Mall of America Welcomes First Black Santa -- Racists Lose Their Goddamn Minds

Dozens of Santas cycle through Twin Cities shopping centers each year, spreading joy to children who entrust them with their holiday wish lists. What has been missing from that experience, some parents say, was a Kriss Kringle who represented a wider swath of believers.

This week, for the first time in the Mall of America’s 24-year history, a black Santa will greet families for annual Christmas photos.

“This is a long time coming,” said Landon Luther, co-owner of the Santa Experience, which has run the intimate photo studio at the mall for 10 years. “We want Santa to be for everyone, period.”

Mall of America welcomes its first black Santa

The comments on the article got so bad that the Star Tribune was forced to turn comments off.

Scott Gillespie on Twitter

Good show, conservatives. You really are a bunch of low class assholes.
how do you know they are conservatives?.....liberals can be just as racist....and please dont tell me they are not....
Calling black people "people shaped apes" is a classic alt-right comment. Just ask Odium and Steve_McGarrett.
ok.....are liberals incapable of being the same?...i worked with enough to know that many are just as racist....
Some comments on CBS






Looks like a bunch of RACIST PROGS. Conservatives don't pay attention to CBS.
Yes, I noticed one of the racist assholes from the alt. Right was named Laquisha. Roflmao. Nice try. No rice crispies.
Dozens of Santas cycle through Twin Cities shopping centers each year, spreading joy to children who entrust them with their holiday wish lists. What has been missing from that experience, some parents say, was a Kriss Kringle who represented a wider swath of believers.

This week, for the first time in the Mall of America’s 24-year history, a black Santa will greet families for annual Christmas photos.

“This is a long time coming,” said Landon Luther, co-owner of the Santa Experience, which has run the intimate photo studio at the mall for 10 years. “We want Santa to be for everyone, period.”

Mall of America welcomes its first black Santa

The comments on the article got so bad that the Star Tribune was forced to turn comments off.

Scott Gillespie on Twitter

Good show, conservatives. You really are a bunch of low class assholes.
how do you know they are conservatives?.....liberals can be just as racist....and please dont tell me they are not....
Calling black people "people shaped apes" is a classic alt-right comment. Just ask Odium and Steve_McGarrett.
ok.....are liberals incapable of being the same?...i worked with enough to know that many are just as racist....
Trump followers claimed they poached a bunch of Democrats. Must've been people like the type you worked with.
Nothing wrong with calling conservative pussies names that will piss them off
I'll help you out. He. a tolerant libtard. calls those he disagrees with "faggot."

Is that "homophobic or not? Or do your rules only apply to straight white men?
Nothing wrong with calling conservative pussies names that will piss them off
I'll help you out. He. a tolerant libtard. calls those he disagrees with "faggot."

Is that "homophobic or not? Or do your rule only apply to straight white men?
Does it infuriate you to be compared to a gay person? If so, then I approve of him calling you a faggot.
Dozens of Santas cycle through Twin Cities shopping centers each year, spreading joy to children who entrust them with their holiday wish lists. What has been missing from that experience, some parents say, was a Kriss Kringle who represented a wider swath of believers.

This week, for the first time in the Mall of America’s 24-year history, a black Santa will greet families for annual Christmas photos.

“This is a long time coming,” said Landon Luther, co-owner of the Santa Experience, which has run the intimate photo studio at the mall for 10 years. “We want Santa to be for everyone, period.”

Mall of America welcomes its first black Santa

The comments on the article got so bad that the Star Tribune was forced to turn comments off.

Scott Gillespie on Twitter

Good show, conservatives. You really are a bunch of low class assholes.

No telling whether the racists were republicans or democrats
Santa Claus is a fictional WHITE guy. Who's dumbass racist idea was it to make him a black guy? Let me guess, next year he'll be an Asian transgender.
I'm surprised Mall of America didn't roll out Muslim Santa to be inclusive of their Somali Muslim population. After all, Muslims are higher on the Liberal priority list than Blacks.

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