Log of Failed Liberal Policies


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
"The United States federal government spends $480 billion per year of tax payers money on R&D and the resulting commercialization from that research has resulted in a less than 5% ROI (Return On Investment for you liberals)". - Robert Brumley (Pegasus Global Holdings)

(Since liberals are the parasite class that lives off of the government, they don't understand these concepts. So allow me to dumb it down to your level: the over bloated, unconstitutional, monstosity of a government that you have created spends an enormous amount of money and we have very little to show for it).
"The United States federal government spends $480 billion per year of tax payers money on R&D and the resulting commercialization from that research has resulted in a less than 5% ROI (Return On Investment for you liberals)". - Robert Brumley (Pegasus Global Holdings)

So because he says so, it must be true?

EDIT - Since when is R&D a "liberal" policy? LOL! Tell that to all the researchers working for the U.S. military.

(Since liberals are the parasite class that lives off of the government, they don't understand these concepts. So allow me to dumb it down to your level: the over bloated, unconstitutional, monstosity of a government that you have created spends an enormous amount of money and we have very little to show for it).
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Why is it any rightie who has taken Econ 101 thinks he's the world's most brilliant economist and everyone else is stupid?
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Lolberals "invest" tax money for political returns, not monetary ones.

What the hell does that have to do with R&D?

Exactly. What he's saying is that liberals spend money on R&D for political returns, not monetary. A great example is the "green energy" failure. The liberals have been dumping billions on top of billions into green energy research since Jimmy Carter. They do this, not because it is providing results, but because it makes their voting base happy, which keeps them wealthy and in power.

But you are right, it has nothing to do with R&D (sadly).
Lolberals "invest" tax money for political returns, not monetary ones.

What the hell does that have to do with R&D?
Because socialists research the polls, to see which constituency they can develop into dependents of the state, using taxpayer funds.

The largest R&D expense of the U.S. government is military.


And as you can see from the chart, R&D is a smaller part of the budget under Clinton and Obama than Regan, Bush, and Bush.

And as you can see from this chart


most current non-defense R&D goes to the National Institutes of Health. NASA is the next highest, followed by the NSF.

So I'm not sure what that's to do with liberals or conservatives.

You might consider trying the "R" part of R&D next time you post.,
What the hell does that have to do with R&D?
Because socialists research the polls, to see which constituency they can develop into dependents of the state, using taxpayer funds.

The largest R&D expense of the U.S. government is military.


And as you can see from the chart, R&D is a smaller part of the budget under Clinton and Obama than Regan, Bush, and Bush.

And as you can see from this chart


most current non-defense R&D goes to the National Institutes of Health. NASA is the next highest, followed by the NSF.

So I'm not sure what that's to do with liberals or conservatives.

You might consider trying the "R" part of R&D next time you post.,
Interesting chart.

I'm rereading "The Day After Roswell" and spike in the chart represents the exact time when the US government used the military and defense contractors to reverse engineer the treasure trove of artifacts the got from the Roswell crash (fiber optics, night vision, superconductive materials, Kevlar, laser, etc.)
What the hell does that have to do with R&D?
Because socialists research the polls, to see which constituency they can develop into dependents of the state, using taxpayer funds.

The largest R&D expense of the U.S. government is military.


And as you can see from the chart, R&D is a smaller part of the budget under Clinton and Obama than Regan, Bush, and Bush.

And as you can see from this chart


most current non-defense R&D goes to the National Institutes of Health. NASA is the next highest, followed by the NSF.

So I'm not sure what that's to do with liberals or conservatives.

You might consider trying the "R" part of R&D next time you post.,

Assuming the chart is accurate - it doesn't change the fact that we are getting 5% ROI on R&D government spending. That is just another massive indictment on the waste and inefficienty of government.

Additionally, defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. "Green technology" and other pet projects are not. Although wasting my tax dollars really sucks, I can stomach it a little easier when it is at least wasted in the arena's that are the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, and not for political pet projects as Oddball astutely pointed out already on this thread.
Interesting chart.

I'm rereading "The Day After Roswell" and spike in the chart represents the exact time when the US government used the military and defense contractors to reverse engineer the treasure trove of artifacts the got from the Roswell crash (fiber optics, night vision, superconductive materials, Kevlar, laser, etc.)

I'm not kidding either.

The book was written by Philip Corso and he's as serious as you can imagine.
Interesting chart.

I'm rereading "The Day After Roswell" and spike in the chart represents the exact time when the US government used the military and defense contractors to reverse engineer the treasure trove of artifacts the got from the Roswell crash (fiber optics, night vision, superconductive materials, Kevlar, laser, etc.)

Assuming the chart is accurate - it doesn't change the fact that we are getting 5% ROI on R&D government spending.

You've not established that as a fact, nor do you even understand the point of scientific research by claiming its relevant.
Additionally, defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. "Green technology" and other pet projects are not.

The Congress may spend money on both the common defence and the general welfare through Article I Section 8 Clause 1.
Interesting chart.

I'm rereading "The Day After Roswell" and spike in the chart represents the exact time when the US government used the military and defense contractors to reverse engineer the treasure trove of artifacts the got from the Roswell crash (fiber optics, night vision, superconductive materials, Kevlar, laser, etc.)


Yeah, I know. Stay stuck on stupid, on you it looks good
What the hell does that have to do with R&D?
Because socialists research the polls, to see which constituency they can develop into dependents of the state, using taxpayer funds.

The largest R&D expense of the U.S. government is military.


And as you can see from the chart, R&D is a smaller part of the budget under Clinton and Obama than Regan, Bush, and Bush.

And as you can see from this chart


most current non-defense R&D goes to the National Institutes of Health. NASA is the next highest, followed by the NSF.

So I'm not sure what that's to do with liberals or conservatives.

You might consider trying the "R" part of R&D next time you post.,
The military is a constitutionally authorized use of taxpayer dollars, ETOH subsidies, dippy windmills, and other sops to favored constituencies are not.

Regardless, neither of your irrelevant charts count crap like Medicare/Medicaid, gubmint schools, welfare handouts and all the other trappings of the socialistic welfare state as "investments", as defined by the socialist nannies and nags in the District of Criminals.
"The United States federal government spends $480 billion per year of tax payers money on R&D and the resulting commercialization from that research has resulted in a less than 5% ROI (Return On Investment for you liberals)". - Robert Brumley (Pegasus Global Holdings)

(Since liberals are the parasite class that lives off of the government, they don't understand these concepts. So allow me to dumb it down to your level: the over bloated, unconstitutional, monstosity of a government that you have created spends an enormous amount of money and we have very little to show for it).

For many years, I have advocated for a massive R&D program to identify and isolate the defective gene that only appears in the DNA of liberals.

This unidentified gene causes liberals to lack a conscience, become pathological liars, believe that hypocrisy is a virtue, and have no concept of the meanings of the words "integrity", "honesty", "responsibility", "humility", and "maturity".
Regardless, neither of your irrelevant charts count crap like Medicare/Medicaid, gubmint schools, welfare handouts and all the other trappings of the socialistic welfare state as "investments", as defined by the socialist nannies and nags in the District of Criminals.

Those aren't R&D expenses you incompetent moron.

The military is a constitutionally authorized use of taxpayer dollars, ETOH subsidies, dippy windmills, and other sops to favored constituencies are not.
The Congress may spend money on the general welfare.
The military is a constitutionally authorized use of taxpayer dollars, ETOH subsidies, dippy windmills, and other sops to favored constituencies are not.

Regardless, neither of your irrelevant charts count crap like Medicare/Medicaid, gubmint schools, welfare handouts and all the other trappings of the socialistic welfare state as "investments", a defined by socialist nannies.

all expenditures deemed appropriate by congress for the "general welfare' are constitutional. whether or not they are prudent becomes the next question... but its political, not a constitutional question.

you see limitations on that clause?

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