Looks Like Impeachment Is the Only Option Now


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Squad is facing the Firing Squad.

The House Ethics Committee on Thursday released a trove of striking internal campaign communications sent in 2018 by Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, in which Tlaib urgently requested money from her congressional campaign to defray personal expenses — and, a government watchdog said, possibly violated federal law in the process.

The document dump was related to the committee’s ongoing ethics probe into Tlaib, which the panel said on Thursday would be “expanded” based on a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). Additionally, the Ethics Committee acknowledged for the first time on Thursday an investigation into Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings concerning a “personal relationship with an individual employed in his congressional office.”

Texts and emails released by the Ethics Committee show Tlaib frantically contacting members of her staff for financial help.

In one April 2018 email offered as an exhibit by OCE, Tlaib wrote that she was “struggling financially right now” and was “sinking.” She continued: “So I was thinking the campaign could loan me money, but Ryan said that the committee could actually pay me. I was thinking a one time payment of $5k.”

Tlaib frantically asked campaign for personal money, messages show, as ethics probes announced
She is not the only dem to be under investigation. But the left doesn't care. They are more interested in hearsay and feelings that could almost implecate Trump.
Dem's routinely ignore the law and there won't be any penalty for any of them. Look at the crap other Dem's have gotten away with. There's one set of laws for the people and a whole different set of laws for politicians.
Another case to laugh your ass off when a Democrat starts lecturing about laws of the land. Laws are something they use to hold everyone else accountable.
Another case to laugh your ass off when a Democrat starts lecturing about laws of the land. Laws are something they use to hold everyone else accountable.

A Mexicrat lecturing about laws, accountability and the constitution is kin to Charles Manson lecturing about God, morals and values.
Dems control the house and it’s punishment procedures for members. Nothing happens. Not that it would be any different if the spineless GOPers were in charge. A a minimal fine and strongly worded letter to follow.

I find it interesting that some still refer to impeachment when referring to congressional misdeeds. Do a little reading of the constitution, impeachment is not an available option.
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She is not the only dem to be under investigation. But the left doesn't care. They are more interested in hearsay and feelings that could almost implecate Trump.

speaking of hearsay and feelings...and, a government watchdog said, possibly violated federal law in the process.
The Squad is facing the Firing Squad.

The House Ethics Committee on Thursday released a trove of striking internal campaign communications sent in 2018 by Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, in which Tlaib urgently requested money from her congressional campaign to defray personal expenses — and, a government watchdog said, possibly violated federal law in the process.

The document dump was related to the committee’s ongoing ethics probe into Tlaib, which the panel said on Thursday would be “expanded” based on a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). Additionally, the Ethics Committee acknowledged for the first time on Thursday an investigation into Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings concerning a “personal relationship with an individual employed in his congressional office.”

Texts and emails released by the Ethics Committee show Tlaib frantically contacting members of her staff for financial help.

In one April 2018 email offered as an exhibit by OCE, Tlaib wrote that she was “struggling financially right now” and was “sinking.” She continued: “So I was thinking the campaign could loan me money, but Ryan said that the committee could actually pay me. I was thinking a one time payment of $5k.”

Tlaib frantically asked campaign for personal money, messages show, as ethics probes announced
It's not a crime when a democrat does it
She is not the only dem to be under investigation. But the left doesn't care. They are more interested in hearsay and feelings that could almost implecate Trump.

speaking of hearsay and feelings...and, a government watchdog said, possibly violated federal law in the process.
So you are saying that being under investigation because of the recommendation of office of congressional ethics is hearsay???
Why is the Democratic Party so corrupt?
Because our media will not hold them accountable...our media will not investigate or report democrat corruption....where there is a lack of sunlight mold will grow unchecked...same with corrupt behavior.....

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