LOL at NYT's attempt to play hardball


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
It took 'til the third paragraph for them to get to this point "The administration has now lost all credibility on this issue." Even then, it was based on "this issue"; the issue being Barry violating Americans privacy rights. Really, you can take out 'this issue.' Obama is a scoundrel. There's no need to water that down and try to make this out to be some isolated "issue."

Also, they signed their face value attempt at a scathing indictment, 'The Editorial Board.' Please. If you can't put your names to the column then that's just pathetic.

It's funny. A few months back, new management admitted that the NYT had been cheerleaders for Obama. They still are. They're just being a bit more subversive about it. And I can't help but think these weenies are whining as much as they are b/c they are among the spied upon now. They laid down like a rug for Obama and he made sure to wear boots with spurs.
NYT plays CYA just in case the doodoo hits the fan in the Hussein administration. Not a good sign for Barry and the boys.

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