Making Sense of the Iran Nuclear Deal: Geopolitical Implications


Officially, Barack Obama is still the president of the United States, but watching the politics around the Iran nuclear deal, you might get the impression that Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the free world this week.

The reason is this: Schumer has become perhaps the most important person in deciding whether the Iran deal can get past Congress. If two-thirds or more of each house of Congress votes to oppose the Iran deal, that would kill it. If they don't, the deal will proceed.

That means the vote is effectively decided by a relatively small number of Democrats who could vote either way. Of those swing votes, Schumer is probably the most important and most influential. He is a pro-Israel Democrat from New York. He is also very important in both his party and in the Senate, where he will take over as Democratic leader after 2016.

So what Schumer does here matters a great deal. He insists he is still undecided, but there are plenty of tea leaves to read suggesting he has already made up his mind (the tea leaves, as they often do, offer contradictory guidance on which way he'll vote). Here's why Chuck Schumer is your de facto president on the Iran deal for the moment, what it means, and what we know about how he'll vote.


How Chuck Schumer could sink the Iran nuclear deal - Vox
I remain confused------Obama has CLEARLY stated that either we do
"THE DEAL"------or we will have to do "WAR" -----can anyone out there
tell me why? Who will be the parties in this INEVITABLE WAR----and
over what ISSUE (s) will they be battling?
It is a fact that one way or another we must deal with Iran. Six world powers have reached an agreement with Iran on its disputed nuclear program after years of talks. A little research shows that Iran has good reason not to trust the American government. Our foreign policy has reeked havoc upon many countries, but few societies have been effected or suffered from our meddling as much as Iran. Those who are skeptical and view this as a weak agreement say Obama has again backed down again. An interesting thought to consider is Iran holds more cards than you might think because of ISIS.

One might say Iran holds the fate of Baghdad in their hands. If the Shia militias from Iran that are currently defending Baghdad waver both the Iraqi capital and the American Green Zone could come under fire from ISIS, this would be very embarrassing for Obama and our government. The bottom-line remains that if Iran does not halt and reverse its course any agreement means nothing. Iran can always ramp up its plans to develop a nuclear bomb at off site locations. The fact is if current trends continue in the future Iran looks to face a defanged and economically weakened America with less power in the region. Regardless it appears one way or the other we must deal with Iran. The article below delves into our history with Iran and where we go from here.
\not impressed. You can kiss shit------but not me. The libel that the USA sinned against Iran is comical. There is not an islamo Nazi shit hole in the world that does not so claim

Officially, Barack Obama is still the president of the United States, but watching the politics around the Iran nuclear deal, you might get the impression that Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the free world this week.

The reason is this: Schumer has become perhaps the most important person in deciding whether the Iran deal can get past Congress. If two-thirds or more of each house of Congress votes to oppose the Iran deal, that would kill it. If they don't, the deal will proceed.

That means the vote is effectively decided by a relatively small number of Democrats who could vote either way. Of those swing votes, Schumer is probably the most important and most influential. He is a pro-Israel Democrat from New York. He is also very important in both his party and in the Senate, where he will take over as Democratic leader after 2016.

So what Schumer does here matters a great deal. He insists he is still undecided, but there are plenty of tea leaves to read suggesting he has already made up his mind (the tea leaves, as they often do, offer contradictory guidance on which way he'll vote). Here's why Chuck Schumer is your de facto president on the Iran deal for the moment, what it means, and what we know about how he'll vote.


How Chuck Schumer could sink the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

He decided, he just wants to appear impartial .
\not impressed. You can kiss shit------but not me. The libel that the USA sinned against Iran is comical. There is not an islamo Nazi shit hole in the world that does not so claim

since when have you care what Muslims think, I quite sure some are very pleased with the deal.

Officially, Barack Obama is still the president of the United States, but watching the politics around the Iran nuclear deal, you might get the impression that Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the free world this week.

The reason is this: Schumer has become perhaps the most important person in deciding whether the Iran deal can get past Congress. If two-thirds or more of each house of Congress votes to oppose the Iran deal, that would kill it. If they don't, the deal will proceed.

That means the vote is effectively decided by a relatively small number of Democrats who could vote either way. Of those swing votes, Schumer is probably the most important and most influential. He is a pro-Israel Democrat from New York. He is also very important in both his party and in the Senate, where he will take over as Democratic leader after 2016.

So what Schumer does here matters a great deal. He insists he is still undecided, but there are plenty of tea leaves to read suggesting he has already made up his mind (the tea leaves, as they often do, offer contradictory guidance on which way he'll vote). Here's why Chuck Schumer is your de facto president on the Iran deal for the moment, what it means, and what we know about how he'll vote.


How Chuck Schumer could sink the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

He decided, he just wants to appear impartial .

who is "he"?
\not impressed. You can kiss shit------but not me. The libel that the USA sinned against Iran is comical. There is not an islamo Nazi shit hole in the world that does not so claim

since when have you care what Muslims think, I quite sure some are very pleased with the deal.

I did not state in my post that I care what muslim "think"----- I have no idea what "I quite sure...." means in English. I did not try to evaluate the reaction of muslims to the US/Iran "deal"----. You may be capable of some level of reading comprehension in your mother-tongue----but you have a problem in english

Officially, Barack Obama is still the president of the United States, but watching the politics around the Iran nuclear deal, you might get the impression that Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the free world this week.

The reason is this: Schumer has become perhaps the most important person in deciding whether the Iran deal can get past Congress. If two-thirds or more of each house of Congress votes to oppose the Iran deal, that would kill it. If they don't, the deal will proceed.

That means the vote is effectively decided by a relatively small number of Democrats who could vote either way. Of those swing votes, Schumer is probably the most important and most influential. He is a pro-Israel Democrat from New York. He is also very important in both his party and in the Senate, where he will take over as Democratic leader after 2016.

So what Schumer does here matters a great deal. He insists he is still undecided, but there are plenty of tea leaves to read suggesting he has already made up his mind (the tea leaves, as they often do, offer contradictory guidance on which way he'll vote). Here's why Chuck Schumer is your de facto president on the Iran deal for the moment, what it means, and what we know about how he'll vote.


How Chuck Schumer could sink the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

He decided, he just wants to appear impartial .

who is "he"?

Chucky boy Schumer, also he is probably going to keep a list of who votes what, because some punishment will be due if not following head Zionist vote.

Officially, Barack Obama is still the president of the United States, but watching the politics around the Iran nuclear deal, you might get the impression that Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the free world this week.

The reason is this: Schumer has become perhaps the most important person in deciding whether the Iran deal can get past Congress. If two-thirds or more of each house of Congress votes to oppose the Iran deal, that would kill it. If they don't, the deal will proceed.

That means the vote is effectively decided by a relatively small number of Democrats who could vote either way. Of those swing votes, Schumer is probably the most important and most influential. He is a pro-Israel Democrat from New York. He is also very important in both his party and in the Senate, where he will take over as Democratic leader after 2016.

So what Schumer does here matters a great deal. He insists he is still undecided, but there are plenty of tea leaves to read suggesting he has already made up his mind (the tea leaves, as they often do, offer contradictory guidance on which way he'll vote). Here's why Chuck Schumer is your de facto president on the Iran deal for the moment, what it means, and what we know about how he'll vote.


How Chuck Schumer could sink the Iran nuclear deal - Vox

He decided, he just wants to appear impartial .

who is "he"?

Chucky boy Schumer, also he is probably going to keep a list of who votes what, because some punishment will be due if not following head Zionist vote.

how old were you when you first knew that there were jews hiding in
the closet waiting to eat you?. Try to be honest----I grew up in a town full of sick little girls like you-----they "knew" by the time they were five years old-----especially those who went to that other school-----where the little girls had to wear cute little plaid jumpers every day
Bottom line is that the zionist juden Schumer chose Israel over his beloved Democrat party and what's best for America. ....... :cool:

Schumer has always been a thoughtful congressman-----the bottom line is that he understands that the Iran deal is no good for the USA and no good for the world-----because it provides those who worship muhummad al kanzeer with far too much option to EMULATE
al kanzeer in the same manner the kalbin are emulating him in
Syria and Iraq right now
Schuman waited until he knew Obama had enough congressmen to pass the Iran nuclear deal.

And then announced he was against the deal.

This way Schumer didn't offend the democrat party or his NY juden base.

Typical two-faced politician. ..... :cool:
Schuman waited until he knew Obama had enough congressmen to pass the Iran nuclear deal.

And then announced he was against the deal.

This way Schumer didn't offend the democrat party or his NY juden base.

Typical two-faced politician. ..... :cool:

oh gee----the meccaist khalb is practicing for the weekly
Khutbah Jumaat feces fling------good boy
I remain confused------Obama has CLEARLY stated that either we do
"THE DEAL"------or we will have to do "WAR" -----can anyone out there
tell me why? Who will be the parties in this INEVITABLE WAR----and
over what ISSUE (s) will they be battling?

Well that's a real good question now isn't it. I suppose the Iranians are going to live indefinitely under the strictest of sanctions, just like the US would if it were under the strictest of sanctions and isolated in in the world trade and treated as lepers. I also imagine that without Sanctions on Iran the Wahhabism cult of the Al Saud family will want war, since they want to rule the roost.
Schuman waited until he knew Obama had enough congressmen to pass the Iran nuclear deal.

And then announced he was against the deal.

This way Schumer didn't offend the democrat party or his NY juden base.

Typical two-faced politician. ..... :cool:

Got this email from Schumer:
"Thank you for writing to express your opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. After deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I decided to oppose the agreement.
I examined this deal in three parts: nuclear restrictions on Iran in the first ten years, nuclear restrictions on Iran after ten years, and non-nuclear components and consequences of a deal. In each case I have asked: are we better off with the agreement or without it?
The proponents’ overall standard is not whether the agreement is ideal, but whether having this deal is better than not having this deal. When it comes to the nuclear aspects of the agreement within ten years, we might be slightly better off with a deal. However, when it comes to the nuclear aspects after ten years and the non-nuclear aspects, I believe we would be better off with no deal.
Ultimately, I feel that that Iranian leaders will not moderate and their unstated but very real goal is to get relief from the onerous sanctions, while still retaining their nuclear ambitions and their ability to increase belligerent activities in the Middle East.

I greatly appreciate your concern on this matter and thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of further assistance on this, or any other matter.
Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator"

But I believe you are correct.
\not impressed. You can kiss shit------but not me. The libel that the USA sinned against Iran is comical. There is not an islamo Nazi shit hole in the world that does not so claim

Sure we did, and its time to realize it, Britain the most, stealing their oil and paying pennies for it. Even M. Albright agrees.
Schuman waited until he knew Obama had enough congressmen to pass the Iran nuclear deal.

And then announced he was against the deal.

This way Schumer didn't offend the democrat party or his NY juden base.

Typical two-faced politician. ..... :cool:

Got this email from Schumer:
"Thank you for writing to express your opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. After deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I decided to oppose the agreement.
I examined this deal in three parts: nuclear restrictions on Iran in the first ten years, nuclear restrictions on Iran after ten years, and non-nuclear components and consequences of a deal. In each case I have asked: are we better off with the agreement or without it?
The proponents’ overall standard is not whether the agreement is ideal, but whether having this deal is better than not having this deal. When it comes to the nuclear aspects of the agreement within ten years, we might be slightly better off with a deal. However, when it comes to the nuclear aspects after ten years and the non-nuclear aspects, I believe we would be better off with no deal.
Ultimately, I feel that that Iranian leaders will not moderate and their unstated but very real goal is to get relief from the onerous sanctions, while still retaining their nuclear ambitions and their ability to increase belligerent activities in the Middle East.

I greatly appreciate your concern on this matter and thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of further assistance on this, or any other matter.
Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator"

But I believe you are correct.

Spoken like a true Zionist, and Schumer knows this by reading into his Zionist crystal ball.

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