Love to see the republicans prosecute every fbi agent within a rocks throw of jan6


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
but it will never happen from that spineless bunch
Prevailng attitude seams to be, if you were there you're automatically guilty. So the goose is good for the gander

but it will never happen from that spineless bunch
Prevailng attitude seams to be, if you were there you're automatically guilty. So the goose is good for the gander

Which one should be arrested for being FBI?
Put down the excuses.

Trump campaigned on weaponizing the DoJ and sending them after Hillary Clinton. You guys were okay with it then.
Ok with it?

That's the understatement of the year.

They chanted "lock her up" in joyous glee at Trump's rallys and other events like a bunch of high school cheerleaders.

They were practically begging Trump to win, investigate Hillary for things she has already been investigated for, and throw her in gitmo.

Fascism is what they want.
but it will never happen from that spineless bunch
Prevailng attitude seams to be, if you were there you're automatically guilty. So the goose is good for the gander

This is a Mistake for the dimocraps. Their version of The Stasi arresting a Journo? Bad news. Journos stick together.

For dimocrap scum, it's December 1944 and their National Socialist Masters have one final push left in them.

This is dimocrap scum sending their Panzers, their Tiger and Panther Tanks along with their best troops into a head-long Offensive against the American People. They're gambling it all on this one election. They either win or they are done, finished as a political party forever.

And they know it.

And I can't wait for The Reckoning to begin.

Prevailng attitude seams (sic) to be, if you were there you're automatically guilty.
  • The Democrat's police state is an active threat to the citizens of the USA
  • I have lost all respect for the FBI.
  • This is dimocrap scum sending their Panzers,.... their Tiger Tanks along with their best troops into a head-long Offensive against the American People.

I love this bar!!
I got a good life. Worked hard for it. Tried to do most things right.
And, in old age, life got even better.
So I come onto this social media venue and see how really really bad other folks have it. How grievance filled, angry, resentful, fearful, and suspicious they are. How they live their lives under that Chicken-Little-ism of their sky is ALWAYS falling.

Man o man, it's gotta be tough being them.
We all wish them better and more success in their life, and in their families lives.
Happy Festivus!


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