London Fog: Dystopian Demonology


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
London Fog is a leading American manufacturer of coats and other apparel. The company was founded in 1923 as the Londontown clothing company by Israel Myers.

During World War II, the company was known for making waterproof clothing for the United States Navy. Following the war, the company partnered with DuPont to make material for use in raincoats. These coats, which were the first to have a patented removable liner, were sold in Philadelphia, where they became very popular (source of information: Wikipedia).

London Fog has become known for quality stitching and lining for raincoats and trench-coats.

This 'utilitarianism-oriented' fashion-clothing company can arguably be compared to Gap Kids and Ray-Ban for its mixing of consumerism and functionalism.

When we think of commerce and lifestyle 'mixing,' we think of the 'metaphysical impact' of 'consumerism culture,' which is why we celebrate lifestyle-mysticism films such as Pretty Woman and Robots.

To coordinate capitalism/consumerism with political philosophy (which is not easy to do, since many equate capitalism/consumerism with basic 'convenience/profiteerism consciousness'), we have to find ways to place companies within the framework of 'democracy lifestyle' (i.e., Toys).


GOD: Americans are obsessed with The Great Gatsby.
SATAN: Americans do not like Wall Street crashes.
GOD: U.S. Presidents are required to deal with economic depressions/recessions.
SATAN: People do not remember Reaganomics fondly.
GOD: The world should reorient its consciousness regarding Halloween.
SATAN: Masquerade has been linked to deception (in the marketplace).
GOD: The evaluation of eBay seller-ratings is like the appreciation of Internet aliases/avatars.
SATAN: That's because networking has been equated to a 'profit-culture.'
GOD: The Internet-hacker is the new terrorist.
SATAN: That's because cyber-warfare is the new 'intellectual highway.'
GOD: That's why Americans like the film Ghost in the Machine.
SATAN: No one wants a 'haunted bank.'
GOD: I like the folk-tale The Golden Arm.
SATAN: How you look is connected (in the modern world) to how you dream.
GOD: Vanity has become culture (e.g., Facebook).
SATAN: London Fog trench-coats symbolize 'couture consciousness.'
GOD: I'd not be surprised if an anti-Western terrorist group (i.e., ISIS) targets London Bridge.
SATAN: Perhaps there's a real frailty in mercantile-network supervision (e.g., European Union).
GOD: Human beings must be wary of 'capital thieves.'
SATAN: Americans must learn to feel comfortable enjoying fortune-optimistic films such as Small Time Crooks.


London Fog (Wikipedia)

The Sketch-Pad

What is the opposite of London Fog (in terms of 'culture-assimilated couture')?

Could it be new age pedestrianism mosaics in sarcastic art and brand-marketing in professional sports?

bl.jpg broncos-raiders.jpg
The Athletic Duo

Bonnie and Clyde have given way to Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi (married Wimbledon-winning tennis champions), since the new 'chic' is 'pedestrian fitness.'


GOD: Do you know how many 'young folks' in the USA purchase athletics-brand clothing?
SATAN: Nike, school logo gear, and accessories/lines owned/operated by athletes reveal capital motion.
GOD: Do you think consumerism has made clothing the new 'social academy' (akin to the United Nations of yesteryear)?
SATAN: Yes, I do. I think pedestrianism (and hence fashion) is more valued than centralized governance.
GOD: Is that a natural effect of capitalism or an accidental feature of population explosion?
SATAN: I think it's a combination...
GOD: Alright. I like Duke/Yale gear as much as the next fan, but let's practice temperance!
SATAN: I'm a fan of Gap Kids (clothing).
GOD: That's a division of Gap (clothing)?
SATAN: Yes, it nicely symbolizes 'pedestrianism imagination' in the modern era (e.g., Facebook).
GOD: I agree with you. I like playing Cupid on Facebook...
SATAN: Your 'guilty pleasure.'
GOD: Hahaha. On the ghost-plane is American Psycho (Christian Bale).
SATAN: Maybe technology makes us savagely obsessed with tools...



Ah yes, Miss skye...

... Granny don't go out inna fog...

... when she visits the Queen...

... she don't wanna get bit...

... by a werewolf or wolfman.

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