Looks bad for palestinian supporters


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
In the final US presidential debate, both candidates are united in stronger support for our ally Israel. Can you imagine the ongoing daily suffering the Palestinian terrorist supporters in the USA will have to undergo if they choose to still remain living here?

Repeat after me - GOD BLESS AMERICA!
If I were Because, I think I would write in PFTinmore.

I see. So who ya voting for, the pro Israel AIPAC supporter Obama or the Zionist Romney?

Only until the elections.
He's voting for Hamas president Ismael Haniyah. He promised a suicide belt for every Palestinian child, rocket launchers on top of every Palestinian hut, even BecauseIknow's.[/QUOTE]
Sadly, every presidential candidate has to kowtow to AIPAC in order to have a chance of getting elected.

But if Pres. Obama get's reelected; he will have nothing to lose, and hopefully he will forget his promises about unyielding support for Israel and kick that rouge state to the curb. :cool:
In the final US presidential debate, both candidates are united in stronger support for our ally Israel. Can you imagine the ongoing daily suffering the Palestinian terrorist supporters in the USA will have to undergo if they choose to still remain living here?

Repeat after me - GOD BLESS AMERICA!
LOL. I'm sure the IslamoNazis were busy eating their soiled underwear as they observed the candidates tripping over each other to show who supports Israel more.
Sadly, every presidential candidate has to kowtow to AIPAC in order to have a chance of getting elected.

But if Pres. Obama get's reelected; he will have nothing to lose, and hopefully he will forget his promises about unyielding support for Israel and kick that rouge state to the curb. :cool:
Hey Sunni boy, as a filthy Islamic piece of shit Holocaust denier, what did you think when Obama explained how he visited Holocaust memorial in Israel to remind himself of the horrors of humanity? Bwahahahahah!
This is what you are supporting..not democracy but Apartheid in Israel

Here's a survey they just did in Israel. the "Jewish State"....

**Survey: Most Israeli Jews would support apartheid regime in Israel

Survey conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews, writes Haaretz. The survey was commissioned by the New Israel Fund's Yisraela Goldblum Fund and is based on a sample of 503 interviewees. The questions were written by a group of academia-based peace and civil rights activists. Dialog is headed by Tel Aviv University Prof. Camil Fuchs.

Percentage of Jewish public that wants preference for Jews over Arabs in admission to jobs in government ministries: 59%

Percentage of Jewish public that wants the state to treat Jewish citizens better than Arab ones: 49%

Percentage of Jewish public that doesn't want to live in the same building with Arabs: 42%

Percentage of Jewish public that doesn't want their children in the same class with Arab children: 42%.

Percentage of Jewish public that objects to giving 2.5 million Palestinians the right to vote if Israel annexes the West Bank: 69%

Percentage of Jewish public that wants separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank: 74%

Percentage of Jewish public that want part of Israel's Arab population to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority: 47%.

Percentage of Jewish public that supports transferring some of the Arab towns from Israel to the PA, in exchange for keeping some of the West Bank settlements: 36%.

Percentage of Jewish public that already believes Israel practices apartheid against Arabs: 58%. (Only 31 percent think such a system is not in force here.)

Percentage of Jewish public that wants Israel to annex the territories with settlements on them: 38%. Percentage that objects: 48%.

Israel gets worse and worse ......that would NOT have been so 10 or 20 years ago....
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Israel would find an incentive to offer the Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands to free them from Israel?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Israel would find an incentive to offer the Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands to free them from Israel?
and vice versa

jews back to russia, poland, USA UK etc

their great talents and energies would be so much better used in the west and much safer for jews there

not having to make war all the time or waste their best years in the army being sadistic to our pals

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