LittleThings about US Presidents


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Good evening, I propose to discuss small stories not very well known to the American Presidents,
I am obviously starting with Georges Washington.


George Washington, a child, would have shot/cut a cherry tree that his father liked very much, and when the latter asked who had done that, George replied: "Father, I can not lie to you. His father would have been so touched by his sincerity that he did not punish him. This reinforced the positive image of Washington, nicknamed the man who could not tell a lie (the man who could not lie).

1900S, 1908, george washington, as a child cutting down a cherry tree.
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Is that story true or lore?

Something true: George had a thing for married women (Martha had been married); he wrote love letters to one.
Is that story true or lore?

Something true: George had a thing for married women (Martha had been married); he wrote love letters to one.

Martha Widowed at 25, she had four children with her first husband Daniel Parke Custis. Two of her children by Custis survived to young adulthood. She brought great wealth to her marriage to Washington, which enabled him to buy land and many slaves to add to his personal estate. She also brought nearly 100 dower slaves for her use during her lifetime; they and their descendants reverted to her first husband's estate at her death and were inherited by his heirs.She and Washington did not have children together but they did rear her two children by Daniel Parke Custis, including son John "Jacky" Parke Custis, as well as helped both of their extended families
Franklin Pierce -- a New England Democrat --- is directly related to George W. Bush. Through his mother, Barbara Pierce Bush.
James Garfiled reportedly could write in both Latin and Greek, simultaneously, with different hands.

He was also the first POTUS to campaign in German.
Chester Alan Arthur, owner of the coolest Presidential sideburns evah, is related to Susanna Martin, one of the "witches" accused and executed at Salem in 1692. She was his great-great-great-great-great-grandmother.
As a small boy Lyndon Johnson hunkered in the basement overnight while his father and uncles stayed up with shotguns anticipating a terror attack from the Ku Klux Klan after Sam Johnson had denounced them in the state legislature. The Klan never followed up on their threat.

is one of the most admired presidents in the history of the United States: since his death, about 16,000 books have been devoted to him.

He played almost 300 wrestling matches in his youth, and was beaten only once.

Abraham LINCOLN was also a tenant and co-owner of the "Berry & Lincoln" bar in Springfield, Illinois.
Martin van Buren is the only POTUS whose native language was not English (it was Dutch).
Teddy Roosevelt was shot by a would-be assassin while giving a speech.

He shrugged it off and finished the speech.

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