LMAO!!! Kyoto treaty INCREASED pollution!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ask me how hard Im laughing ( yes s0ns.......here comes the knobby!! :fu:)

Remember how every climate k00k in here was singing the praises about how effective the Kyoto Treaty was.......we saw chest pounding in here and a whole lotta smug assholeness!!!

Kyoto protocol's carbon credit scheme ‘increased emissions by 600m tonnes’

:coffee:Emissions were increased by 600m tonnes s0ns!!!:coffee:


Are climate alarmists not the most naïve motherfuckers on the face of the planet?:bye1:
Been saying for a decade that the climate alarmists put blind faith into the UN because they think it is some well intentioned/altruistic organization!!!

You assholes.........its the most corrupt organization on the planet earth!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::rofl:
Yet one more unintended consequences of liberalism.

I'm really getting tired of having to say that.
Just more fodder that the environmental movement has one single goal: fuck capitalism. Its what its always been about........but don't take my word for it. Read any of the manifestos of the radical progressives like Alinsky..............they speak openly about it: environmentalism being the pillar of bringing down the system ushering in a state run system on all means of production.

Chinese chokin' on their own air pollution...

Airpocalypse now: China pollution reaching record levels
Sunday 8 November 2015 - In some areas level of harmful particles in the air were 56 times the levels considered safe by the World Health Organisation
Residents of north-eastern China donned gas masks and locked themselves indoors on Sunday after their homes were enveloped by some of the worst levels of smog on record. Levels of PM2.5, a tiny airborne particulate linked to cancer and heart disease, soared in Liaoning province as northern China began burning coal to heat homes at the start of the winter. China’s official news agency, Xinhua, published an apocalyptic gallery of images showing the country’s latest smog crisis alongside the headline: “Fairyland or doomsday?”

In some areas of Shenyang, PM2.5 readings reportedly surpassed 1,400 micrograms per cubic metre, which is about 56 times the levels considered safe by the World Health Organisation. “The air stings and makes my eyes and throat feel sore when I’m outdoors,” one woman, who had ventured out to buy a face mask, was quoted as saying. “As for what exactly we should do, I don’t know,” she added. By Monday afternoon there had been a slight improvement, although air quality remained at “hazardous” levels in Shenyang, an industrial city of about 8 million inhabitants. The Associated Press said Sunday’s smog represented one of the worst episodes of air pollution recorded in China since authorities began releasing air quality data in 2013.

There was indignation on social media as China confronted its latest “airpocalypse”. “The government knows how severe the smog problem is, so why haven’t they tackled it?” one critic wrote on Weibo, China’s Twitter. “What’s the point of having an environmental protection department? The precondition for developing the economy is not damaging the environment. Our leaders are all well educated. Can’t they understand this simple truth?” Others reacted with resignation. “Other than reporting it, what can the government do?”

Been saying for a decade that the climate alarmists put blind faith into the UN because they think it is some well intentioned/altruistic organization!!!

You assholes.........its the most corrupt organization on the planet earth!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::rofl:
And where is the UN building located ? Who contributes the most to keep it running ?
OH. Thanks for YOUR support ! Don't forget to send your retarded kid to join the slaughter machine to continue de-fund-ing your(and Chevron-BP's) FreeDumb while you sit home on disability and wave your flag.
I see, because the CO2 emissions increased by 600 million tonnes since the Koyota treaty, that means the treaty is responsible for the increased emissions? The growth in the economies of the nations had nothing to do with it?

However, a simple solution. Elect people like our 'Conservatives' to power in all the industrial nations, and economic growth will cease, just like it did the last time they were in power here. And there will be millions of Americans out of work, and you will be able to hire them for a pittance. Pure Randian heaven.
I see, because the CO2 emissions increased by 600 million tonnes since the Koyota treaty, that means the treaty is responsible for the increased emissions? The growth in the economies of the nations had nothing to do with it?

However, a simple solution. Elect people like our 'Conservatives' to power in all the industrial nations, and economic growth will cease, just like it did the last time they were in power here. And there will be millions of Americans out of work, and you will be able to hire them for a pittance. Pure Randian heaven.
Holy crap s0n, you didn't read that one through. Ok, who has the best air quality today, China or the US?
Remember how every climate k00k in here was singing the praises about how effective the Kyoto Treaty was.......

No, because that never happened. Everyone was saying how it was not successful, as it didn't go far enough, not enough nations signed on, and the USA didn't ratify it.

we saw chest pounding in here and a whole lotta smug assholeness!!!

And now we're seeing you lying.

If you're not lying, post your evidence of anyone saying what you claimed they said. We all know you won't. You never back up your lies. You just temporarily retreat, then you repeat the same lie a week later.
I posted up this gem back in August........boy, nothing like facts that end up leaving the AGW k00ks with sore nut sacks!!!

These stoopid fucks dont even know the details in the shit they are supporting.:spinner:

India’s Air Pollution 18 Times the Healthy Limit...

India’s Air Pollution 18 Times the Healthy Limit
October 20, 2017 — Air pollution in New Delhi hit 18 times the healthy limit Friday under a thick, toxic haze after a night of fireworks to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali, despite a court-ordered ban on their sales.
Residents of the sprawling Indian capital, which ranks among the world’s most polluted cities, complained of eyes watering and aggravated coughs as levels of PM 2.5, tiny particulate matter that reaches deep into the lungs, rose alarmingly. Air quality usually worsens in New Delhi ahead of Diwali, the festival of lights, and the Supreme Court temporarily banned the sale of firecrackers, aiming to lessen the risk to health. But many still lit fireworks across the capital late into the night, either using old stocks or buying them from neighboring states. Some environment activists said the court order was poorly enforced and firecrackers were still available to celebrate one of north India’s biggest festivals.

Air quality off charts

An index of air quality had crossed the “hazardous” limit of 300 on Friday, the most severe level on a U.S. embassy scale of measurement which rates a reading of 50 as good and anything above that as a cause for concern. Some parts of Delhi such as Mandir Marg showed an air quality reading of 941, close enough to the level of 999 beyond which no readings are available. The index measures concentrations of PM 2.5, PM 10, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide among other indicators.


A man holds a firecracker while celebrating the Hindu festival of Diwali, the annual festival of lights in Mumbai, India​

A hazardous level is an alert in which everyone may experience ill effects and are advised to stay indoors. Apart from the firecracker ban, the Supreme Court also ordered diesel generators and a power plant to be shut down to try to reduce the pollution. The Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority also ordered some brick kilns to close and a halt to the burning of rubbish.

Last year was worse

Dipankar Saha, a scientist at the government’s Central Pollution Control Board, said the still weather had also played a part in the toxic haze hanging over the city. But pollution levels were better than at last year’s Diwali when crop burning in nearby states and firecrackers combined. “It was going to be hard to beat last year’s level in any case,” he said.

India’s Air Pollution 18 Times the Healthy Limit
Smog Covers Pakistan, India, Causing Accidents, Illness...

Smog Covers Pakistan, India, Causing Accidents, Illness
November 05, 2017 — Smog has enveloped much of Pakistan and neighboring India, causing highway accidents and respiratory problems, and forcing many residents to stay home, officials said Saturday.
Pakistani meteorologist Mohammad Hanif said the pollution, caused by dust, the burning of crops, and emissions from factories and brick kilns in Pakistan and neighboring India, was expected to linger until the middle of the month. He advised people to wear facemasks to protect themselves from respiratory ailments.

Mohammad Arshad, a highway police official, said at least 10 people were killed and 25 injured in road accidents linked to poor visibility in various parts of the Punjab province since Monday. Authorities have advised people to limit road travel.


Motorcycles and vehicles are driven on a road in Peshawar, Pakistan, Nov. 5, 2017. Smog has enveloped much of Pakistan and neighboring India, causing highway accidents and respiratory problems, and forcing many residents to stay home, officials said.​

Average air pollution in Pakistan’s major cities is about four times higher than the World Health Organization limits. Similar problems have been reported in the Indian capital, New Delhi, where air quality was rated “very poor” Saturday. Some private schools in New Delhi have suspended sports and outdoor activities.

India’s Supreme Court banned the sale of firecrackers in New Delhi ahead of last month’s Hindu Diwali festival to try to curb air pollution in the notoriously smoggy city. Though reports said air quality was better than last year, pollution levels in the capital hit 18 times the healthy limit the night after the festival, as many dodged the ban.

Smog Covers Pakistan, India, Causing Accidents, Illness

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