Manly new GE appliances.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018

I suspect there's more than a few here who would buy them just for the "F-" energy star rating.
Nothing new there. It's just an adaptation of the same technology used in the kick start dildo that many women have used for years.
That put me on the floor ... she left me with three lil' ones, two still in diapers ... I sang them "HouseHusband Blues" for twenty solid years ...

Real Men use diesel motors for their washing machines ... more torque ... I wish I had installed a decent dust collection system ... not that the kids drug much in but setting up the table saw in the kitchen got saw dust in all the meals ...
LOL. I had a man borrow a chainsaw to cut a limb at the house next door he takes care of. FIrst he needed me to help him start it as he didn't know chainsaws built in this millennium have a safety. Went inside and after about 20 minutes of high speed reving on his part, went back out and it was a smoke screen. Kept telling him that he had the chain too damn tight but noooooooooooooooo the problem was "damned chainsaw doesn't have enough power!!!" I was whatever and went back inside. Maybe 30 minutes later when he was done I went back out and that damn tree looked scorched wherever he had made a cut. Since then when he asks to borrow my chainsaw I am nooooooooooooo neeeds a new chain. Wink.

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