Losing One's Life to Liberalism....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"Helicopter Moms" hover over their little ones….they cling, cloy….smother.
Some of the kids get to the point where they scream ‘geeezz…I can do it myself! Just let me live my life, will ya???”

It’s not healthy for a person- or a nation- to be infantilized.

Now, you’re an adult…and some stranger opens the door for you…OK, ‘thanks.’ But when that becomes every day, and they insist on sweeping the path to your car as well…shouldn’t you start to as ask yourself ‘What the heck does this person want from me?”

They want to make you happy…according to their definition…your whole life. That’s Liberalism.
And it starts at breakfast with your children…..

1. We start ‘em young in dependency.. at the breakfast table! Principals responsible for increasing the numbers in the school breakfast program!!! Teach dependency, right up there with reading, math, discipline, and graduation rates.

a. “In a locally unprecedented move, the School District of Philadelphia will hold principals accountable for the number of students eating breakfast in their schools. Breakfast participation will be part of the report card that rates principals each year, along with categories such as attendance and math and reading performance.” In city schools, breakfast's now on the principal The head of each school will be held responsible for ensuring that students are well-fed. - Philly.com

2. School breakfast is now a universal freebie….regardless of need or family income!

a. “In Pueblo, school officials take a counterintuitive approach: They offer free breakfast to all children regardless of income, so no one is embarrassed to be eating it. In most schools here, breakfast is served right in the classrooms. …Feeding free breakfast to students who can afford to pay avoids the stigma for students who can't but don't want everyone to know. Serving breakfast in class means kids don't have to get there early to be fed, Kidd and other school nutrition directors say. Bus schedules, parents' work schedules, and, for high school students, the desire to sleep as late as possible make getting to school early for breakfast difficult.” Breakfast in class: Fight against kids' hunger starts at school - USATODAY.com

b. Did you get the part about not worrying about being late?

c. The winner in the food lottery is New Mexico, where some 63% of students eat two meals a day in school.

3. But, what about the ‘epidemic of obesity?? Doesn’t the evidence suggest that the problem is hardly a lack of food? No problem for the well-intentioned Liberal-lobby! Just invent a new pathology, a new euphemism! While the kids may not be hungry, or undernourished, they are ….ready? ….”food insecure!”

• "In 2010, children were food insecure at times during the year in 9.8 percent of households with children (3.9 million households.) In one percent of households with children,one or more of the children experienced the most severe food-insecure condition measured by USDA, very low food security, in which meals were irregular and food intake was below levels considered adequate by caregivers (Coleman-Jensen 2011, p. vi). "Hunger in America: 2012 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts

4. “In an effort to increase the number of schools with a School Breakfast Program the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), the University of Wisconsin-Cooperative Extension, and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board have issued the Wisconsin School Breakfast Challenge. The challenge is to encourage all public and private schools to implement a SBP if they currently do not offer one and to increase school breakfast participation by 50 percent in existing school breakfast buildings.”

a. Mequon-Thiensville School District was the affluent Milwaukee suburb named winner for increasing in-school breakfast participation by 110% over the 2007-2008 school year. This community had a median family income of more than $107,000. The mean value of houses in which said children do not partake of breakfast was $471,353. Sykes, “Nation of Moochers,” p. 80.

5. Based on the above, I look forward to the argument put forth by professional Liberalism, geared toward supporting the idea that the implementation of unnecessary programs is anything but an attempt to grow government.

a. The avalanche of transfer payments are accepted by the public only if they are trained to accept what William Voegeli calls ‘non-Euclidean economics,” in which taxpayers are led to believe that all the goodies are paid for by someone else….the welfare state manages the perceptions of its cost s and benefits to encourage them to believe an impossibility: that every household can be a net importer of the wealth redistribution by the government.”
William Voegeli, “Never Enough, America’s Limitless Welfare State,” p. 7.



Stand on your own two feet?

Sure...right after we run to get the 'free' breakfast.
still making up nonsense, PC?

don't worry, i'm sure the rightwingnuts will love it.

cool :thup:

you know, i'd think there are things you legitimately disagree with.

you should be embarrassed for your constant prevarication.... but i know you aren't.
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"Helicopter Moms" hover over their little ones….they cling, cloy….smother.
Some of the kids get to the point where they scream ‘geeezz…I can do it myself! Just let me live my life, will ya???”

It’s not healthy for a person- or a nation- to be infantilized.

Now, you’re an adult…and some stranger opens the door for you…OK, ‘thanks.’ But when that becomes every day, and they insist on sweeping the path to your car as well…shouldn’t you start to as ask yourself ‘What the heck does this person want from me?”

They want to make you happy…according to their definition…your whole life. That’s Liberalism.
And it starts at breakfast with your children…..

1. We start ‘em young in dependency.. at the breakfast table! Principals responsible for increasing the numbers in the school breakfast program!!! Teach dependency, right up there with reading, math, discipline, and graduation rates.

a. “In a locally unprecedented move, the School District of Philadelphia will hold principals accountable for the number of students eating breakfast in their schools. Breakfast participation will be part of the report card that rates principals each year, along with categories such as attendance and math and reading performance.” In city schools, breakfast's now on the principal The head of each school will be held responsible for ensuring that students are well-fed. - Philly.com

2. School breakfast is now a universal freebie….regardless of need or family income!

a. “In Pueblo, school officials take a counterintuitive approach: They offer free breakfast to all children regardless of income, so no one is embarrassed to be eating it. In most schools here, breakfast is served right in the classrooms. …Feeding free breakfast to students who can afford to pay avoids the stigma for students who can't but don't want everyone to know. Serving breakfast in class means kids don't have to get there early to be fed, Kidd and other school nutrition directors say. Bus schedules, parents' work schedules, and, for high school students, the desire to sleep as late as possible make getting to school early for breakfast difficult.” Breakfast in class: Fight against kids' hunger starts at school - USATODAY.com

b. Did you get the part about not worrying about being late?

c. The winner in the food lottery is New Mexico, where some 63% of students eat two meals a day in school.

3. But, what about the ‘epidemic of obesity?? Doesn’t the evidence suggest that the problem is hardly a lack of food? No problem for the well-intentioned Liberal-lobby! Just invent a new pathology, a new euphemism! While the kids may not be hungry, or undernourished, they are ….ready? ….”food insecure!”

• "In 2010, children were food insecure at times during the year in 9.8 percent of households with children (3.9 million households.) In one percent of households with children,one or more of the children experienced the most severe food-insecure condition measured by USDA, very low food security, in which meals were irregular and food intake was below levels considered adequate by caregivers (Coleman-Jensen 2011, p. vi). "Hunger in America: 2012 United States Hunger and Poverty Facts

4. “In an effort to increase the number of schools with a School Breakfast Program the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), the University of Wisconsin-Cooperative Extension, and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board have issued the Wisconsin School Breakfast Challenge. The challenge is to encourage all public and private schools to implement a SBP if they currently do not offer one and to increase school breakfast participation by 50 percent in existing school breakfast buildings.”

a. Mequon-Thiensville School District was the affluent Milwaukee suburb named winner for increasing in-school breakfast participation by 110% over the 2007-2008 school year. This community had a median family income of more than $107,000. The mean value of houses in which said children do not partake of breakfast was $471,353. Sykes, “Nation of Moochers,” p. 80.

5. Based on the above, I look forward to the argument put forth by professional Liberalism, geared toward supporting the idea that the implementation of unnecessary programs is anything but an attempt to grow government.

a. The avalanche of transfer payments are accepted by the public only if they are trained to accept what William Voegeli calls ‘non-Euclidean economics,” in which taxpayers are led to believe that all the goodies are paid for by someone else….the welfare state manages the perceptions of its cost s and benefits to encourage them to believe an impossibility: that every household can be a net importer of the wealth redistribution by the government.”
William Voegeli, “Never Enough, America’s Limitless Welfare State,” p. 7.



Stand on your own two feet?

Sure...right after we run to get the 'free' breakfast.

Poor kids get a healthy breakfast.

Time to declare rightwing Armegedden
still making up nonsense, PC?

don't worry, i'm sure the rightwingnuts will love it.

cool :thup:

you know, i'd think there are things you legitimately disagree with.

you should be embarrassed for your constant prevarication.... but i know you aren't.
What exactly is she making up?

everything... but given your proclivity to make up the same type of nonsense, i'm sure you'd be unable to figure it out.

how's your government pension and free medical care treating you, btw?

personally, i think our military should be treated properly, but given the great offense you take to any safety net, i'd think you should decline those benefits on principle....
personally, i think our military should be treated properly, but given the great offense you take to any safety net, i'd think you should decline those benefits on principle....

Oh no, such expectations are reserved for people on the left, like Obama, who should just pay extra taxes instead of endorsing a public policy that would effect everyone.
still making up nonsense, PC?

don't worry, i'm sure the rightwingnuts will love it.

cool :thup:

you know, i'd think there are things you legitimately disagree with.

you should be embarrassed for your constant prevarication.... but i know you aren't.
What exactly is she making up?

everything... but given your proclivity to make up the same type of nonsense, i'm sure you'd be unable to figure it out.
And yet, all we're left with is your say-so.

So...looks like you have nothing.
how's your government pension and free medical care treating you, btw?
It's not free healthcare. I have a monthly payment for coverage and copays for doctor visits and meds.

Perhaps you should do a little research.
personally, i think our military should be treated properly, but given the great offense you take to any safety net, i'd think you should decline those benefits on principle....
You've been paying more attention to the stereotypes spread among the left than to anything I've written. I have no problem with a safety net for those who need it, nor do most conservatives.

As far as me turning down my pension and health coverage -- don't they teach lawyers anything about contract law these days? I had a contract with the government: I serve 20 years and they give me a pension and low-cost health coverage.

I fulfilled my end of the contract. They're fulfilling theirs. Do you think I have a principle against contractual obligations? Why would I turn down benefits I earned?


Stand on your own two feet?

Sure...right after we run to get the 'free' breakfast.

Conservatives: only willing to look out for the welfare of children from conception to birth. After that, who gives a shit?
It’s not healthy for a person- or a nation- to be infantilized.

Yet it is healthy for a young child to eat breakfast.

still making up nonsense, PC?

don't worry, i'm sure the rightwingnuts will love it.

cool :thup:

you know, i'd think there are things you legitimately disagree with.

you should be embarrassed for your constant prevarication.... but i know you aren't.

The Demagog Party's penchant for empty promises is what is nonsensical. They think we're not smart enough to take care of ourselves so they offer program after program we can't afford. The GOP fights each proposal tooth and nail and they get demonized in the process, not because they're heartless, but because they're realistic.
Poor kids get a healthy breakfast.

Since you care so much how about you pay for it then? Oh that's right, I forgot, you folks are only charitable when someone else is footing the bill.

Last I checked it was the school's responsibility to educate, not parent. I feed my kid. There is no reason why other parents shouldn't be feeding theirs. The increased nannying by the government schools encourages continued parental neglect.
"Helicopter Moms" hover over their little ones….they cling, cloy….smother.
Some of the kids get to the point where they scream ‘geeezz…I can do it myself! Just let me live my life, will ya???”

It’s not healthy for a person- or a nation- to be infantilized.

Now, you’re an adult…and some stranger opens the door for you…OK, ‘thanks.’ But when that becomes every day, and they insist on sweeping the path to your car as well…shouldn’t you start to as ask yourself ‘What the heck does this person want from me?”

They want to make you happy…according to their definition…your whole life. That’s Liberalism.
And it starts at breakfast with your children…..


Do you support ending government funded school breakfast/lunch programs?
Do liberals ever sleep at night??

It's like they are awake 24/7 trying to think of new ways to get into other people's lives.

Demanding new laws about, what you can eat, what you can say, the car you drive, light bulbs in your house; the freaken list is endless. :evil:
Wow, conservatives are so compassionate towards poor people.
Do liberals ever sleep at night??

It's like they are awake 24/7 trying to think of new ways to get into other people's lives.

Demanding new laws about, what you can eat, what you can say, the car you drive, light bulbs in your house; the freaken list is endless. :evil:

None of those laws exist. Ok, the light bulb one does, but I'm sure you know that particular law was implemented by Republicans, under the Bush administration. :lol:
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Jillian sounds just like the Europeans who post here on the board. Free education, free medical care.
Our Government pensions and medical care is paid for by taxes,by employee's and employer's, FICA. They are not free.
Same with school meals. Paid for by taxes.
Do liberals ever sleep at night??

It's like they are awake 24/7 trying to think of new ways to get into other people's lives.

Demanding new laws about, what you can eat, what you can say, the car you drive, light bulbs in your house; the freaken list is endless. :evil:

None of those laws exist. Ok, the light bulb one does, but I'm sure you know that particular law was implemented by Republicans, under the Bush administration. :lol:
Look at the first word of my 3rd sentence. :doubt:
Jillian sounds just like the Europeans who post here on the board. Free education, free medical care.
Our Government pensions and medical care is paid for by taxes,by employee's and employer's, FICA. They are not free.
Same with school meals. Paid for by taxes.

Which is precisely the type of thing that taxes are for. Infrastructure, general welfare, defense.

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