Many Doctors Will Not Participate in Obamacare


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
this is going to limit Obamacare patients....

New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned.

“ObamaCare is going to send me more patients to see and then cut the payments to provide the care — that’s what’s going to happen,” predicted Donald Moore, a primary-care doctor in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. “I will not accept it.”

Moore claims that President Obama made a big mistake by requiring uninsured residents to obtain medical coverage from for-profit insurers through the ObamaCare health exchanges instead of through public health programs like Medicaid.

Under tremendous pressure to keep costs down and profits up, Moore said he’s concerned that commercial insurers will pay doctors less for patient visits and services than either Medicaid or Medicare.

Many doctors, he argues, won’t be able to cover their costs with such skimpy fees.

Moore scoffed, “Who’s going to sustain the losses? The insurance companies? It’s basically going to be a race to the bottom.”

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post
Many didn't participate in Medicare too.

and many more are dropping Medicare patients as time goes by.....just like Obamacare they just cannot afford the small payments they get for their services....doctoring is a business you know...

lots of doctors are simply retiring early......and many smart young people are avoiding the field....
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Many didn't participate in Medicare too.

and many more are dropping Medicare patients as time goes by.....they just cannot afford the small payments they get for their services....doctoring is a business you know...

lots of doctors are simply retiring early......and many smart young people are avoiding the field....

I had a Doctor appointment yesterday. My guy has been our family physician for the last 25 years - we are pretty good friends. He comes out to my place and hunts and fishes all the time. Our families have spent many great times in the mountains.

He's not accepting new patients any longer . He no longer accepts new medicare patients and he won't participate in OBarryCare.

His opinion of this nonsense? It will destroy medicine - just as it did in Europe and Canada. Research will dry up and technology will head elsewhere. He's not bitter, like me. He merely faces the facts of the situation and accepts it as another nail in the coffin of America.

That's the beauty of being old. We just don't care any longer. America and it's "youth" have made their collective "beds". Live with it.
this is going to limit Obamacare patients....

New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned.

“ObamaCare is going to send me more patients to see and then cut the payments to provide the care — that’s what’s going to happen,” predicted Donald Moore, a primary-care doctor in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. “I will not accept it.”

Moore claims that President Obama made a big mistake by requiring uninsured residents to obtain medical coverage from for-profit insurers through the ObamaCare health exchanges instead of through public health programs like Medicaid.

Under tremendous pressure to keep costs down and profits up, Moore said he’s concerned that commercial insurers will pay doctors less for patient visits and services than either Medicaid or Medicare.

Many doctors, he argues, won’t be able to cover their costs with such skimpy fees.

Moore scoffed, “Who’s going to sustain the losses? The insurance companies? It’s basically going to be a race to the bottom.”

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

NY Post? Another credible reference ... Not really. :D

You all might as well stop lying about Obamacare. It's here to stay.
this is going to limit Obamacare patients....

New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned.

“ObamaCare is going to send me more patients to see and then cut the payments to provide the care — that’s what’s going to happen,” predicted Donald Moore, a primary-care doctor in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. “I will not accept it.”

Moore claims that President Obama made a big mistake by requiring uninsured residents to obtain medical coverage from for-profit insurers through the ObamaCare health exchanges instead of through public health programs like Medicaid.

Under tremendous pressure to keep costs down and profits up, Moore said he’s concerned that commercial insurers will pay doctors less for patient visits and services than either Medicaid or Medicare.

Many doctors, he argues, won’t be able to cover their costs with such skimpy fees.

Moore scoffed, “Who’s going to sustain the losses? The insurance companies? It’s basically going to be a race to the bottom.”

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

NY Post? Another credible reference ... Not really. :D

You all might as well stop lying about Obamacare. It's here to stay.

Since Obamacare is here to stay, maybe Obama and liberals could stop lying about it....... :thup:
this is going to limit Obamacare patients....

New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned.

“ObamaCare is going to send me more patients to see and then cut the payments to provide the care — that’s what’s going to happen,” predicted Donald Moore, a primary-care doctor in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. “I will not accept it.”

Moore claims that President Obama made a big mistake by requiring uninsured residents to obtain medical coverage from for-profit insurers through the ObamaCare health exchanges instead of through public health programs like Medicaid.

Under tremendous pressure to keep costs down and profits up, Moore said he’s concerned that commercial insurers will pay doctors less for patient visits and services than either Medicaid or Medicare.

Many doctors, he argues, won’t be able to cover their costs with such skimpy fees.

Moore scoffed, “Who’s going to sustain the losses? The insurance companies? It’s basically going to be a race to the bottom.”

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

NY Post? Another credible reference ... Not really. :D

You all might as well stop lying about Obamacare. It's here to stay.

you do realize that a two-tier healthcare system is developing as a result of this marxist-inspired trainwreck....?
your socialist leaders have already protected their cadillac plans...

i wish you luck with your Obammycare...
Once again we see adults using terms like "Marxist" and have not a clue to its meaning.
Obamacare is gonna destroy the Dem party. I'm happy you guys go 100% credit for it because you will never be able to get it off your resume.

Good luck, based on all other Government programs, you;re gonna fuckin need it lol.
this is going to limit Obamacare patients....

New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned.

“ObamaCare is going to send me more patients to see and then cut the payments to provide the care — that’s what’s going to happen,” predicted Donald Moore, a primary-care doctor in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. “I will not accept it.”

Moore claims that President Obama made a big mistake by requiring uninsured residents to obtain medical coverage from for-profit insurers through the ObamaCare health exchanges instead of through public health programs like Medicaid.

Under tremendous pressure to keep costs down and profits up, Moore said he’s concerned that commercial insurers will pay doctors less for patient visits and services than either Medicaid or Medicare.

Many doctors, he argues, won’t be able to cover their costs with such skimpy fees.

Moore scoffed, “Who’s going to sustain the losses? The insurance companies? It’s basically going to be a race to the bottom.”

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The New York Post?

Are you kidding? Lefties can't use the New York Times, which, by the way, employed Nixon's ultra conservative speech writer on its Op-Ed Page for a quarter century. The Post is pure yellow journalism.

But I'm going to do something righties never do when someone uses an obviously tainted information source - I'm going to respond to the content, namely that doctors are going to lose some pricing leverage.

It's true - all insurance plans place limits on Doctor's pricing power. My brother-in-law is a doctor and he's always bitching about which insurance plans pay the least. ObamaCare will be no different. Doctors hate when consumers have leverage. This is why they make deals with drug companies to over-prescribe expensive drugs . . . so they can make more money in other areas. The incentive structure is Milton's Firedman's and it goes like this: everybody is acting as selfishly as possible and thereby doing everything and anything to fuck everybody out of as much money as possible. But let's simplify it: of course doctors are going to hate it when the consumer gets a little bit of the pricing leverage back.

I don't think you have to worry though. The capitalist will win this one. ObamaCare will be open to lobbying, and the private sector will use intensive financial pressure to slither its way into the plan's heart where it will pack it with expensive, unnecessary procedures.

Research the Bush era Republican Masterpiece - Medicare Part D, passed by and for Republican special interests and imposed on the tax payer. Elly Lilly - one of the biggest contributors to the GOP - was awarded a no-bid contract to service Medicare patients with pharmaceuticals. Here is the kicker: for Bush Medicare Part D the government was/is forbidden to negotiate for volume discounts. This locks the taxpayer into above market drug costs (because every other market player can negotiate based on being able to deliver higher volume). This is why the private sector secretly LOVES entitlements, because it gives them access to the taxpayer's wallet without having to be disciplined by the market. The dirty little secret of capitalism is that government is now a holding of the Lobbying Industrial Complex. Washington is where capitalism goes to get regulatory favors, no-bid contracts, fixed pricing and monopolies over citizens.

Son, you seem like a good kid who likes to post a lot of Republican Propaganda. You might want to study what actually happens under ObamaCare, rather than listening to a few rightwing hacks in the New York Post. You might discover that the problem doesn't fit into your spoon-fed narrative about how the private sector is getting fucked. You might discover something far more complex, one where the private sector has captured Washington and has colluded with our politicians to put a stern fucking on the consumer. Either way, you're probably not going to get the whole picture from a tabloid.

(You can do better)
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this is going to limit Obamacare patients....

NY Post? Another credible reference ... Not really. :D

You all might as well stop lying about Obamacare. It's here to stay.

you do realize that a two-tier healthcare system is developing as a result of this marxist-inspired trainwreck....?
your socialist leaders have already protected their cadillac plans...

i wish you luck with your Obammycare...

It's not a stretch to imagine that America will go the way of the UK. Private-Pay hospitals are popping up all over England and Europe. No doubt that some of the Hospital Corporations here in the US will follow suit as well.

Look, people of "means" aren't going to be told that they have to "wait" or that they can't have that procedure because their "insurance" no longer covers it.

These "Intellectual Artists" that the left looks to for "inspiration" or these Senators and Congressmen, or these CEOs of fortune 500 companies aren't going to be involved in this damn train wreck. Nope. It will be Private-Pay for these "elite" members of our society.

Funny thing.....the left has absolutely no problem with it, either.
NY Post? Another credible reference ... Not really. :D

You all might as well stop lying about Obamacare. It's here to stay.

you do realize that a two-tier healthcare system is developing as a result of this marxist-inspired trainwreck....?
your socialist leaders have already protected their cadillac plans...

i wish you luck with your Obammycare...

It's not a stretch to imagine that America will go the way of the UK. Private-Pay hospitals are popping up all over England and Europe. No doubt that some of the Hospital Corporations here in the US will follow suit as well.

Look, people of "means" aren't going to be told that they have to "wait" or that they can't have that procedure because their "insurance" no longer covers it.

These "Intellectual Artists" that the left looks to for "inspiration" or these Senators and Congressmen, or these CEOs of fortune 500 companies aren't going to be involved in this damn train wreck. Nope. It will be Private-Pay for these "elite" members of our society.

Funny thing.....the left has absolutely no problem with it, either.

The NHS is a nightmare beyond.

I've been fighting for two tier up here in Canada and politicians are listening. It is the only way to go.

France has the best. Well had the best two tier. I don't know what's happened under that crazy new commie the morons elected.

in the future Obamacare/Medicaid patients will probably get alot of their care from nurse practitioners rather than real doctors...

I've stated this a hundred times here. My Wife is a NP. They were told nearly 3 years ago that the Nursing profession would be shouldering the brunt of this crap.

Doctors are expected to leave the profession. Nurses will be expected to provide the majority of the diagnostic services within hospitals. Get used to it. We are racing (like a hell-bound train) headlong to the bottom.

Welcome to the brave new world!!
this is going to limit Obamacare patients....

New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned.

“ObamaCare is going to send me more patients to see and then cut the payments to provide the care — that’s what’s going to happen,” predicted Donald Moore, a primary-care doctor in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. “I will not accept it.”

Moore claims that President Obama made a big mistake by requiring uninsured residents to obtain medical coverage from for-profit insurers through the ObamaCare health exchanges instead of through public health programs like Medicaid.

Under tremendous pressure to keep costs down and profits up, Moore said he’s concerned that commercial insurers will pay doctors less for patient visits and services than either Medicaid or Medicare.

Many doctors, he argues, won’t be able to cover their costs with such skimpy fees.

Moore scoffed, “Who’s going to sustain the losses? The insurance companies? It’s basically going to be a race to the bottom.”

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The New York Post?

Are you kidding? Lefties can't use the New York Times, which, by the way, employed Nixon's ultra conservative speech writer on its Op-Ed Page for a quarter century. The Post is pure yellow journalism.

But I'm going to do something righties never do when someone uses an obviously tainted information source - I'm going to respond to the content, namely that doctors are going to lose some pricing leverage.

It's true - all insurance plans place limits on Doctor's pricing power. My brother-in-law is a doctor and he's always bitching about which insurance plans pay the least. ObamaCare will be no different. Doctors hate when consumers have leverage. This is why they make deals with drug companies to over-prescribe expensive drugs . . . so they can make more money in other areas. The incentive structure is Milton's Firedman's and it goes like this: everybody is acting as selfishly as possible and thereby doing everything and anything to fuck everybody out of as much money as possible. But let's simplify it: of course doctors are going to hate it when the consumer gets a little bit of the pricing leverage back.

I don't think you have to worry though. The capitalist will win this one. ObamaCare will be open to lobbying, and the private sector will use intensive financial pressure to slither its way into the plan's heart where it will pack it with expensive, unnecessary procedures.

Research the Bush era Republican Masterpiece - Medicare Part D, passed by and for Republican special interests and imposed on the tax payer. Elly Lilly - one of the biggest contributors to the GOP - was awarded a no-bid contract to service Medicare patients with pharmaceuticals. Here is the kicker: for Bush Medicare Part D the government was/is forbidden to negotiate for volume discounts. This locks the taxpayer into above market drug costs (because every other market player can negotiate based on being able to deliver higher volume). This is why the private sector secretly LOVES entitlements, because it gives them access to the taxpayer's wallet without having to be disciplined by the market. The dirty little secret of capitalism is that government is now a holding of the Lobbying Industrial Complex. Washington is where capitalism goes to get regulatory favors, no-bid contracts, fixed pricing and monopolies over citizens.

Son, you seem like a good kid who likes to post a lot of Republican Propaganda. You might want to study what actually happens under ObamaCare, rather than listening to a few rightwing hacks in the New York Post. You might discover that the problem doesn't fit into your spoon-fed narrative about how the private sector is getting fucked. You might discover something far more complex, one where the private sector has captured Washington and has colluded with our politicians to put a stern fucking on the consumer. Either way, you're probably not going to get the whole picture from a tabloid.

(You can do better)

i've already been aware of this problem before this New York Post article came's only logical that doctors who so much spend time and money and effort becoming a doctor want to make a good living in their practice....Obammycare destroys their profits....(along with other things like malpractice coverage)

do you think the insurance companies.....the few that are still remaining in the Obamacare state exchanges.....are going to get favors (i.e. kickbacks) from the government....? price fixing...?

i don't think so.....i believe the lefties are out to destroy the insurance companies....who will pay less and less for care as the costs mount up....the lefties can then point to the 'evil' insurance companies and blame the failure all on them...

then what....? take a guess...
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