Man... Eagle... Lion... Bull...


Gold Member
Apr 27, 2014


What is the spiritual, religious, or occult significance behind the tetramorph of the man, eagle, lion and bull? From Ancient Mesopotamia to Abrahamism to traditional witchcraft... this recurring theme is all over the place...

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Yes I played Skyrim, I get the reference. I was a high elf vampire lord badass who specialized in destruction magick, conjuration, and sword and shield combat, lol. But this is about actual religion not videogames so please don't derail this topic.
Those 4 things appeared on the Throne of God in the Bible. I think it may be a reference to God.

Yeah in Ezekiel's vision, the Glory of God (aka God's "storm chariot") is surrounded beneath by four living creatures, each with four wings and four heads... the head of a man, a lion, an ox/ bull, and an eagle. I believe they are referred to elsewhere as Cherubim.

This tetramorph has also been used to symbolize the four evangelists of the canon gospels... Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.

I was also reading and viewing all kinds of pictures of ancient Mesopotamian art and sculpture depicting various hybrids of man/ eagle/ lion/ bull...

Those 4 things appeared on the Throne of God in the Bible. I think it may be a reference to God.

Yeah in Ezekiel's vision, the Glory of God (aka God's storm chariot) is surrounded beneath by four living creatures, each with four wings and four heads... the head of a man, a lion, an ox/ bull, and an eagle. I believe they are referred to elsewhere as Cherubim.

This tetramorph has also been used to symbolize the four evangelists of the canon gospels... Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.

But I was also reading and viewing all kinds of pictures of ancient Mesopotamian art and sculpture depicting various hybrids of man/ eagle/ lion/ bull...

They were symbols of power in the ancient world. The eagel is the lord of the sky, the bull is the lord of the field, the lion the lord of the wild.


What is the spiritual, religious, or occult significance behind the tetramorph of the man, eagle, lion and bull? From Ancient Mesopotamia to Abrahamism to traditional witchcraft... this recurring theme is all over the place...

Secular Web Kiosk: The Riddle of the Four Faces: Solving an Ancient Mystery

I've read all of that material before, but thanks anyway. Honestly the primary reason I created this topic is because I am painting Cherubim and was looking for ways to incorporate any symbolism I wasn't already aware of, biblical or otherwise.

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What is the spiritual, religious, or occult significance behind the tetramorph of the man, eagle, lion and bull? From Ancient Mesopotamia to Abrahamism to traditional witchcraft... this recurring theme is all over the place...

Scripturally, angels are supposed to have multi-faced animal heads.


What is the spiritual, religious, or occult significance behind the tetramorph of the man, eagle, lion and bull? From Ancient Mesopotamia to Abrahamism to traditional witchcraft... this recurring theme is all over the place...
Scripturally, angels are supposed to have multi-faced animal heads.

Well, Cherubim do, know of any others? I know Seraphim are supposed to have six wings and are sometimes perceived as draconic in appearance, I think from some interpretation of "Seraph" as "fiery flying serpents", or something like that. What do you think of the Book of Enoch? The Prince of the Cherubim doesn't fit the desciption of a Cherubim at all, but is described as something almost beyond comprehension...

"Kerubiel is about seven Heavens tall with a body made of burning coals that is covered with thousands of eyes. His face is made of fire, his eyes sparks of light, and his lashes are lightning bolts. Fire spews forth with every word that he speaks and he is covered with wings from head to toe. Thunder, lightning, and earthquakes are his constant companions..."


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