Lol, nothing in the budget for a wall


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016

See, guys. The Republicans don't care about a wall, they don't care about immigration. They haven't cared since Saint Reagan was anointed all the way back in 1980, 38 years ago.

They only care about filling their corporate coffers with money. That's all they've ever cared about.

But, they are all "noble white Christian men" ready to control the borders, make America great again, fight the terrorists, restore fiscal integrity, and all that jazz, isn't that right?

The greatest con in the history of the world. But, who am I to argue against success.

See, guys. The Republicans don't care about a wall, they don't care about immigration. They haven't cared since Saint Reagan was anointed all the way back in 1980, 38 years ago.

They only care about filling their corporate coffers with money. That's all they've ever cared about.

But, they are all "noble white Christian men" ready to control the borders, make America great again, fight the terrorists, restore fiscal integrity, and all that jazz, isn't that right?

The greatest con in the history of the world. But, who am I to argue against success.

You think Hitlery would be any better? You are more the fool...

See, guys. The Republicans don't care about a wall, they don't care about immigration. They haven't cared since Saint Reagan was anointed all the way back in 1980, 38 years ago.

They only care about filling their corporate coffers with money. That's all they've ever cared about.

But, they are all "noble white Christian men" ready to control the borders, make America great again, fight the terrorists, restore fiscal integrity, and all that jazz, isn't that right?

The greatest con in the history of the world. But, who am I to argue against success.

You think Hitlery would be any better? You are more the fool...

The Border Fence has been mostly excluded in the budget.
The racist Democrats are against controlling our country’s border crossings and our right to control our immigration because the Democrats regard Anglo Voters as its opposition and they are using illegal immigrants to cancel-out the votes of American Citizens.

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die … Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. “They’re afraid we’re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They’re right. We will take them over … We are here to stay.”

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; “We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population … I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it.”

Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, “Remember 187 — proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens — was the last gasp of white America in California.”

Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, “California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn’t like it should leave.”

Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General , “We are practicing ‘La Reconquista’ in California.”
Blame the Democrats for a bill a Republican Congress approved, and a Republican President signed. Do you ever get dizzy from spinning so much?
Blame the Democrats for a bill a Republican Congress approved, and a Republican President signed. Do you ever get dizzy from spinning so much?

Yes, the GOP is too chickenchit to stand-up the Democrats.
They let the Democrats get everything that they wanted.
Sleazy Chuck Schumer is even gloating about how much the dirty Dems got their way
We need to replace these Rino cowards with some representatives with backbones.
Blame the Democrats for a bill a Republican Congress approved, and a Republican President signed. Do you ever get dizzy from spinning so much?

^^^ this poster has a point, you can't blame the Dem's for this bill its Ryan and McConnell and the bill was written in back rooms cutting deals with the Dem leadership, most of the rank and file on both sides had no say in it. You sent your representative to Washington but the two parties have so corrupted government rank and file representatives have little power, its all concentrated at the top.
Blame the Democrats for a bill a Republican Congress approved, and a Republican President signed. Do you ever get dizzy from spinning so much?
Oh it’s the republicans, both the left leaning and the life long career establishment. I wouldn’t be satisfied til 60% of the party is replaced with conservatives that have served under 3 terms. I would also be ok to seeing a few seats go to blue dog conservative democrats (like lamb) until the next election cycle. Anyone thinks this nation can survive on Omnibus budgets under a growing fat Government is dead wrong.
He sacrificed the wall for the military. The wall will get built.
Built on the Southern border? Why? Trump says "for national defense." What national defense. The 9/11 terrorists came in through CANADA. Somebody tell Trump! I guess Trump U. doesn't teach history! Bigly.

See, guys. The Republicans don't care about a wall, they don't care about immigration. They haven't cared since Saint Reagan was anointed all the way back in 1980, 38 years ago.

They only care about filling their corporate coffers with money. That's all they've ever cared about.

But, they are all "noble white Christian men" ready to control the borders, make America great again, fight the terrorists, restore fiscal integrity, and all that jazz, isn't that right?

The greatest con in the history of the world. But, who am I to argue against success.

You think Hitlery would be any better? You are more the fool...

LOL, that's your response?
Nothing stopping the Trumpsters from donating their own time and money to build their wall
Nothing stopping the Trumpsters from donating their own time and money to build their wall
Trump Defends Spending Bill As ‘Down Payment’ On Border Wall
President Donald Trump defended Sunday his signing of the omnibus spending bill despite a last-minute veto threat, saying the $1.3 trillion package was needed to rebuild the military and secure the southwest border.

Tweeting from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, Trump said the funding package makes the military “rich” and allows construction on his proposed border wall to begin.
Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaaaa...The wall is going to be built and the Democrat party is going extinct.....
Nothing stopping the Trumpsters from donating their own time and money to build their wall
Trump Defends Spending Bill As ‘Down Payment’ On Border Wall
President Donald Trump defended Sunday his signing of the omnibus spending bill despite a last-minute veto threat, saying the $1.3 trillion package was needed to rebuild the military and secure the southwest border.

Tweeting from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, Trump said the funding package makes the military “rich” and allows construction on his proposed border wall to begin.
Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaaaa...The wall is going to be built and the Democrat party is going extinct.....
Actually, they have been growing. There are a couple of new Democrats in Congress who replaced Republicans.
Nothing stopping the Trumpsters from donating their own time and money to build their wall
Trump Defends Spending Bill As ‘Down Payment’ On Border Wall
President Donald Trump defended Sunday his signing of the omnibus spending bill despite a last-minute veto threat, saying the $1.3 trillion package was needed to rebuild the military and secure the southwest border.

Tweeting from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, Trump said the funding package makes the military “rich” and allows construction on his proposed border wall to begin.
Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaaaa...The wall is going to be built and the Democrat party is going extinct.....
Actually, they have been growing. There are a couple of new Democrats in Congress who replaced Republicans.
When you abort 330,000 future democrat voters a year, and then stop illegal future voters from coming from the south of the United States, soon, there wont be a Democrat voter. 10 years from now, the majority will be Republican.
Blame the Democrats for a bill a Republican Congress approved, and a Republican President signed. Do you ever get dizzy from spinning so much?
Oh it’s the republicans, both the left leaning and the life long career establishment. I wouldn’t be satisfied til 60% of the party is replaced with conservatives that have served under 3 terms. I would also be ok to seeing a few seats go to blue dog conservative democrats (like lamb) until the next election cycle. Anyone thinks this nation can survive on Omnibus budgets under a growing fat Government is dead wrong.
What's dead wrong is this naive fantasy of 'small' government.
Blame the Democrats for a bill a Republican Congress approved, and a Republican President signed. Do you ever get dizzy from spinning so much?
Oh it’s the republicans, both the left leaning and the life long career establishment. I wouldn’t be satisfied til 60% of the party is replaced with conservatives that have served under 3 terms. I would also be ok to seeing a few seats go to blue dog conservative democrats (like lamb) until the next election cycle. Anyone thinks this nation can survive on Omnibus budgets under a growing fat Government is dead wrong.
What's dead wrong is this naive fantasy of 'small' government.

Because you can’t be responsible without government holding your hand?

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