Loudoun County, who is at the fight for no trans and no CRT

And here ^^^ we have a leftist who doesn’t believe that a girl was raped, EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CONVICTED, and denigrates this poor child along with her father, She instead sides with the rapist.

That, in a nutshell, is the mindset of a radical leftist.
Some people intentionally keep their heads in the sand. If they were to actually pay attention their positions would suddenly not make sense.
So what you're condoning means if some parents want religious beliefs taught in schools you're OK with that as long as it originates in a PTA letter?
This ISN'T about ANYTHING "being taught in schools". This was directed FROM parents TO parents

Jesus dude. Keep up with your own links
I wish we had a basic knowledge test before allowing some of the idiots to vote. In my discussions with liberals, I am shocked by how little they actually know about what’s going on.
Honey...we've read your posts. By that logic YOU would be prevented from voting
Angry parents battling over critical race theory at rallies, outside school buildings and in rival Facebook groups. A teacher suing the school system after he was suspended for refusing to use transgender students’ pronouns. A raucous school board meeting that began with dueling protests over transgender rights and culminated in an arrest.

Loudoun County, a wealthy and diversifying slice of purple-turning-blue suburban Northern Virginia, is fast becoming the face of the nation’s culture wars.

“It’s unsettling to say the least, especially because it seems everybody is armed to the teeth these days,” said longtime resident Tom Mulrine, 77, who is White. “This could spark something.”

“It’s shameful,” said Wendall T. Fisher, 67, who said he was the first Black elected member of the Loudoun County School Board — and the only to date. “It’s just shameful.”

Loudoun is not the only place where furor over critical race theory, or CRT, is taking off. Conservative activists and pundits across the United States have weaponized the theory — a decades-old academic framework that holds that racism is woven into the country’s past and institutions — to claim that equity-conscious school systems are teaching children to hate one another, and White children to hate themselves.

What is critical race theory, and why do Republicans want to ban it in schools?

Politicians throughout the nation are responding: Republican-led legislatures in Idaho, Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas and Oklahoma have passed bills banning the teaching of certain race-related issues in schools.

Loudoun school officials have defended the district’s equity work and say it is not teaching critical race theory to students.

At the same time, lawmakers are pushing a raft of bills meant to restrict the rights of transgender students — the focus of a second, ongoing national conflagration. Some proposed measures would keep transgender girls from playing on girls’ sports teams, while others would bar doctors from giving hormones or gender-affirming surgeries to teenagers.

Nowhere in the country have both cultural fights so crystallized as in Loudoun, a county of roughly 420,000 just outside the nation’s capital, where the median income was $142,299 in 2019 (more than twice the national average). The brouhaha, especially the recent arrest at the School Board meeting, has left residents of all races, political loyalties and religious beliefs lamenting the disruption and discourtesy.

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The Loudoun County Public Schools board cut short the public comment section of a school board meeting on June 22 after attendees became unruly. (Loudoun County School Board)

But none say they are surprised.

Some say it’s obvious why the county is stuck in the spotlight: It’s a wealthy place, where parents have resources to spare for advocacy campaigns. It’s populated by government professionals with media savvy and political ambitions. And the county has a long history of racial hatred: It was a hotbed of Confederate resistance, and its schools and community sites were among the last in the nation to desegregate.

It is also a place in transition; the population increased about 150 percent over the past 20 years. A huge reason for the rise is an influx of families of color: Although Loudoun was about 85 percent White in 2000, it was barely 60 percent White in 2020.
The politics are changing, too, in line with these demographic trends and with Virginia’s shifting landscape, switching from deep red to ever-deepening blue.

The pandemic — which forced parents inside and online, where they stewed in fear and frustration, then united in thousands-strong Facebook groups dedicated to advocacy regarding mask mandates and school reopenings — functioned like a lit match thrown on a rag soaked in gasoline, said Brenda Sheridan (Sterling), the Loudoun School Board chair.

“Loudoun was ripe for the picking,” said Sheridan, who is facing a recall campaign. “For somebody to just come and start a fire here.”

In Virginia governor’s race, a raging debate about education takes center stage


I copied it all as I know you need to get a subscription to read it. It's the white people, the parents are creating and continuing to making their kids racist. The white people want to go back to 1960, and it will never happen.
Its time to let children be children again. Its time to have a bit more conformity and a bit less individualism from children. Any decision on trans and other ways happens after high school graduation. That includes prom king and prom queen. We are still seeing a lot of the crap kids go through growing up even with this modern Prog agenda wonderland.
The boy admitted to it and was convicted.

It'd probably help if you actually knew the facts before spouting off and looking stupid
The "facts" are getting a little murkier over time.

Turns out the perp and the victim had a sexual history that included not only consensual sex in that same bathroom previously but sexually charged texts (that daddy likely found...sparking this)
The "facts" are getting a little murkier over time.

Turns out the perp and the victim had a sexual history that included not only consensual sex in that same bathroom previously but sexually charged texts (that daddy likely found...sparking this)

Read the last paragraph and then shut up


Read the last paragraph and then shut up

all i see he claimed he accounted someone in the school room.

"The juvenile court trial heard how the girl and boy were friends and had previously 'hooked up' with her consent, but that on May 28, he attacked her.

He also told detectives in some of his early statements that he 'stopped' because he knew he was 'hurting the girl', but also claimed the sexual assault only happened when his 'knee length skirt got caught on his watch'. "

Not that he raped anyone.
Read your own link.

This was sent out by the PTA. Do you know what PTA stands for?

PARENT Teacher Association

It's NOT being taught to kids. It's for the other parents

If it's not being taught to the kids, who can read the material, then is it being taught to the parents?

If it's being sent home with students it's approved by the school.
Read the last paragraph and then shut up

Did you read THESE parts?

The juvenile court trial heard how the girl and boy were friends and had previously 'hooked up' with her consent, but that on May 28, he attacked her.


The pair chatted daily on an app called Discord, according to the boy's attorney, and regularly discussed sex. They had met up in the girl's bathroom at Stone Bridge High School before, he said, to fool around.

Daddy found the texts and freaked out
If it's not being taught to the kids, who can read the material, then is it being taught to the parents?

If it's being sent home with students it's approved by the school.
What you are talking about is FROM parents TO parents.

IT IS NOT taught in school.

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