Make your mark...spending problem or revenue problem

Revenue or Spending

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you'll see there are real similarities to the current financial crisis and resulting Great Recession.

how odd that the liberal was not able to say what the similarities were.

I'll tell you, in both cases the liberals interfered with the free market, primarily through the Federal Reserve. Bernanke's[world's acknowledged expert] words on the Great Depression: " you were right we[the Fed] caused it."

can anyone say with a straight face the the Fed, with an assist from Fanny Freddie, didn't cause the current crisis??
For the health care reform bill to be defined as "socialistic," it would have had to be a universal single-pay (by the government) plan.

give me a break. BO is a communist who had 2 communist parents. Any increased control the government has is creeping socialism. BO care is rampaging socialism. Communists don't understand competition so don't expect the insurance companies to compete any more than they do now. You are crazy to pretend BO's socialist/fascist take over is capitalistic.

You know what? Fuck you, idiot. My dog has more brains.

a perfect example of more liberal ignorance and violence. A liberal thinks violence will cover up her ignorance
The Federal Reserve didn't cause the meltdown either.

actually all now agree it did with an assist from Fanny Freddie
It seems the greatest economists and greatest newspapers on the left and right agree that liberal interference caused the crisis. Sorry.
Wall Street was just a symptom, not a cause.

"First consider the once controversial view that the crisis was largely caused by the Fed's holding interest rates too low for too long after the 2001 recession. This view is now so widely held that the editorial pages of both the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal agree on its validity!"...John B. Taylor( arch conservative, author of the Taylor Rule)

" The Federal reserve having done so much to create the problems in which the economy is now mired, having mistakenly thought that even after the housing bubble burst the problems were contained, and having underestimated the severity of the crisis, now wants to make a contribution to preventing the economy from sinking into a Japanese Style malaise....... - "Joseph Stiglitz"

If you still can't grasp what happened why not read "Reckless Endangerment" by NY Times person and see if you can say with a straight face that the crisis was not caused by liberal interference wit the free market.
Responsible people do not max out their credit cards on stuff they can get by without.
Responsiible governments don't either.

Responsible people do not borow money to gamble with in hopes they will get lucky.
Responsible governments don't either.

Responsible people of limited means go to the store, comparison shop, and get the best bang for their buck when they buy what they need.
Responsible governments of limited means do that too.

Responsible people of limited means spend money on necessities first and then, if there is anything left over they buy things nice to have. But when the money runs out, they stop spending.
Responsible governments do that too.

Responsible people of limited means don't hand over their money to somebody else who will siphon off one to two thirds of it for their own use and too often waste much of the rest.
Yet our government expects the people to do just that, and currently we have a President and some in Congress who think we should hand them over still more money to use in the same way.

Conservatives look at the rich who have trillions of dollars parked off shore lest a huge chunk of it be taxed if they bring it home. They look at the $3 trillion small business is sitting on in this country due to the uncertainty in taxes, interest, and regulation that has been a cornerstone of this administration. Conservatives want policy that will encourage both groups to free up that money and get the economy moving again.

Through onerous regulation, a healthcare plan only a socialist could love, and threats of still more taxes on those in the best position to start growing, expanding, and hiring, the President and some in Congress seem determined to keep all that money sidelined.

It is a spending problem. Not a revenue problem.
You don't seem to understand a simple poll.
I said PRIMARY problem. I didn't say all or none...that saying if you vote spending - then you think there is no revenue problem.

Geez...I thought people understood basic English and simple concepts.

You didn't, but that's definitely the tone of the debate, noting that the Republicans would rather default on the national debt than raise one red cent in additional revenue.

So I see you enjoy your Kool Aid blue. Your just like them.
It can also be said with equal "accuracy" that the Democrats would rather default on the national debt than spend one red cent less on runaway entitlements.

Except that what you're saying is not true. While Republicans have not been willing to agree to increased revenues, President Obama has made several proposals (linking Social Security COLA to chained CPI and raising the eligibility age for Medicare) that would reduce entitlement spending.
I don't know, you tell me. The idea was obviously not considered by the President. Think Stimulus Plan and Health Care Reform as two examples.

And besides, "no new" doesn't prevent widespread spending increases on "old programs".

Although increasing revenue would help the situation, it won't help in this case because Congress is not fiscally responsible and will continue to do as they have been doing and that is to spend more than every dime they receive.

I for one am not opposed to increasing tax rates. But, if you are going to increase tax rates by 5% and follow that up with an increase in spending of 7%, you have only made the problem worse. Go ahead and raise taxes. But, damn it, Congress has to figure out that when they do that it does not mean they can just increase spending as well. There in lies the problem.


That's completely and utterly incorrect. President Obama tried to introduce Paygo into one of the spending bills. It was rejected by Republicans. And it was Republicans that got rid of it in the first place.

So, you don't think the Stimulus Package or Health Care Reform are new spending plans?

Obviously he was not as interested in PayGo as he was forcing his socialistic ideas on health care into our laps. Or was it that he was more interested in giving the health insurance companies a huge and I do mean huge gift. What he asked for with reform was socialism. What he gave the insurance companies was a gift.


You know, you guys really need to pick a line of attack and stick with it. The same proposal can't nationalize the insurance industry AND be a massive handout to them at the same time.
You didn't, but that's definitely the tone of the debate, noting that the Republicans would rather default on the national debt than raise one red cent in additional revenue.

So I see you enjoy your Kool Aid blue. Your just like them.
It can also be said with equal "accuracy" that the Democrats would rather default on the national debt than spend one red cent less on runaway entitlements.

Except that what you're saying is not true. While Republicans have not been willing to agree to increased revenues, President Obama has made several proposals (linking Social Security COLA to chained CPI and raising the eligibility age for Medicare) that would reduce entitlement spending.

links? The only thing I've seen that he has submitted in the way of proposals was a budget in February so embarrasing that it got almost no Democrat votes in the House and zero Democrat votes in the Senate.
And in the 'you can't make this stuff up' category:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday strongly suggested that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race.

"I do not understand what I think is the maligning and maliciousness [toward] this president,” said Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”

Earlier in her speech, Jackson Lee said Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.

"I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one," said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

"Read between the lines," she continued. "What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?"

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black - The Hill's Floor Action

I guess she and President Obama were most complimentary of President Bush when they both voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006. And no doubt because he was white. :)

Obama said of that 2006 vote:

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure,” he said on March 16, 2006. “Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership . Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”
Gibbs: Senator Obama Only Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling in 2006 Because He Knew It Would Pass Anyway | Scotty Starnes's Blog

Robert Gibbs subsequently defended him by saying that 'he only voted against it because he knew it would pass." :)

I kid you not. You can't make this stuff up.
So I see you enjoy your Kool Aid blue. Your just like them.
It can also be said with equal "accuracy" that the Democrats would rather default on the national debt than spend one red cent less on runaway entitlements.

Except that what you're saying is not true. While Republicans have not been willing to agree to increased revenues, President Obama has made several proposals (linking Social Security COLA to chained CPI and raising the eligibility age for Medicare) that would reduce entitlement spending.

links? The only thing I've seen that he has submitted in the way of proposals was a budget in February so embarrasing that it got almost no Democrat votes in the House and zero Democrat votes in the Senate.

There hasn't been a formal proposal put forward, but it's been a part of the talks.

Over the past few days, Obama has shown that he’s willing to sacrifice Democratic sacred cows. He hasn’t released a detailed official plan; he’s too cagey for that. But sketchy reports of possible cuts have leaked. Among them: a switch to using chained CPI for Social Security (which would adjust the calculation of the Consumer Price Index in a way that cuts benefits); an increase in the age for Medicare eligibility from 65 to 67; cuts in student loans and reimbursements for hospitals; and the elimination of the cherished last-in, first- out accounting methods, which enable businesses to reduce their taxable income.

Why Obama Has Already Won the Debt-Limit Fight: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg
Spending. Under Obama Federal outlays have increased from an average of 19% of GDP to 25%. He is spending us into Bankruptcy. Balanced budgets (with deficit reducing surpluses) can be easily achieved if we cap federal spending at 18% of the prior years GDP.
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Spending. Under Obama Federal outlays have increased from an average of 19% of GDP to 25%. He is spending us into Bankruptcy. Balanced budgets (with deficit reducing surpluses) can be easily achieved if we cap federal spending at 18% of the prior years GDP.

An increase which is almost entirely due to:

a) retiring Boomers
b) increased spending on unemployment insurance

And the idea that we can cap federal spending at 18% of GDP is pure fantasy.
One overwhelming problem with the strange people who put down 'revenue problem'

Our government is borrowing money from CHINA... perhaps the biggest threat to our national security in the pay interest on borrowed money.

In case you missed it - our government borrows money to pay interest on previous borrowed money.
No option for it being both or neither of those problems?

Worthless poll, then.
That's completely and utterly incorrect. President Obama tried to introduce Paygo into one of the spending bills. It was rejected by Republicans. And it was Republicans that got rid of it in the first place.

So, you don't think the Stimulus Package or Health Care Reform are new spending plans?

Obviously he was not as interested in PayGo as he was forcing his socialistic ideas on health care into our laps. Or was it that he was more interested in giving the health insurance companies a huge and I do mean huge gift. What he asked for with reform was socialism. What he gave the insurance companies was a gift.


You know, you guys really need to pick a line of attack and stick with it. The same proposal can't nationalize the insurance industry AND be a massive handout to them at the same time.

Here maybe the highlights will help.

Maybe, just maybe, what he asked for was smoke and mirrors to get what he got? The chance to screw us all in the name of greasing the palms of those who put him where he is.

I used to think he was socialistic. Now I think he's more of the typical politician who knows who butters his bread (in this case the insurance companies) and is more than willing to sell his soul to get what he can get.

The "Problem" is a recession fueled by a contracting economy which had been bloated with consumer debt and overvaluation of financial instruments.

But out of the two choices, it's a revenue problem. Government revenue (as percent of GDP) is at its lowest point since about 1970. Sorry to all of you who have been taught that Obama is some kind of tax-and-spend machine by unscrupulous sources. It's really just not the case.

hummm...spending to what we are taking in is still very high, the issue is we have baselined our way into a hole becasue of the ongoing prgms that eat up dollars year to year.

yes that drop in revenue is killing us, but, even then, we need to do some heavy editing of prgms etc. that just take on a life of their own. and yes its not a 1 party problem, never has been.

the fact is we have a revolving door of allocators that come and og in congress and wh, thats why we have to cut into the 2012 and 13 budgets, I don't trust this out year cut plan, so much as the immediate cuts, because congress can change and poof, there it goes right out the door.

that is why we need the BB amend. yes I know there are some drawbacks, but we are heading for a cliff Cuyo, we have to stop them, any which way we can and not just for the next 2 years but down the road.
If I'm in debt I got 2 ways to go, cut spending or get more revenue by working another job. But I don't go to the rich guy living next door at gunpoint and force him to fork over some of his money. Which is what the gov't wants to do.

Look, if we were spending at 19% or 20% of GDP and it was spent wisely and effectively to create jobs then I could see raising taxes. But that ain't the case and everyone knows it. We're subsidizing people to NOT work, we're wasting tons of money through waste and fraud, and we're spending money on non-essential crap like high speed rail that will never be economically viable. IOW, the gov't is playing political games with our money and they want more. I say fuck 'em, make do with what you're getting now. Get back to me when the spending is below 20% of GDP.
I'm getting really sick of Bernanke. Being too lazy to do anything else is different from not being able to do anything else.

I think he meant pulling money out of stone.

There is absolutely nothing to stop the Fed from engaging in another round of quantitative easing. There is also no logical reason the Fed should be paying interest on excess bank reserves.

I don't understand the process as much as I should, but aren't the feds between a rock and a hard place as they try to keep inflation from marching upward in times of economic distress anyway?

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