Looks like Stewarts rally makes Becks look like a get together.


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Biggest crowd since the inaugaration. It is more of an entertainment event for independants and moderates as opposed to the far left or right rallys held earlier in the year. I think that it appeals more to a bigger group of people. Itd be interesting to be there except college football trumps this stuff by a mile.
The biggest since the inaugaration..... and your proof would be.... what? You opinion? Or do we get some kind of link?
Well aren't all the crowd estimates really just opinions?
Well aren't all the crowd estimates really just opinions?

They are now. Since the shit hitting the fan about the 'Million Man March', there are no official crowd estimates given. Those stats were provided by a Professor with 20 years experience in estimating crowds. These days, any idiot can make up numbers - there is nothing reliable.... unless, like me, you actually know the guys who research crowds for academic purposes.
Biggest crowd since the inaugaration. It is more of an entertainment event for independants and moderates as opposed to the far left or right rallys held earlier in the year. I think that it appeals more to a bigger group of people. Itd be interesting to be there except college football trumps this stuff by a mile.

How many people do you suggest were are Becks rally?
People are fed up just keep playing the same old retarded bull shit
Do not start whining when the democrats lose Tuesday because people are fed up with their shit.
I really don't know. it looks like a huge crowd especially compared to the last rally. This one has all sorts of entertainers though like the myth buster guys!
WHOA!! they just showed a big overhead shot and its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more crowded than Becks rally. I saw Becks rally too so this isnt opinion anymore. Way bigger crowd!
And likey hotter women are there than Palin onstage and middle aged overweight bagger women in the audience.
Biggest crowd since the inaugaration. It is more of an entertainment event for independants and moderates as opposed to the far left or right rallys held earlier in the year. I think that it appeals more to a bigger group of people. Itd be interesting to be there except college football trumps this stuff by a mile.

How many people do you suggest were are Becks rally?
People are fed up just keep playing the same old retarded bull shit
Do not start whining when the democrats lose Tuesday because people are fed up with their shit.

Becks crowd was pretty large. Ive been to a lot of college football games and I would say there were twice as many people than fit in the shoe. So like 200 thousand people. This is much larger though. Just look on CSPAN.
Call in sick. Say you couldn't get a sitter. Even better, say it was all an Andy Kaufman-esque spoof, a multilayered joke-inside-a-joke not only on the politicians and blowhards who hold rallies but on your own audience, which should have known better, and on Oprah and Arianna and even President Obama, who were all so quick to jump on the bandwagon. That would be gutsy -- and funny.

The case against Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity, by a 'Daily Show' fan
What I'm trying to figure out if any from the left or right think that the great unwashed that will be showing up Tuesday are really influenced by the rallies or their numbers?
Why is it BigReb is spending so much time to try and tear down a non-partisan rally?
The biggest since the inaugaration..... and your proof would be.... what? You opinion? Or do we get some kind of link?

From these pictures it doesn't look like many. And most do not look like they represent America or it's view

Jon Stewart Rally Live: Blogging to 'Restore Sanity' (photos) | TBD.com

He's not having the rally at the subway or in front of a hotel! That guy's just posting pictures of people coming into town.

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