Mankind Is Causing Warming of Moon Too!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Is there nothing we can’t do?

And don’t try to argue. They have SCIENCE on their side.

Newly discovered temperature data from the 1970s moon landings, released in the Journal of Geophysical Research in April, reveals that NASA astronauts probably warmed up the moon’s surface temperature by as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit by walking around and poking into the lunar surface.

The data comes from so-called heat-flow experiments that were installed on the moon in 1971 and 1972 during the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 missions. For the experiments, astronauts on each mission drilled two holes into the surface of the moon at depths ranging from 3.2 feet to 7.5 feet deep. The astronauts inserted fiberglass tubes into the holes and plopped platinum thermometers inside to read the temperatures at varying depths below the moon’s surface. Those probes beamed the temperature data to Earth in near real time.
A 40-year-old mystery about rising temperatures on the moon has been solved — and it was probably the Apollo astronauts' fault
Maybe the lunar rover did too many burnouts up there. You know that lunar rover. The one stored in a secret mini-compartment on board the lunar module!:aug08_031:. The lunar module that left no blast crater. :coffee:. The one with the 1950's era beach chair ripped material luxury seating for Aldrin and Armstrong.:backpedal:
Wait... so even though there is no atmosphere, something is insulating and maintaining heat we left behind 40 years ago?

Oh bullshit what about the grays on the dark side of the moon and there huge base?


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