Manchin and Sinema....Profiles in courage

Man I don't care who you are you have to love these kind of people.....they are willing to risk it all for their standards and their voting base. Just this morning I set up permanent and recurring donation-bots to both and I am encouraging all of my conservative friends to do the same. Sinema it is Rumored may have higher aspirations.

Hell If she swaps parties she could actually run for the 2024 Nomination and take it. Maxine waters, one of the most corrupt and obnoxious demo-thieves in the history of the Klan Party to date had promised to take both of them out! Maxine Waters went on MSNBC and declared war on two fellow Democrats Way to go team player everybody that progressive tolerance you've made so much money off of!

This is where conservatives shine baby......Sinema could easily pull the middle and conservative votes in a national contest.....not to mention she is a women. Not sure about Manchin....he hasn't mentioned anything about going national.

I don't know if it's courage, or opportunistic grandstanding. But I'm glad they're holding the line.
You are, at the least, uninformed. Joe Manchin's wealth comes from one place, his energy supply company. Which basically sells one thing, waste coal. It is called waste coal, or "gob" in West Virginia. It is discards from the coal industry, less carbon that real coal, high mositure content, and is less voilitile. It burns like wood but with less heat, more ash, and more smoke. All the engineers believe the best use of waste coal is as a filler for land reclamation. It is not worth burning. But Joe's company buys it for $16 a ton and sells it to power plants at the market rate of REAL coal. How do they do that?

Well, I know how all you righties like to bitch and moan about clean energy initiatives. But here is the thing, those power companies first of all get a special reprieve from pollution requirements. Marshal, where I drive by every day, could not legally burn Joe's nasty ass coal. But there are plants in West Virginia that can, because of exemptions granted by legislation. And worse, for every bit of power generated by burning that shit those power companies get credit as if it came from a clean source. How damn insulting.

So there is your Joe in all his glory. Uses the government to allow him to sell a product that should never be burned in the first place at an extraordinary profit, subjecting the residents of West Virginia to levels of emissions that are normally outlawed resulting in the highest asthma rates IN THE FUCKING COUNTRY. I mean you really believe he gives two shits about his constituents? I mean I agree, Democrats are stupid, because if they had any sense whatsoever they would be attacking Manchin's business with legislation preventing the burning of "gob", and he could go back to selling carpet.
Oh fuck you duplicitous asshole. The biggest goddamned reprieve given is to the CCP and it is given by our own corrupt Federal Government. Right now it's Joey Boy And Warren who are cashing in on the coal sales you dip wit political hack. I know exactly where Manchin made his money and no I am not uninformed. Manchin knows all about the Biden-Buffet deal to sell triple price coal to China on Warren's rail...They are lucky he has at least some loyalty to them or he could scream it out loud on national TV.

Why the Hell should he turn his back on a generations deep traditional blue collar staple for the bullshit EPA which looks the other way while China is almost doubling their coal capacity every 18 months? The EPA could step in and stop Buffett's railroad but they won't because they're already bought and paid for. Hell if they can claim that a smokestack 150 mi away on another state is a danger to its neighbor they sure as hell can claim that thousands of smokestacks across the Pacific are a danger to an entire continent. He's going to sell out an entire industry in return for a few highways and and a couple hospitals? Fuck you...fuck the horse you rode in on...fuck your lysenkoist environmental science but more than anything else FUCK YOUR DISHONESTY. So Manchin makes a few bucks in the commodities end?
I'll bet those kilowatt hours are still cheaper for the people of that state than the green phonies they're selling us up in the Northeast here.
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