Macron's Riot Police Deploy Semi-Automatic Weapons Against Yellow Vests


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Just imagine what happens when Putin does the same.But in case of NWO slaves like Macron or Merkel anything is allowed.

The deployment of rifles with presumably live ammunition visible through the magazine is an intimidating escalation as President Emmanuel Macron continues to lose his grip over France following nine weeks of country-wide protests by the Gilet Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement.

The Gilet Jaunes began as a demonstration against a climate change-linked fuel tax, which quickly morphed into a general anti-government protest against the Macron administration and the world's highest taxes. We're sure France's plege to send 1 billion euros to rebuild Iraq will help calm them down.

French Riot Police Deploy Semi-Automatic Weapons Against Yellow Vests As Macron Loses Grip On Country

With such guns pervert devil Macron fights against own people.


Bonjour, there are a lot of yellow vest hurt by the CRS here a picture that show Castaner the one who give the order to hurt the French people . the picture show so many of them where hurt by the Flash-ball

The yellow vest are not violent, there are " les casseurs" but the CRS hurt the yellow vest for no Reason sometime and i would said very often .

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