Louisville Shooter was a Trump hating lib

That anyone thinks a crazy person's politics is pertinent, especially when they've shot a bunch of folks, just boggles my mind...
Yep, the asshole was afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just many of the Moon Bat assholes that post on this forum.

If a crazy person kills a lot of people BECAUSE of their politics it stands to reason that those views are pertinent.

How does it happen that the latest slew of mass shooters have all been hard leftist kooks?

The coincidence is hard to ignore, don't you think?

Though I am a firm supporter of the 2nd, and I lean right of center, I am of the opinion that once a person crosses the threshold into irrational behavior, like murdering a bunch of people, their politics, right or left, don't mean diddly squat.

But that's just my opinion.
Sure.. a white midwest male banker, a graduate of University of Alabama, masters in Finance, with He/Him pronouns is a raging liberal and wanted to show his politcs by shooting people at work. You guys are morons.
Nah, hating Trump is not a qualifier for shooting-up a bank.....Something must have went south between him and the bank management.....Old school "going postal" is more like it.....Known today as workplace violence.

I don't think that there is much more to see here.
The 2A lives!!
You're American, so thick as fuck with guns and regulations. Regulations don't grab guns, your own conduct determines how suitable you are to own and use a gun. It's a proven fact that American gun nuts would fail basic back ground checks to see if they're mentally stable enough to own and use a gun. They're too dangerous.
Though I am a firm supporter of the 2nd, and I lean right of center, I am of the opinion that once a person crosses the threshold into irrational behavior, like murdering a bunch of people, their politics, right or left, don't mean diddly squat.

But that's just my opinion.
And you're entitled to it.

That said, it's increasingly hard to ignore that all these mentally ill mass shooters of the last several years have extremist left politics.

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