Looks like the left has their new George Floyd. Jordan Neely arrested 42 times, threatening passengers.

1. My deepest sympathies to the former marine and his family.

2. Hope the cops patrol his home to protect him.

3. Hope he can raise enough money to get a good lawyer.

4. Maybe a plea bargain for manslaughter can result in a shorter prison term.

5. No wonder most subway passengers are loath to interfere when another passenger is being harassed or worse.
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

Let me ask you a question. If a black man had choked a white homeless dude to death, do you think he'd have been allowed to go home after a short talking to with police?

Obviously, this is not a police officer, so the same level of scrutiny doesn't really apply here that did in the Floyd case.

He might well be acquitted, being able to use the argument of self-defense, but it should still be investigated and there should still be a trial.

My guess... people won't get nearly as worked up about this one because we already see the homeless as disposable people.
I always go back to the imminent threat element. I haven't read anything that indicates Neely was armed and directly threatening the Marine, so that's why I think he will be charged with manslaughter although I personally think he did a really brave thing. The New York Democrats have failed the people of New York and this is just another example of that.

No issue with him restraining the guy.

Big issue with keeping him in a choke hold for 15 minutes. There had to be a point where it should have registered, "Hey, he isn't moving anymore, maybe I should let go."
Here's the first question. What has anyone done for this guy? He has mental problems. Was he treated for those problems, are there opportunities for such a person in this society? Does this society just abandon people like this because "fuck them all"?
This says a hell of a lot about the US, and I'm blaming left and right, Dems and Reps for how the US is turning into a stinking hole for people.

Well said, the homeless problem is a stain on our society, a combination of Republican indifference and Democratic activism. Neely should have been in a mental hospital. Instead, he was allowed to roam the streets until hunger made him act out.
Well, better get out on the street then to get all of those that participate in MMA activities arrested.

And no, they are not "illegal". They may be prohibited for law enforcement, but they are actually not illegal in and of themselves.

If they were, you would have the participants in almost every wrestling and many martial arts competitions arrested.
You’re wrong; they are illegal. Prohibited by official policy for cops but also illegal in NY. Look up “strangulation” in the NY Penal Law.
Let me ask you a question. If a black man had choked a white homeless dude to death, do you think he'd have been allowed to go home after a short talking to with police?

Obviously, this is not a police officer, so the same level of scrutiny doesn't really apply here that did in the Floyd case.

He might well be acquitted, being able to use the argument of self-defense, but it should still be investigated and there should still be a trial.

My guess... people won't get nearly as worked up about this one because we already see the homeless as disposable people.
We wouldn't have even heard of the story if a black man had killed a white homeless man. I don't believe the Marine will be acquitted given the current racially charged climate we live in.
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

The guy should never have touched the deranged criminal......now his life is over........the democrats are going to lynch him......
I think this case (just legally, not socio-politically) comes down to a set of question of how much force was reasonable under the circumstances and whether the suspect’s use of force were “reasonable.”

I have no faith at all in DA Bragg. But if some experienced prosecutors are analyzing the facts of this “case” in a neutral manner, then I suspect Bragg’s Office will charge the accused. It may not be for “murder.” But, my guess is that he will be indicted for some lesser form of homicide, like manslaughter or maybe even criminally negligent homicide.

If indicted, he could get a deal offer to something even lower. Or, we’ll then find out how much stones the DAs Office has. It’s a case which could go to trial; and even in liberal Manhattan, it’s not clear a jury of the former marine’s peers in the City would feel that convicting him was fair.

Is he a local? If not he should haul ass back to his own State, and if it's a Red State the local courts can tell NY to piss off on any request for extradition.
The annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is about 2:1.
But we never hear the Left-Wingers make a Black on White murder a political or racial issue.
They exploit these situations to enflame racial tensions.
The Media and Hollywood helps the Left distort reality.
This is why the Left lacks credibility.
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

Worshipping someone who killed a Black guy?
Whoda thunk it?

Because this was a civilian and the dead guy was acting in a threatening manner the, in my opinion is a death to lay at the feet of the Federal Government and cuts to mental health care going back to Reagan.

If this had been a cop, I'd say charge him with manslaughter.
We wouldn't have even heard of the story if a black man had killed a white homeless man. I don't believe the Marine will be acquitted given the current racially charged climate we live in.

You are right, we'd have never have heard of him because he would have been arrested and charged, and it wouldn't have anything more than local coverage.

But he still would have been charged.

I don't know if he's guilty or not, because I haven't seen the uncut video of the incident. But 15 minutes of a chokehold does sound excessive.
Yes, I've been telling people about why Proportional Representation is the way forwards and why FPTP sucks to hell for a long time on here, and mostly I get ignored. A lot of people love the fight, they love having two easy to define sides, and they love attacking the other side. PR would take that away from them.

Certainly PR would mean people voting for issues, rather than personalities as much. It'd mean more oversight, more ideas.

Why would the Dems or Reps care about mentally ill people? It's not a vote winning issue.

But with PR smaller parties might pick up on it, and it might just be something that then gets dealt with by representatives who represent REAL PEOPLE.
PR means the far Left wins every fucking time. No thanks. Real Americans like things the way they are.
I may get some abuse for saying this, but I tend to believe (based on the reports, the autopsy conclusion and the tragic outcome) that the former Marine probably failed to limit his use of force, as required under the NYS law of justification.

As a result, I don’t believe it would be improper to charge him with some form of “homicide” under NY’s Penal Law. My guess, given his apparent motivation to protect others, is that “manslaughter” would be the most appropriate charge. Maybe an eventual plea down to on “criminally negligent homicide.”

That Michael Jackson impersonating street performer maybe belonged in a psych ward. But he doesn’t deserve to be dead. And the law is supposed to uphold our collective valuation of human life.
PR means the far Left wins every fucking time. No thanks. Real Americans like things the way they are.

Really, let's look at that.

Well, you mean WHITE people are fine with the way things are. That means that only about 65% are.

And half of them are liberals, so really only about 33% are.

I may get some abuse for saying this, but I tend to believe (based on the reports, the autopsy conclusion and the tragic outcome) that the former Marine probably failed to limit his use of force, as required under the NYS law of justification.

As a result, I don’t believe it would be improper to charge him with some form of “homicide” under NY’s Penal Law. My guess, given his apparent motivation to protect others, is that “manslaughter” would be the most appropriate charge. Maybe an eventual plea down to on “criminally negligent homicide.”

That Michael Jackson impersonating street performer maybe belonged in a psych ward. But he doesn’t deserve to be dead. And the law is supposed to uphold our collective valuation of human life.

What have you done with the real BackAgain, you fiend?
Worshipping someone who killed a Black guy?
Whoda thunk it?

Because this was a civilian and the dead guy was acting in a threatening manner the, in my opinion is a death to lay at the feet of the Federal Government and cuts to mental health care going back to Reagan.

If this had been a cop, I'd say charge him with manslaughter.
The usual distorted BS from a Leftist hater. There is no part of my post that indicates "worship" I stated clearly I believe he will be charged with manslaughter. Anything else sonny?
Really, let's look at that.

Well, you mean WHITE people are fine with the way things are. That means that only about 65% are.

And half of them are liberals, so really only about 33% are.

What have you done with the real BackAgain, you fiend?
I speak my mind.

It always a cause for concern, though, when any of our more deranged liberals agree with me.
Then explain to me the MMA competitions and professional wrestling.

If that is your claim, then explain to me why none of them have been arrested.
For the same reason that professional boxers can punch each other with the clear and undeniable intent to cause physical injury. Outside of those sporting events, what football players and martial artists and boxers, etc., do to each other in their arenas would constitute crimes outside.
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

Were any of his crimes capital offenses?

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