LOOK we got some rules here.....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
when you post a birth announcement...we expect to see a picture.....now how hard is that...we have recently had some skirting of these rules....oopa.....posts a birth announcement without a picture but quickly realized his mistake and posted a pic of his new baby......

then we had willow get a new dog and attempted to announce without a picture

and now claudette has announced adoption of a pound dog with no picture....

really people....we must have pictures...we like to oo and ahh over the new babies.....and of course we want to see the muttos and the kittens....and the adult dogs and adult cats and the robins on the patio....how hard is this?
We needs us a rule preventing bones from advising any board member to squirt bears with water hoses or we need pictures of her actually doing it. :D

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