Manforte Jury still deliberating


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Guess its a difficult case. The jury started today at 0930 AM.

Wonder how long this will take.
There's a total of 18 counts. Not sure the deliberation period at this point implies that it's necessarily difficult so much as cumbersome.
There's a total of 18 counts. Not sure the deliberation period at this point implies that it's necessarily difficult so much as cumbersome.

I agree and they have to look at all eighteen counts.

Not an easy thing.

I'd sure hate to be on that jury.
Usually the longer the deliberation the better for the defense. But obviously not always.

That may be for cases that involve a single act, like a murder, or a tightly knit handful of interdependent acts. But I don't think it really applies in a case like this that deals with many acts across many years.
Usually the longer the deliberation the better for the defense. But obviously not always.

That may be for cases that involve a single act, like a murder, or a tightly knit handful of interdependent acts. But I don't think it really applies in a case like this that deals with many acts across many years.
you never know, but asking what reasonable doubt is, seems like a good sign for the defense. I mean the defense did nothing....and with the media hyping Gates, you thought it would be open and shut....but we'll see.
Listening to "experts" aka attorneys they echo that it looks promising for the defense. I am not an attorney so cannot opine.
No doubt Manafort is a scummy character. As such, mueller will get him on something. Prosecutors can ALWAYS find something.

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.

The USA is getting more like the the USSR everyday.
I'm sure the jury also knows that the real reason for this prosecution is to punish Manafort for not lying about the President so they can impeach him. I mean, keeping him in solitary confinement 23 hours a day for tax evasion? Why else would they do that?
the jury must also be wondering about Hillary being no one is investigating her. and how come its ok for her to have gotten away with so much in comparison to Manforte who looks like an innocent 4 year old child compared to Hillary
the jury must also be wondering about Hillary being no one is investigating her. and how come its ok for her to have gotten away with so much in comparison to Manforte who looks like an innocent 4 year old child compared to Hillary

LOL Everyone looks like a babe in the woods compared to Hitlery.
the jury must also be wondering about Hillary being no one is investigating her. and how come its ok for her to have gotten away with so much in comparison to Manforte who looks like an innocent 4 year old child compared to Hillary

LOL Everyone looks like a babe in the woods compared to Hitlery.
right, did Man Oh Fort take in a billion in donations and not do anything illegal with the funds?
you never know, but asking what reasonable doubt is, seems like a good sign for the defense.

That apparently is a common question for juries to ask.

It's now being reported that the jury is asking the judge "what if we can't come to a consensus on one count." That suggests that they are almost done.
you never know, but asking what reasonable doubt is, seems like a good sign for the defense.

That apparently is a common question for juries to ask.

It's now being reported that the jury is asking the judge "what if we can't come to a consensus on one count." That suggests that they are almost done.
well it will be interesting to see how it shakes out.
Mueller may have over-played his hand already, coming across as vindictive, refusing to give up if he is found guilty by already releasing news that he is considering filing more charges against him.

In my mind, this is a make-or-break case for Mueller. If the jury comes back with a verdict of "GUILTY' Mueller has his 'Scooter Libby' conviction - a conviction for a crime that has nothing to do with why he was assigned Lead Counsel or what he was tasked to investigate.

If the jury comes back with a verdict of 'NOT GUILTY' then Mueller needs to move on.

This case had nothing to do with what he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate - Russian Interference, the impact of Russian Interference in the 2016 election, and / or to investigate if Trump illegally colluded with the Russians. As it had nothing to do with those things he should have handed this trial / case over to the DOJ for prosecution so he could get back to his own investigating.

If found 'Not Guilty', any pursuing of other potential crimes NOT having to do with Russian Interference, the impact of Russian Interference in the 2016 election, and / or to investigate if Trump illegally colluded with the Russians should - again - be left to the DOJ to pursue so he can - again - get back to his own investigation.

If he chooses not to and 'doubles-down' on going after Manafort for something not part of his investigation it will only make Mueller look frustrated, pissed, vindictive, and intent on taking SOMEONE down.

Was just watching the news.

The jury is hung up on one of the counts. Judge told them to head back in and try to resolve it.

Wouldn't surprise me to get a hung jury on this. case.

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