

Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
East Japip
Well you know how we all have been wanting and wanting a second dog but the hubs has been uh, reluctant?

Monday my two oldest kids and I went over to the spca (we often do that to bring donations over and to look at the cats/dogs). Anyway this little guy was being dropped off, owners moving and couldn't take him. He hadn't even been dropped off, the owner was filling out the forms and we . . well, we kinda took him home. :eek:

Hubs was not overly thrilled (didn't help that he had a really bad day at work). There were some issues and we weren't sure if he was going to stay or not (lol, the dog). Stupid asses we were in not getting the phone number of the owner but the spca humane officer is a super terrific guy (I've had interactions with him before) and contacted the dog's vet and the vet called the owner and I'm giving her a call later today for more info. We have the info that was filled out on the form but had he actually been dropped off they would have gotten more info/asked more questions.

The owner said he's 10 months old and a border collie/pom mix; the humane officer seemed to think he was more like 2 and not border collie because there isn't a white tip on his tail. ??? He looks like he has bc in him but hey, what do I know? lol I'll know more after I contact the owner.

Penny -- surprisingly -- is ok with him! For a dog that doesn't like other dogs she was so not bothered much by him. She was really 'off' on Monday but after we came home yesterday afternoon she was herself. Hardly any growling from either dog, no aggression. I just heard the new dog loudly yip . . I think Shadow just put him in his place. lol The cat still rules, eh?

Hubs was so much more accepting yesterday when he got home . . he smiled and was like 'he's still here?'. Makes live easier if everyone is on board.

His name was Bailey, which is a good name, but a) it's a bit too schmancy name for a boy dog and b) too similar sounding to Penny. Hubs got free reign to rename him. New name is Diogi (d-o-g), Dio for short.

He's little . . . maybe 25 lbs or so? He still needs to be neutered, vet checked and seriously needs a bath -- that's later today -- but after some bumpy stuff Monday/Monday night . . so far, so good.


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Back in the 70s had a Dog I named DeeOGee, too.

Of course the abbreviation of that name (Deo) means GOD in Latin.
If you are going to change his name, why not call him "Little Black Dog"? It has a bit of class!:lol:

BTW, I'd give you some new doggie rep but I get the message... "Too much rep handed out, etc., etc., etc...
Beautiful pound find.

I bet there is BC in that little guy.

He will learn a new name really easily.

He looks like a pound dog I got years ago.

That dog was the most wonderful ( wicked smart) animal I have ever had.

She was about 58lbs in her adult years.

The vet will be able to tell more about Dios age.

You can make jokes about AWWWWW Dios
Beautiful pound find.

I bet there is BC in that little guy.

He will learn a new name really easily.

He looks like a pound dog I got years ago.

That dog was the most wonderful ( wicked smart) animal I have ever had.

She was about 58lbs in her adult years.

The vet will be able to tell more about Dios age.

You can make jokes about AWWWWW Dios

Beautiful pound find.

I bet there is BC in that little guy.

He will learn a new name really easily.

He looks like a pound dog I got years ago.

That dog was the most wonderful ( wicked smart) animal I have ever had.

She was about 58lbs in her adult years.

The vet will be able to tell more about Dios age.

You can make jokes about AWWWWW Dios

A(aww)dios! :lol: I love that!!
New dog, two dogs -- keeping us busy! lol

Few mutli-dog questions for the pros here -- how long does it take for them to develop a 'pecking order'? Just curious. Penny has tried ignoring Dio, and also giving low growls. Dio wants to play and Penny isn't interested. Which is fine we're just trying to figure out when to step in and when to let them figure it out. He sometimes gets right in her face, tries to nip a bit here and there and she does her best to get away from him but he persists. Once or twice I've 'eh-ehed' him and he immediately stops. I know they're just being/doing the dog thing .. . they do eventually figure it out, right?

This morning at 5:30am hubs went into the garage (to :smoke:). Garage is right off laundry room, where Dio sleeps. Dio went back into laundry room and was laying on the floor, Penny went in to laundry room to wait for hubs (she has always done this), Shadow (cat) decides to go in and investigate and all we know is fur was flying and lots of squealing/yipping/noises no blood and we broke it up right away. All normal, right? I'm more questioning the dogs behavior vs. anything with the cat . . . Shadow will put Dio in his place.

Another thing ... Dio is housebroken but the first day he had two poop and one pee accident in the house. He was nervous and the poo thing . . . uh. let's just saying things are firming up nicely now. heh Anyway, we have a specific area in the yard, off of the patio, where that is the potty patch. Penny goes there whether on or off leash (rarely does she go elsewhere when off leash). Also, when the weather is rainy we put her on a leash that's hooked to a post, goes and does her business, comes back in. Yeah . . what a lazy lot we are!

Anyway, Dio peed and pooped in the spot on Tues but he is refusing to go at all there now. There are arborvitaes lining the side and another bush across from it but he won't go. He is really reluctant to walk on the grass -- yes, the area is clean but patchy 'grass', crab grass mostly with areas of no grass -- and he doesn't want to even walk on it. I take him out on his leash and make him walk there and all along the tree line and . . nothing. So far we're up to waiting 1/2 hour then coming in. He hasn't gone since 11pm last night when I was tired and took him out front to the the tree, where he immediately peed. Dogs!

It's been raining the past two days and the grass in the potty area is damp/dewy/wet so maybe that it part of it? If I take him past that 'crabby grassy' area he's fine on the grass. He is just refusing to pee there. He pooped twice there but that was on Monday/Tuesday morning when his nerves were making everything loose and urgent. On his walks he pees and poops, no problem.

Any suggestions on getting him to go in the backyard?
Well you know how we all have been wanting and wanting a second dog but the hubs has been uh, reluctant?

Monday my two oldest kids and I went over to the spca (we often do that to bring donations over and to look at the cats/dogs). Anyway this little guy was being dropped off, owners moving and couldn't take him. He hadn't even been dropped off, the owner was filling out the forms and we . . well, we kinda took him home. :eek:

Hubs was not overly thrilled (didn't help that he had a really bad day at work). There were some issues and we weren't sure if he was going to stay or not (lol, the dog). Stupid asses we were in not getting the phone number of the owner but the spca humane officer is a super terrific guy (I've had interactions with him before) and contacted the dog's vet and the vet called the owner and I'm giving her a call later today for more info. We have the info that was filled out on the form but had he actually been dropped off they would have gotten more info/asked more questions.

The owner said he's 10 months old and a border collie/pom mix; the humane officer seemed to think he was more like 2 and not border collie because there isn't a white tip on his tail. ??? He looks like he has bc in him but hey, what do I know? lol I'll know more after I contact the owner.

Penny -- surprisingly -- is ok with him! For a dog that doesn't like other dogs she was so not bothered much by him. She was really 'off' on Monday but after we came home yesterday afternoon she was herself. Hardly any growling from either dog, no aggression. I just heard the new dog loudly yip . . I think Shadow just put him in his place. lol The cat still rules, eh?

Hubs was so much more accepting yesterday when he got home . . he smiled and was like 'he's still here?'. Makes live easier if everyone is on board.

His name was Bailey, which is a good name, but a) it's a bit too schmancy name for a boy dog and b) too similar sounding to Penny. Hubs got free reign to rename him. New name is Diogi (d-o-g), Dio for short.

He's little . . . maybe 25 lbs or so? He still needs to be neutered, vet checked and seriously needs a bath -- that's later today -- but after some bumpy stuff Monday/Monday night . . so far, so good.

very nice ZB she has a real fox face;)

looks like shes got some ....papillon(?)
Well you know how we all have been wanting and wanting a second dog but the hubs has been uh, reluctant?

Monday my two oldest kids and I went over to the spca (we often do that to bring donations over and to look at the cats/dogs). Anyway this little guy was being dropped off, owners moving and couldn't take him. He hadn't even been dropped off, the owner was filling out the forms and we . . well, we kinda took him home. :eek:

Hubs was not overly thrilled (didn't help that he had a really bad day at work). There were some issues and we weren't sure if he was going to stay or not (lol, the dog). Stupid asses we were in not getting the phone number of the owner but the spca humane officer is a super terrific guy (I've had interactions with him before) and contacted the dog's vet and the vet called the owner and I'm giving her a call later today for more info. We have the info that was filled out on the form but had he actually been dropped off they would have gotten more info/asked more questions.

The owner said he's 10 months old and a border collie/pom mix; the humane officer seemed to think he was more like 2 and not border collie because there isn't a white tip on his tail. ??? He looks like he has bc in him but hey, what do I know? lol I'll know more after I contact the owner.

Penny -- surprisingly -- is ok with him! For a dog that doesn't like other dogs she was so not bothered much by him. She was really 'off' on Monday but after we came home yesterday afternoon she was herself. Hardly any growling from either dog, no aggression. I just heard the new dog loudly yip . . I think Shadow just put him in his place. lol The cat still rules, eh?

Hubs was so much more accepting yesterday when he got home . . he smiled and was like 'he's still here?'. Makes live easier if everyone is on board.

His name was Bailey, which is a good name, but a) it's a bit too schmancy name for a boy dog and b) too similar sounding to Penny. Hubs got free reign to rename him. New name is Diogi (d-o-g), Dio for short.

He's little . . . maybe 25 lbs or so? He still needs to be neutered, vet checked and seriously needs a bath -- that's later today -- but after some bumpy stuff Monday/Monday night . . so far, so good.

Kudo's to you and hub for the rescue.

Your new baby definetly has BC in there. I can see it and I do have BC's.

Great looking dog. If she takes after the BC side she will be so smart it will be scary.

Hope you have a great time with her.

Any sheep in your area??? LOL
Well you know how we all have been wanting and wanting a second dog but the hubs has been uh, reluctant?

Monday my two oldest kids and I went over to the spca (we often do that to bring donations over and to look at the cats/dogs). Anyway this little guy was being dropped off, owners moving and couldn't take him. He hadn't even been dropped off, the owner was filling out the forms and we . . well, we kinda took him home. :eek:

Hubs was not overly thrilled (didn't help that he had a really bad day at work). There were some issues and we weren't sure if he was going to stay or not (lol, the dog). Stupid asses we were in not getting the phone number of the owner but the spca humane officer is a super terrific guy (I've had interactions with him before) and contacted the dog's vet and the vet called the owner and I'm giving her a call later today for more info. We have the info that was filled out on the form but had he actually been dropped off they would have gotten more info/asked more questions.

The owner said he's 10 months old and a border collie/pom mix; the humane officer seemed to think he was more like 2 and not border collie because there isn't a white tip on his tail. ??? He looks like he has bc in him but hey, what do I know? lol I'll know more after I contact the owner.

Penny -- surprisingly -- is ok with him! For a dog that doesn't like other dogs she was so not bothered much by him. She was really 'off' on Monday but after we came home yesterday afternoon she was herself. Hardly any growling from either dog, no aggression. I just heard the new dog loudly yip . . I think Shadow just put him in his place. lol The cat still rules, eh?

Hubs was so much more accepting yesterday when he got home . . he smiled and was like 'he's still here?'. Makes live easier if everyone is on board.

His name was Bailey, which is a good name, but a) it's a bit too schmancy name for a boy dog and b) too similar sounding to Penny. Hubs got free reign to rename him. New name is Diogi (d-o-g), Dio for short.

He's little . . . maybe 25 lbs or so? He still needs to be neutered, vet checked and seriously needs a bath -- that's later today -- but after some bumpy stuff Monday/Monday night . . so far, so good.

very nice ZB she has a real fox face;)

looks like shes got some ....papillon(?)

He is exactly fox size too. I thought maybe he might have some Papillon in him too. The original owners got him from a pet store that's located in a permanent Farmer's Market. The spca guy said that that pet store sells 'backyard dogs' for a nice profit. If so then the parents are more likely mutts themselves so . . .who knows. If we knew def of any Papillon we'd have named him Steve McQueen! lol He's learning his new name pretty darn quickly . . . now if I can just get him to pee in the backyard. :eusa_pray:
Damn dog . . . 15 hrs and not a pee or poop out of him. He's been out at least 6 times both with and without a person. I even cut the grass down in the potty patch. I want to take him for a walk but then he'll figure out that if he holds it long enough he won't have to pee out back cause he can pee on the walk. Smart dog!

Oh yeah, he won't eat either. :rolleyes:
So college kid got the dog to pee out back yesterday (15+ hrs of holding it in) but on the opposite end of the yard. His leg was lifted for like a minute. Gotta go! Yeah, that opposite end of the yard thing is so not going to work. He was great on his walk but again last night, nope not gonna go. So I took him out front where I knew he'd go and when he did I took a paper towel and wiped down the mailbox where he had gone then this morning put that paper towel where I want him to go out back. He started going but when I said 'go potty' (trying to get him to making the connection) he stopped and came over for a pat. :rolleyes:

Penny is outside (off leash) and I know that Dio has to pee. So I leashed him and let him out knowing that Penny can get away from him if he bugs her. I just heard two dogs in what I thought was a fight or something so I went out. Turns out they were both barking at some dogs having a walk but when I was standing there Dio walked over the arborvitae and peed. Excellent.

Aren't you all glad I'm posting about dog pee? Sorry 'bout that. :lol: :lol:

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