Looks Like It's Dean


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Very interesting:


Dean Opponent Bows Out of Chairman's Race

Mon Feb 7,12:47 PM ET

By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Tim Roemer, the only remaining opponent of Howard Dean (news - web sites) in the race to be chairman of the Democratic National Committee (news - web sites), said Monday he's bowing out of the race — but he offered a warning to Democrats.

Dean, the former presidential candidate and governor of Vermont, is expected to win the DNC chairmanship at the election Feb. 12.

Roemer, a former congressman from Indiana and a member of the Sept. 11 commission, said Democrats must be more inclusive in their outreach to fast-growing parts of the country.

"I got into this race five weeks ago to talk about the devastating loss we experienced in November," Roemer said in an interview. "It was not about 60,000 votes in Ohio. It was about losing 97 of the 100 fastest growing counties in the country. If that's a trend in business or politics you're in trouble."

Republicans are in the strongest position they've been in since the early 20th century, Roemer said...
you would think they would pick Kerry over all the others...i mean, if they thought he could be prez of the whole country, you would think they would have faith in him to be the DNC chairman, the way they carry on about how he would be a much better prez than Bush.
Dean Likely DNC Chief, Rove Denies Involvement


by Scott Ott
(2005-02-02) -- Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, whose failed presidential bid in 2004 established the power of the Internet as a campaign tool, seems poised to assume the leadership of the Democrat party, according to a report in The New York Times.

As the news broke, White House political advisor Karl Rove released a statement denying any role in Mr. Dean's election as DNC chairman.

"I have no ongoing contact with Mr. Dean, nor influence with anyone in the Democrat party," said Mr. Rove.

Asked to explain how the opposing party could rationally choose a man who dropped out of the White House race after one of the earliest primaries, Mr. Rove said, "It's not like they have a slate of winners from which to choose. Dean's probably the best candidate and he may do a good job if he can overcome his name recognition."

The DNC chairman is primarily responsible for transferring millions of dollars from wealthy Democrats and labor unions, to advertising agencies, political consultants and delicatessens. The chairman also does frequent media interviews explaining why Americans overwhelmingly support the ideology of candidates who lose elections.
Is this true?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sitting politicians generally don't run either the RNC or the DNC. I was a Donnie Fowler supporter but am perfectly happy with Dean as party chair. He will bring a new energy to our party in terms of campaigning, something Terry McAulliffe simply wasn't good at.

Oh, I don't know. McAuliffe spouted every lie on cue, just like a good little parrot. I don't know how you can fault him for failing to sufficiently polish the turd that is the leftist agenda.

What do you figure - Dean's going to use some new, extra-strength Windex?
In my opinion, the big question is: How can a man who could not convince the Democrats to give him their presidential nomination--despite having the money behind him--now convince the American people to vote Democratic??????? Does this make good sense to anyone?
It makes good sense to me. Howard Dean ran a close second to John Kerry through much of the campaign, and created a large grassroots organization that he has kept intact. Running for President and chairing the DNC require two completely different sets of skills. The constituencies of the positions are totally different. His skill at grass roots organizing are what the DNC needs. McAuliffe's main problem was his lack of skill at grass roots and state-level organizing.

acludem said:
It makes good sense to me. Howard Dean ran a close second to John Kerry through much of the campaign, and created a large grassroots organization that he has kept intact. Running for President and chairing the DNC require two completely different sets of skills. The constituencies of the positions are totally different. His skill at grass roots organizing are what the DNC needs. McAuliffe's main problem was his lack of skill at grass roots and state-level organizing.


meaning he'll make a lot of bucks for Hillary ? Or is there a secret weapon out there somewhere?
It won't be Hillary. At least I hope not. I'm hoping our candidate in 2008 will be a midwesterner, someone like Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana, Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa, or my dark horse, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas.

acludem said:
It won't be Hillary. At least I hope not. I'm hoping our candidate in 2008 will be a midwesterner, someone like Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana, Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa, or my dark horse, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas.


I'm hoping you're right !!! Hope they have a platform other than "anything but a republican" too !
Have the Dems gone insane? Have they learned nothing after being trounced 3 times in a row? Howard Dean was (rightly) dropped for presidential candidate because he was a far left Northeastern liberal who couldn't get close to Bush in the polls. And instead of taking Hillary's cue and moving to the center, they make DEAN the spokesman of the entire party.
Actually if you look at Dean's record as governor, he's hardly what you would call a screaming liberal. He was endorsed for Governor by the NRA, balanced the Vermont budget, cut spending, cut welfare rolls, etc. He is a moderate who was painted by the right-wing propaganda machine, and then by the mainstream media, as far left because of his stance on the Iraq War.

uh huh. And what RW Propaganda Machine would that be? Is Karl Rove secretly orchestrating the NYT, CNN, and CBS? Did Dark Lord Rove plan all the anti-Bush hatchet jobs, laughing merrily and doing a jig with his cloven hooves for all the mischeif he's caused? :tinfoil:

Classic Dean quote: "I hate Republicans and everything they stand for."

Frankly, that tells me all I need to know.

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