Making America For Americans


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Would this have occurred if Hillary had won????

"Supreme Court Allows Trump to Implement Income-Based Restrictions on Immigration
Regulations expand the pool of people who could be considered a likely ‘public charge’ in the U.S.
....rules that make it easier for the government to deny limited-income immigrants residency or admission to the U.S. because they use public-assistance programs or might use them in the future.

The court, in a written order Monday, granted the administration’s emergency request to start enforcing the rules for now, a move that nullifies an order by a federal appeals court that blocked the immigration restrictions while litigation was ongoing.

Foreigners seeking immigration status in the U.S. generally have to show they have enough financial resources to keep them from relying on government programs that assist poor Americans."
Supreme Court Allows Trump to Implement Income-Based Restrictions on Immigration

Everyone remember the lies from the Obamunists that aliens....including illegal aliens, couldn't benefit from food stamps?
Would this have occurred if Hillary had won????

"Supreme Court Allows Trump to Implement Income-Based Restrictions on Immigration
Regulations expand the pool of people who could be considered a likely ‘public charge’ in the U.S.
....rules that make it easier for the government to deny limited-income immigrants residency or admission to the U.S. because they use public-assistance programs or might use them in the future.

The court, in a written order Monday, granted the administration’s emergency request to start enforcing the rules for now, a move that nullifies an order by a federal appeals court that blocked the immigration restrictions while litigation was ongoing.

Foreigners seeking immigration status in the U.S. generally have to show they have enough financial resources to keep them from relying on government programs that assist poor Americans."
Supreme Court Allows Trump to Implement Income-Based Restrictions on Immigration

Everyone remember the lies from the Obamunists that aliens....including illegal aliens, couldn't benefit from food stamps?
You KNOW it would NOT have happened with the Hildabeast in charge.
This was the way the original laws were set up. You had to have a means of support for a certain time period, whether by family, sponsors or savings before immigrating. -
Beginning in 1893, Inspectors also served on Boards of Special Inquiry that closely reviewed each exclusion case. Inspectors often initially excluded aliens who were likely to become public charges because they lacked funds or had no friends or relatives nearby. In these cases, the Board of Special Inquiry usually admitted the alien if someone could post bond or one of the immigrant aid societies would accept responsibility for the alien.
Origins of the Federal Immigration Service
This was the way the original laws were set up. You had to have a means of support for a certain time period, whether by family, sponsors or savings before immigrating. -
Beginning in 1893, Inspectors also served on Boards of Special Inquiry that closely reviewed each exclusion case. Inspectors often initially excluded aliens who were likely to become public charges because they lacked funds or had no friends or relatives nearby. In these cases, the Board of Special Inquiry usually admitted the alien if someone could post bond or one of the immigrant aid societies would accept responsibility for the alien.
Origins of the Federal Immigration Service


Two things changed it:

  1. Progressives had been focused on forcing the “money class” to pay “in proportion to their ability to pay…’ which, essentially was the first half of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs - Wikipedia
    1. The Progressives launched a campaign designed to reverse this decision [

      , and that culminated with the ratification of the 16th Amendment, in 1913.
2. And the Democrats instituted the welfare-for-votes scam.

Obama even told illegal aliens to go and vote: "When you vote, you're" a citizen yourself."

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