Manufacturing Employment Peaked Under Carter


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
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Remember him? There were 19.5 million people employed in manufacturing under President Carter. Today, there are 12.8 million. It stagnated under Reagan, Bush I and Clinton, then collapsed under Bush II.

And despite the booming economy, manufacturing job growth has been slow. Even under the pro-business President Trump, it has grown 1.1% per year, not much faster than the 1.0% under the similar time period for the not pro-business President Obama. And total employment in manufacturing is still lower than at any time since 1946.

All Employees: Manufacturing

In 1900, agriculture accounted for 45% of the jobs in America. Today, it accounts for 3%. But agricultural output something like is 20x higher. Something similar is happening with manufacturing.
yeah; manufacturing employment under Carter peaked & all the 'conservatives' here @ USMB constantly bitch, piss, and moan about Carter being the worst.

Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Republican USMB members that hate Carter for whatever.

And Trump LIED about bringing manufacturing back to the US so, fuck him too for being the liar he is.
yeah; manufacturing employment under Carter peaked & all the 'conservatives' here @ USMB constantly bitch, piss, and moan about Carter being the worst.

Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Republican USMB members that hate Carter for whatever.

And Trump LIED about bringing manufacturing back to the US so, fuck him too for being the liar he is.
Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Republican USMB members that hate Carter for whatever.
how the right responds....Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Democrat USMB members that hate Trump for whatever.....
yeah; manufacturing employment under Carter peaked & all the 'conservatives' here @ USMB constantly bitch, piss, and moan about Carter being the worst.

Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Republican USMB members that hate Carter for whatever.

And Trump LIED about bringing manufacturing back to the US so, fuck him too for being the liar he is.
Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Republican USMB members that hate Carter for whatever.
how the right responds....Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Democrat USMB members that hate Trump for whatever.....

well, Trump did 'promise' to bring back manufacturing jobs to the US; lots of them & he has FAILED so, fuck his lying ass.
yeah; manufacturing employment under Carter peaked & all the 'conservatives' here @ USMB constantly bitch, piss, and moan about Carter being the worst.

Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Republican USMB members that hate Carter for whatever.

And Trump LIED about bringing manufacturing back to the US so, fuck him too for being the liar he is.
Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Republican USMB members that hate Carter for whatever.
how the right responds....Well, fuck all of those bitching, pissing, and moaning Democrat USMB members that hate Trump for whatever.....

well, Trump did 'promise' to bring back manufacturing jobs to the US; lots of them & he has FAILED so, fuck his lying ass.
how many promises did obama make that just didnt seen to materialize? about bush? about just about every fucking asshole who holds office today?.....go ahead caddo tell me its only trump that comes up short with the promises....
......because all that foreign crap should've been tariffed !long ago!!! like Trump is trying to do now
The problem is not shipping jobs overseas, as much as some would like to claim that.

Automation has cost the manufacturing sector more jobs than overseas competition, unions, and sloppy work combined. But you can't point fingers at automation and scare your constituents. You can't promise to take away automation and return to human workers.
The problem is not shipping jobs overseas, as much as some would like to claim that.

Automation has cost the manufacturing sector more jobs than overseas competition, unions, and sloppy work combined. But you can't point fingers at automation and scare your constituents. You can't promise to take away automation and return to human workers.

There have been several studies confirming this. The primary cause of job loss in manufacturing has been automation.

My firm owns 400,000 acres of timberland. When we bought a tract here in Florida, we went out to watch how the trees were harvested. What might have employed 100 people even 30 years ago employed about 8 as machines were cutting down trees, stripping off the branches, and placing them on trucks. It was fascinating.

That's what is happening in manufacturing.

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