceful.”

And some alcoholics beat their wives. So I can admit that as somebody who drinks alcohol once a month.

It’s also true, that a portion of marijuana users are black gangbangers maybe some of the gangbangers are white, but certainly a huge portion of the black gangbangers in this country smoke blunts. They will smoke blunts and get high and then go kill somebody. They will smoke a big blunt in a car and do a drive-by shooting often resulting in the death of innocent bystanders, including kids. Now the interesting thing about this is a lot of these drug dealers are actually quite masculine. They are not afraid to physically assault somebody. But it’s the bad part of masculinity one could say with them. Point is totally undeniable though a sizable portion of marijuana users are gangbangers often from the inner cities and they’ll get super high and then go shoot a bunch of people.
what other drugs are they doing besides pot?....
I get the feeling some people think this is a legalization move. This would change marijuana to Schedule III, not legalize it. It would allow for medical use and research, which are still restricted federally as a Schedule I drug.

Baby steps. This is the first step.
What is being ignored here, is that this belongs to the legislative branch to determine. Just more overreach by this failed administration.
Actually, no.

Congress delegated away it's authority in these matters to the Executive Branch.
I’m interested in what pro marijuana people have to say about Singapore. And the people of Singapore that reject the marijuana lifestyle. In Singapore marijuana is illegal and there are extremely harsh penalties for drug dealers, including marijuana dealers. What do pro pot people think about that? Do they think Singaporeans are dumb or Losers or something like that? Do they think the people of Singapore should loosen up and smoke a few joints?

Mind you, Singapore is the cleanest and safest country in the entire world. It is one of the most economically successful countries in the world. It’s population is very friendly

The people of Singapore prefer living under harsh authoritarian rules They would rather have safety than freedom.

If you think that is a great choice, I am sure they would love to have you.
According to CDC, the percentage of those who consume pot and develop pot usage disorders is three times higher than the percentage of those who develop lung disease from prolonged asbestos exposure.
Pot advocates are mostly retarded. The rest are psychopaths.
yea yea tell us how pot is injected into the body again....that was a funny story....
Marijuana can be a gateway drug just like alcohol can also be a gateway drug. People get high or drunk, and some portion of them might also wanna blow some Coke or shoot up some heroin eventually.

Sure plenty of marijuana smokers lead responsible lives same with alcohol users, but a portion of both categories include people who go sprees of violence or are very lazy playing video games all the time watching a bunch of porn, not really leading a positive lifestyle.

For a lot of people the image is the problem. They don’t want to be somebody who is smoking a joint getting high. Around the world this is felt. Men would rather be the masculine man who perhaps has a wife and kids. A sharp dressed guy who occasionally has a drink of alcohol, but doesn’t smoke any weed. And in no way shape or form am I trying to insult weed smokers , plenty of them benefit our society I’m simply pointing out what a lot of the world wants themselves to be and that is not inclusive of a marijuana smoker.

There is no such thing as a "gateway drug". That some people use something, be it pot or booze, and then move on is on them, not on the substance.
The people of Singapore prefer living under harsh authoritarian rules They would rather have safety than freedom.

If you think that is a great choice, I am sure they would love to have you.
The place is not like North Korea. It’s a lot more free than your description. I think it’s actually the liberal way to respect countries that are currently doing better than we are.

We actually have pretty harsh laws in the USA. We have one of the toughest prison systems in the world.

Singaporeans have one of the strongest passports in the world. They are free to leave their country if they want. But they are staying there because of its economic opportunities.

I’ve been to Singapore it’s absolutely extraordinary. Very friendly people and probably the safest and cleanest place in the world. With an incredible middle class.

The USA used to be like Singapore not today though.

Drug dealers destroy entire families. That’s felt all across the USA because politicians don’t know how to confront those types of issues.
The place is not like North Korea. It’s a lot more free than your description. I think it’s actually the liberal way to respect countries that are currently doing better than we are.

Most counties are currently doing better than we are. I am looking to move to Panama when I retire, they are doing better than we are.

Why have you not yet moved to Singapore?
Most counties are currently doing better than we are. I am looking to move to Panama when I retire, they are doing better than we are.

Why have you not yet moved to Singapore?
Good luck. I was in Thailand and Cambodia for almost 4 months. I’m hoping that things get better in the USA. If they don’t, I will go east.

Seems like various types of people in America Don’t like how things are going whether they are on the left or the right. I don’t like the USA today because of far left fanaticism and how BLM ideologies are allowed to prosper in Hollywood and the media when they’re not supported by most Americans.

And some chunk of Americans don’t like Trump even though he’s not in office now. I don’t believe a lot of anti-Trump people support far left ideology but they’re voting democrat because they think it’s the best of too bad choices. But they’re making the wrong move there. ultimately the worst side, our Democrat politicians as they support exchange operations for children, gay people getting naked in front of children at drag shows and gay parades. men being allowed to play on women’s sports teams… I support equal rights for everybody but that’s going too far. I cannot in good conscience vote for Democrat politicians today.

Anyway most people in the USA are renting. Homeownership seems to be a thing of the past. With the astronomical price of new homes. when the older homeowners die off, it will be interesting to see what happens with homeownership rates for younger people in the American future.

I think permanent residency is more difficult in Singapore. You have to marry a person from Singapore perhaps or do some other things I’ll have to look into it.

But you can go to a place like Cambodia and just keep redoing a six month business visa with no problem.
There is no such thing as a "gateway drug". That some people use something, be it pot or booze, and then move on is on them, not on the substance.
Kids get access to it and that’s a big problem. People are evil enough in our society to sell drugs to kids and that does happen in this country. That’s the bad part of capitalism. I’ve already explained the good part.

And furthermore, there are cases of mothers who use drugs during their pregnancy, and it really screws up the kids so that is a big problem. And that is on society to do something about it because that’s not right for the babies. Therefore we really need to look at making drugs illegal. It might be on an individual to use drugs, but it can destroy their children and communities around them.

Singapore has a much better value system than the USA currently. Even Cambodia. I saw these things at malls and shopping centers in Cambodia so many young people have children and families. Not the case in the USA too many young people are individualistic , into pornography, they are brainwashed by far left politics. Just walk around the mall in the USA and see all the filth we have and the slobs. The way some people dress. We still have honor in this country and that is what a society like Singapore has.

I am confident for the American future. The only challenge is far left fanaticism and people who hate American history. That’s kind of a first thing in US history. How we let radical trans people, radical BLM supporters dictate our narratives in Hollywood in the media. That’s a problem, but I think eventually it will be confronted. And freedom will prevail in the USA equality will prevail ..but it’s not right now.. we must have hope though
Good luck. I was in Thailand and Cambodia for almost 4 months. I’m hoping that things get better in the USA. If they don’t, I will go east.

Seems like various types of people in America Don’t like how things are going whether they are on the left or the right. I don’t like the USA today because of far left fanaticism and how BLM ideologies are allowed to prosper in Hollywood and the media when they’re not supported by most Americans.

And some chunk of Americans don’t like Trump even though he’s not in office now. I don’t believe a lot of anti-Trump people support far left ideology but they’re voting democrat because they think it’s the best of too bad choices. But they’re making the wrong move there. ultimately the worst side, our Democrat politicians as they support exchange operations for children, gay people getting naked in front of children at drag shows and gay parades. men being allowed to play on women’s sports teams… I support equal rights for everybody but that’s going too far. I cannot in good conscience vote for Democrat politicians today.

Anyway most people in the USA are renting. Homeownership seems to be a thing of the past. With the astronomical price of new homes. when the older homeowners die off, it will be interesting to see what happens with homeownership rates for younger people in the American future.

I think permanent residency is more difficult in Singapore. You have to marry a person from Singapore perhaps or do some other things I’ll have to look into it.

But you can go to a place like Cambodia and just keep redoing a six month business visa with no problem.
so run when the going gets rough?....
Seems like various types of people in America Don’t like how things are going whether they are on the left or the right. I don’t like the USA today because of far left fanaticism and how BLM ideologies are allowed to prosper in Hollywood and the media when they’re not supported by most Americans.

I do not like how things are going because of the fanaticism on both sides.

Anyway most people in the USA are renting. Homeownership seems to be a thing of the past. With the astronomical price of new homes. when the older homeowners die off, it will be interesting to see what happens with homeownership rates for younger people in the American future.

66.1% of families own a home, up from 64.1% in 2022. The highest its been since 1990 is 69.2%.

I think permanent residency is more difficult in Singapore. You have to marry a person from Singapore perhaps or do some other things I’ll have to look into it.

Yeah, they do not really want us going there and screwing up their country. Panama has laid out the red carpet for ex-pats from all over the world. Getting a retiree visa is pretty easy and comes with a ton or perks.

Good luck to you though.
so run when the going gets rough?....

It is not about "rough going". It is about a changed country.

I view it much like when the wife and I left our church about a decade ago. There were things going on we did not agree with and we pushed back, but most people were fine with the comfortable status quo so in the end we had to decide if we were willing to give up our principles to stay a part of the church. We were not. Same concept applies to the country.

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