LYNCH: Transcript Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To 'Islamic Terrorism' Removed...

Irrelevant to the question you asked.
No I do not. .

Hey, you're the one that responded with instances of censorship... so then, if you don't advocate it, then what exactly is your point?

And "false equivalence" is not an answer.
In an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says that on Monday, the FBI will release edited transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando nightclub shooter to the police during his rampage.

"What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda," Lynch said. "We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State]."

Lynch: "Partial Transcript" Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed


From the official voice of ISIS-

Amaq News Agency, the “official” media arm of the Islamic State, has commented on the shooting in Orlando, Florida carried out by jihadist Omar Mateen that left at least 50 dead.

When the truth is staring the sheeple/progressives in the eyes....


They will deny it.

How can you have an intelligent conversation with that sort of mentality? :dunno:

You don't need to talk to the sons of bitches.

The GOVERNMENT must cease and desist the interference in middle eastern countries, They must cease and desist paying for their genocide.

Its fucking simple.

Quit derailing the thread.

Who is the OP?

Right, because they called Nidal Hassan killing 13 people at Fort Hood "work place violence," and they blamed burning down the American embassy in Benghazi on a video.

Only a fool believes what you claim.

The mating call of the leftwing retard.
Nope just the laughter of the non paranoid.

We've already established that "paranoia" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "facts." So, yeah, you are a member of the club that rejects facts.
what "we" are you referring to?
You and the voices in your head?
I've seen you post what you swear are facts, and inevitably they prove to be bullshit.
"We" is everyone who comments on your idiotic posts. You haven't proven a single thing since you joined this forum.
I don't give a shit of they edit or not . I do resent you treasonist right wingers who want to claim the gov is pro Isis somehow . It's all a deletion from the right to avoid the gun control issue .

I think being pro-ISIS would be treason, not those who criticize it. Obama does show all the symptoms of being pro-ISIS, including providing them with weapons.

You are pro ISIS

ISIS allows your friend BIBI to retain the Golan Heights

ISIS sells oil to Israel at great prices

ISIS is trying to remove Assad and install an Israeli puppet

I don't give a shit of they edit or not . I do resent you treasonist right wingers who want to claim the gov is pro Isis somehow . It's all a deletion from the right to avoid the gun control issue .

I think being pro-ISIS would be treason, not those who criticize it. Obama does show all the symptoms of being pro-ISIS, including providing them with weapons.

You are pro ISIS

ISIS allows your friend BIBI to retain the Golan Heights

ISIS sells oil to Israel at great prices

ISIS is trying to remove Assad and install an Israeli puppet


I think you addressed this to the wrong person. I'm not pro-ISIS.

So, you advocate this sort of thing?
Irrelevant to the question you asked.
No I do not. .

Hey, you're the one that responded with instances of censorship... so then, if you don't advocate it, then what exactly is your point?

And "false equivalence" is not an answer.
No, my response is damn you're ignorant ,
My support or non support is not relevant to the question: why not "print the truth".

The mating call of the leftwing retard.
Nope just the laughter of the non paranoid.

We've already established that "paranoia" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "facts." So, yeah, you are a member of the club that rejects facts.
what "we" are you referring to?
You and the voices in your head?
I've seen you post what you swear are facts, and inevitably they prove to be bullshit.
"We" is everyone who comments on your idiotic posts. You haven't proven a single thing since you joined this forum.
No that's all you.
You have no right to presume to speak for "everyone" mostly because you don't .
The only person you have the right to speak for is you and you always fuck that up.
Only true idiots would give you permission , spoken or implied to speak for them.
I don't give a shit of they edit or not . I do resent you treasonist right wingers who want to claim the gov is pro Isis somehow . It's all a deletion from the right to avoid the gun control issue .

I think being pro-ISIS would be treason, not those who criticize it. Obama does show all the symptoms of being pro-ISIS, including providing them with weapons.

You are pro ISIS

ISIS allows your friend BIBI to retain the Golan Heights

ISIS sells oil to Israel at great prices

ISIS is trying to remove Assad and install an Israeli puppet


I think you addressed this to the wrong person. I'm not pro-ISIS.
Maybe not but you are pro stupid and pro Crapspiracy, that makes it just as bad.
He has been using avoidance throughout the thread.

So, you advocate this sort of thing?
Irrelevant to the question you asked.
No I do not. .

Hey, you're the one that responded with instances of censorship... so then, if you don't advocate it, then what exactly is your point?

And "false equivalence" is not an answer.
I don't give a shit of they edit or not . I do resent you treasonist right wingers who want to claim the gov is pro Isis somehow . It's all a deletion from the right to avoid the gun control issue .

I think being pro-ISIS would be treason, not those who criticize it. Obama does show all the symptoms of being pro-ISIS, including providing them with weapons.

Obama has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. He has assisted the Iraqis in turning that war around. ISIS has lost half the territory it claimed.

Obama is doing all that because he's pro-ISIS?

Goddam you and the rest of the Trumpbots have gone stupid.

There was no ISIS when Obama ascended the throne. Iraq was under the complete control of the Iraqi government. Obama flushed all that down the toilet.

True , there was no ISIS

Iraq was under the complete control of the SHIITES

Bush II flushed all the SUNNIS towards Syria

In Syria , with CIA , Mossad and Saudi Arabia help , the Sunnis became the "Syrian Resistance" determined to remove Shiite Assad by any means necessary.

With Syria in a "civil war" Bibi had a pretext to keep the Golan Heights.

I don't give a shit of they edit or not . I do resent you treasonist right wingers who want to claim the gov is pro Isis somehow . It's all a deletion from the right to avoid the gun control issue .

I think being pro-ISIS would be treason, not those who criticize it. Obama does show all the symptoms of being pro-ISIS, including providing them with weapons.

You are pro ISIS

ISIS allows your friend BIBI to retain the Golan Heights

ISIS sells oil to Israel at great prices

ISIS is trying to remove Assad and install an Israeli puppet


I think you addressed this to the wrong person. I'm not pro-ISIS.

You think you are not , but you are. You are an ISRAEL FIRSTER, ISIS is helping your people.

Playing that part of the recording would do anything but hurt the Jihadists feelings. They would probably use it to help recruit others. Why would you want to help them do that?

The people whose feelings it would hurt are Lynch, Hillary and Obama.

What purpose do you think they have in not releasing the tape? Everybody already knows what he said.

Hmmmm, do you suppose that it's because they are embarrassing to Obama's pro-ISIS agenda?

No,but how could that nut wanting to be a terrorist imply that Obama's agenda was pro-ISIS?

Obama claimed he had terrorism under control when he ran in 2012, dumbass.

You really want to try using that as an excuse, you idiot? You just want to whine,

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