Loki Computing: Cinema/Consumerism [Christian Discourse]


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Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is network and commerce driven, and computing technologies facilitate communications. Everyone is conscious of social labyrinths and ideological communiques, and WikiLeaks and terrorism-comics have become very symbolic/iconic in this emerged 'global culture/aesthetic.'

The Norse god Loki is a symbol of intrigue and mischief, sometimes malicious, directed towards the subversion of established dogmas and/or procedures for celebrating normative customs such as respectful burials. Loki is a 'trickster-figure' (not unlike DC Comics anti-urbanization clown-like terrorist Joker!) and is therefore a useful avatar for discussions about modern era networking complications (e.g., Internet hackers).

That's why the Marvel Comics villain Loki, an allusion to the god from Norse mythology described above, has become popular in recent times among comic book fans and has been presented in recent comics-adapted American films including Thor: The Dark World.

Loki (Marvel Comics) is a 'son-of-perdition' and the evil brother of the heroic hammer-wielding Norse superhero Thor. Loki makes trouble for Thor and creates terrorism-like 'waves' in the universe while sometimes wielding a powerful 'scepter' of destruction. Loki can manipulate magic, energy, and mental focus while creating all forms of mischievous anarchy to usurp the authority of his more 'revered' brother Thor.

Loki (Marvel Comics) is brilliant and very mischievous and rebellious, so he is a modernism-symbolic comic book villain/avatar who reflects our modern era human fascination with the 'contours' of human relations, etiquette/customs ethics, and socialization imagination.

We might therefore consider why/how Loki (Marvel Comics) can help us evaluate modernism-symbolic folklore regarding the 'metaphysics' of dogma-based networking customs (e.g., Amnesty International). After all, isn't modern consumerism-imagination, which offers us socialization-paranoia films such as Danny Boyle's pseudo-heretical isolationism-exposition The Beach (Leonardo DiCaprio), representative of a developed civilization 'sense' of the accessibility of values (e.g., BibleGateway.com, EWTN, Al Jazeera)?

This politically-patriotic modern socialization fable was inspired by Videodrome.

What do you think?



"Americans were celebrating holiday-season films on the Hallmark Channel which featured colorful media-personalities such as Dean Cain and Lori Loughlin in values-oriented stories about Christian values during Christmastime. Hallmark had its own TV-network website, which consumers could access to find the right programs for them. This was the age of great media-accessibility."


"Apple Computers pioneering genius Steve Jobs gave the world a 'vision' of toy-like home-computers which made networking actually fun and technology feel more 'human.' Apple's colorful series of late 1990s iBooks were testaments of a developed consumerism-oriented interest in user-friendly markets. In other words, Americans (like people around the world!) cared about the 'imagination' behind commerce and traffic, since modern media was all about novelty and convenience."


"Danny Boyle offered the world a serious meditation on the 'spiritual backlash' created by all this modern sea of consumerism and marketing in a film called The Beach. In this provocative film, a pensive young American traveler named Richard (portrayed brilliantly by Leonardo DiCaprio) finds a secluded secret island of hippies in which he starts to brood about man's yearning for isolation in nature as a way to 'escape' from the 'labyrinths' of modernism. As Richard wrestles with the 'heart of darkness' (e.g., alienation), movie-audiences are invited to contemplate the 'nature' of socialization (and hence capitalism) itself."


"All of this modern media intrigue invoked the Norse underworld god Loki to make an appearance on Earth. Loki appeared to commerce-minded U.S. President Donald Trump in a strange dream in which he told Trump (a former capitalism-baron and casino-mogul) that a 'Great Tribulation' regarding the machinations of terrorism and rebelliousness would brew in this new 'sea of traffic.' When Trump awoke (naturally in a cold-sweat), he decided to tweet, 'American consumerism has become an arena for great heresy discourse'."


"Loki did not come alone, for a Devil's Advocate known as 'Green Dragon' also arrived to encourage anti-capitalism terrorists around the world to unite against America's brand of 'user-friendly mercantilism.' Green Dragon encouraged terrorists and computer-hackers to create viruses that would destroy eBay and maybe even encourage all kinds of cyber-espionage. Green Dragon was a 'diplomat' of new age socialization-paranoia."


"Fortunately, Michael, archangel of God, sense the presence of the mischievous Loki and the insidious Green Dragon and decided to descend to Earth to encourage man to create socially useful discourses on the accessibility of socialization-idealistic storytelling. Michael began working with Marvel Comics in the generation of numerous stories about the fictional villain Loki (an allegory of the real Norse mischief-god Loki) and the quest to create socialization-paranoia in advanced civilizations by usurping the authority of the valiant democratic Norse god Thor. There were even major films made about Marvel-adapted stories about Loki engaging with Thor, and Michael realized that marketing folk-tales about Marvel's Loki to American consumers would create more beneficial discussions about values-based social customs in the modern world."


"Michael decided to debate with the Norse mischief-god Loki about Christian discourse in this modern age of media, markets, and materialism. Here is the transcript of that debate/discussion.

MICHAEL: You defy the dignity of peace by creating mischief, Loki!
LOKI: The modern world of computers needs some 'spiritual spice.'
MICHAEL: This is merely terrorism...
LOKI: Aren't you intrigued by the 'intellect' of Internet-hackers?
MICHAEL: No, I want American consumers to celebrate iPads.
LOKI: There're so many stories/films about terrorism now.
MICHAEL: Well, there're also pensive stories/films about governance!
LOKI: You can't develop consumerism without attention to anarchy.
MICHAEL: I doubt God appreciate anarchy even on eBay.
LOKI: If you don't see the 'holes' in networks, you're merely a bureaucrat.
MICHAEL: The duty of the modern pedestrian/patriot is to embrace capitalism!
LOKI: Capitalism is a competition-based market and is not always peaceful...
MICHAEL: Even the petroleum-centric Gulf War promoted patriotism.
LOKI: Are you naturally fascinated by BibleGateway.com, Michael?
MICHAEL: There're 'flaws' in consumerism/media (e.g., laziness, gluttony).
LOKI: Yet, you praise commerce and modern networks as 'totems' of behavior!
MICHAEL: There's a 'rationalism' associated with mercantilism.
LOKI: I'm merely offering incendiary messages about brainwashing.
MICHAEL: If you generate a peaceful form of 'Loki Computing,' I'll approve!
LOKI: Alright; what if I convince celebrities to form a media-friendly association?
MICHAEL: For example?
LOKI: What if Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise created a Marvel-Loki enterprise about Apple?
MICHAEL: Apple Computers (Steve Jobs)?
LOKI: Yes; just wait and see; Hanks/Cruise will produce Marvel-Loki tales about eco-industry.
MICHAEL: Alright; you have my blessing...this time.

After Loki concluded his stirring debate/discussion with the archangel Michael, he set about to persuade the American super-celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise (by visiting them in their dreams while they slept) to forge a new comics-enterprise featuring Marvel-Loki stories about eco-pollution. That's just what Hanks and Cruise decided to do, and within a year, a series of Marvel-Loki comics about the Internet promoting eco-consciousness became very popular."


"Hanks and Cruise founded Archangel Comics which produced a series of Marvel-adapted cross-genre stories about Loki working with Captain Planet on a new education-oriented mission to encourage consumers and students alike to consider the power of Internet/media in promoting great patriotic discourse and eco-consciousness. Hanks and Cruise then told the press that these Archangel Comics would engender values-oriented dialogue about consumerism-consciousness. Hanks, meanwhile, was working on a series of Christian-apocrypha films adapted from Dan Brown novels, such as Angels and Demons."




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