Making talking "thin" a crime


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
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France has outdone Mrs Obama in dictating body mass!

Mrs. Zero tells your children what they're allowed to eat because, without her guidance, they'll get obese.

In France it's the opposite. The French despise "thin" and have made it a crime to encourage others to slim down.


Skinny catwalk models could be history as France makes it illegal to incite extreme thinness - Mirror Online

"France is set to crack down on glamorising skinny female bodies by making it illegal to ‘incite extreme thinness’ by encouraging people to diet."
"A new law voted through by MPs today is aimed at closing down websites and advertising that ‘provokes prolonged dietary restrictions’."

"Offenders will face fines of up to £35,000* and three-year prison sentences, the law states."

* $52,500 at current exchange rates
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France has outdone Mrs Obama in dictating body mass!

Mrs. Zero tells your children what they're allowed to eat because, without her guidance, they'll get obese.

In France it's the opposite. The French despise "thin" and have made it a crime to encourage others to slim down.

View attachment 38915

Skinny catwalk models could be history as France makes it illegal to incite extreme thinness - Mirror Online

"France is set to crack down on glamorising skinny female bodies by making it illegal to ‘incite extreme thinness’ by encouraging people to diet."
"A new law voted through by MPs today is aimed at closing down websites and advertising that ‘provokes prolonged dietary restrictions’."

"Offenders will face fines of up to £35,000* and three-year prison sentences, the law states."

Until fairly recently, no culture I'm aware of described exceptionally thin as attractive. Another way very thin is usually thought of in a given culture is 'too poor to buy good foods.'

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