Little recognized brilliance of Mueller’s strategy….

Let us know when Vlad agrees to extradite these Russians and they actually stand trial, giving them an actual voice to respond to Mueller and his team's charges....

Until then, Mueller indicted 13 Russians he knew would never stand trial and would never be able to oppose the narrative
Anybody who knows anything about how all this shit works knows good and goddamn well that you can indict a half-eaten goat carcass. It is a VERY low standard.

From a prosecutorial prospective, Mueller may as well have indicted a pack of Tanzanian hyenas.

The SOLE value of those indictments is political cover.

'Mueller's Brilliance'?

The same 'brilliance' that led him as Director of the FBI to hide evidence of Russian crimes in 2014.

The same 'brilliance' that led him as Director of the FBI to be called before a FISA Court to explain 75 counts of FBI FISA Court abuses...

The same 'brilliance' that led him to overlook FBI FISA Court abuses while investigating not long ago as Special Counsel...

The same 'brilliance' that prevented him from actually starting his investigation into Russian Interference where / when it all began - in 2014 under Obama, who knew about it then.

The same 'brilliance' that did not help him think to mention that he had already been working with Bruce Ohr and Steele on the bogus Dossier BEFORE an investigation was opened and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel, just a tiny 'Conflict of Interest' (one of many....)

The same 'brilliance' that led him to hide evidence showing a wrongly-accused man he was attempting to prosecute was innocent and sent him to jail anyway.

Is 'brilliance' a special snowflake code word for 'corrupt' or 'dumbass'?
Trump acolytes did not shy away from mocking Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russians and 3 Russian entities a few weeks ago (with more of these indictments to surely follow.)
The mockery boiled down to “concluding’ the wasted effort of indicting any foreign individual who would never personally show up at trial.

Well, as usual, these Trump cult members are both wrong and ignorant of legal strategies.

Recently I attended a state-sponsored seminar of prosecutors where this issue (among many others) was addressed, and the consensus was actually praise of Mueller’s approach, for TWO important reasons:

First, having grand juries issue indictments for possible trials in absentia is a sound approach in ensuring that a controversial issue does NOT disappear solely because those indicted are not present. Guilt or innocence based on the indictments would STILL be adjudicated with evidence and subpoenaed witnesses.

Second, even if Trump were to pardon any and all of his corrupt cronies, these people would NOT be exempted from having to testify AND no longer able to plead the 5th from self-incrimination.

Finally, we must always bear in mind that some of these possible trials may be held in state venues and not federal courts.

Bottom line: Mueller IS one of the smartest prosecutors of our generation.
If you'd keep up with the facts, you'd know that Mueller's indictment of Russian entities exploded in his face.

Much to Mueller's embarrassment, Concord Management and Consulting LLC of Russia hired a Washington lawyer and entered a not-guilty plea very quickly. Since then, Mueller has been doing everything possible to AVOID having the case go to court, on the grounds that Mueller himself did not serve the defendant properly.

This is absolutely unprecedented in the annals of law: a prosecutor doing everything he can to keep a case out of court. Mueller knows his bluff was called, and he's frantically backpedaling.

But keep posting your TDS fueled craziness, and I'll keep debunking it. You're doing a real service here - for Republicans!
When an innocent person is accused of something they didn't do, they tend to go apeshit about it. And low and behold, the Mueller report shows Trump did not collude and did not obstruct.

OK, nitwit......Let's say that Trump is too fucking stupid to "collude or obstruct" should (unless you're a true idiot) have to openly admit that people who worked for Trump DID collude and obstruct.......AND, if that's the case, would you also admit that Trump surrounds himself with a bunch of low-life scum???

I bet you blamed Obama for some of the people who worked for him.....WHY NOT TRUMP???
There is nothing to admit, IDIOT. Mueller, who was supposed to be the latest in a long line of DemNazi Messiahs said there was No Collusion with Russia and The Trump Campaign. The Entire Investigation, and all The FISA Warrants were based on a Hoax and a Clinton Funded and Obama Funded Political Smear Campaign.

To put it in simplest terms, Clinton and Obama did not know how to defeat Trump and they were scared shitless because they engaged in criminal behavior which they did not want to be exposed.

They did what Democrats always do when they cannot win a contest. They Cheat and hope they don't get caught. When you have Obama Bin Cheating in The White House, you have a good shot of having your crimes covered for you, but if you cannot place your Heir on the throne, there is a good chance of you being exposed.

They never thought they were going to get caught orchestrating a COUP and Spying on a Rival Presidential Campaign.

But Elections have Consequences, and now The Indictments are going to rain down on their heads like Fire and Brimstone rained down upon the wicked inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Citing an OPINION piece from JEN KERNS, also known as a leader of the FAILED TEA PARTY....does NOT help you idiots.

Putin "loves" Trump.........and the orange idiot kisses Putin's ass and believes an ex KGB thug over our own intelligence agencies.......Simple as that.
Putin Loves you.

Until you prove otherwise, that is what everyone on this forum thinks.

You are doing Putin's work for him, so why would anyone think otherwise?

Mueller, who has appointed as Special Counsel was supposed to Frame Trump and he failed to prove Trump had anything at all to do with Russia. If Mueller cannot prove "Putin Loves Trump" why should we believe you, ayy Comrade?

Russian Collusion

Trump acolytes did not shy away from mocking Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russians and 3 Russian entities a few weeks ago (with more of these indictments to surely follow.)
The mockery boiled down to “concluding’ the wasted effort of indicting any foreign individual who would never personally show up at trial.

Well, as usual, these Trump cult members are both wrong and ignorant of legal strategies.

Recently I attended a state-sponsored seminar of prosecutors where this issue (among many others) was addressed, and the consensus was actually praise of Mueller’s approach, for TWO important reasons:

First, having grand juries issue indictments for possible trials in absentia is a sound approach in ensuring that a controversial issue does NOT disappear solely because those indicted are not present. Guilt or innocence based on the indictments would STILL be adjudicated with evidence and subpoenaed witnesses.

Second, even if Trump were to pardon any and all of his corrupt cronies, these people would NOT be exempted from having to testify AND no longer able to plead the 5th from self-incrimination.

Finally, we must always bear in mind that some of these possible trials may be held in state venues and not federal courts.

Bottom line: Mueller IS one of the smartest prosecutors of our generation.
If you'd keep up with the facts, you'd know that Mueller's indictment of Russian entities exploded in his face.

Much to Mueller's embarrassment, Concord Management and Consulting LLC of Russia hired a Washington lawyer and entered a not-guilty plea very quickly. Since then, Mueller has been doing everything possible to AVOID having the case go to court, on the grounds that Mueller himself did not serve the defendant properly.

This is absolutely unprecedented in the annals of law: a prosecutor doing everything he can to keep a case out of court. Mueller knows his bluff was called, and he's frantically backpedaling.

But keep posting your TDS fueled craziness, and I'll keep debunking it. You're doing a real service here - for Republicans!

I believe Mueller is also being sued over this, but he is trying to keep that lawsuit out of court and trying to do some sort of settlement which of COURSE, we THE TAXPAYERS are going to end up footing the bill for. Same as every other case this reckless buffoon has ever been involved in.
SO, LIKE I SAID, YOU DID NOT EVEN OPEN THE LINK....This is why I refuse to spoon-feed lil' snowflake douches.

MORON.......why oh WHY should I take some Tea Bagging right winger's OPINION as "truth"????..................I leave that up to ass kissers like you.....LMAO
The Entire Mueller Team was Left Wing. Some of them even were at Clinton's Victory Party. All of them donated money to her and voted for her.

Let me remind you that Strozk, Page, Baker, and McCabe were all on Mueller's team and they Hated Trump. Mueller even had Ex Clinton Attorneys sitting on his team.

Preet Bahara was also on Mueller's team and hated Trump and was fired by Trump. Mueller himself was an avowed Trump hater having been kicked out of a Trump Resort for not paying his membership fees, and then kicked out of The White House for begging for The FBI Chief Job.

I have to ask how much Mexican Heroin you are doing a day because it's obvious you are a Hallucinating Left Tard Loon with no grasp on reality, facts, or The Truth.

You can't get any more biased than The Mueller Team, and even though they wanted to nail Trump to the wall, even plotted to stop him from taking office, they just couldn't do it. They couldn't even manufacture evidence to even attempt it. 23 FBI Agents, 40 Attorneys, 500 Interviews, 2,500 Subpoenas, and Millions of documents and emails given to Mueller by President Trump and he NEVER ONCE exerted Executive Privilege because he knew he was innocent and wanted his name publicly cleared.

Your continued belief in FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION makes you a deranged Mental Patient, or a Paid Leftist Troll who does not give a crap about Truth, Civil Rights, or American Democracy.
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Moron........of course those spying Russians will never personally stand trial.....HOWEVER, they will also never pollute this country with their presence....

BUT, the important lesson to be learned by you morons is this.....YOUR [albeit, reluctant] FINAL ADMISSION that Russians DID interfere in our election and their goal was to help your orange clown because he is both inept and stupid....the perfect combination that Putin wanted.
If the Russians wanted Trump to win, it just might be because Hillary Clinton was so maniacally anti-Russian (as are the Democrats in general), a mass murderer (which she is), and devoid of all integrity (which she is), and they might have considered her to be a major threat to them.
If the Russians wanted Trump to win, it just might be because Hillary Clinton was so maniacally anti-Russian (as are the Democrats in general), a mass murderer (which she is), and devoid of all integrity (which she is), and they might have considered her to be a major threat to them.

So, in your half brain, it is now OK for a hostile, anti-American despot (Putin) to help in determining who should be in the oval office???

Just how fucked up is your hatred???

What if Putin had wanted for Obama to be elected......what would a moron like you be stating after your stroke?
Anybody who knows anything about how all this shit works knows good and goddamn well that you can indict a half-eaten goat carcass. It is a VERY low standard.

EAternal moron.......HOW could Mueller indict the orange fuck-up when he works within the DOJ whose OWN policy states you cannot indict a sitting president???

Go on, moron, answer THAT question...............

Mueller presented DAMAGING evidence against Trump.........and he WILL answer the most important simple question before congress as to whether he (Mueller) would have indicted ANYONE ELSE.... but a sitting president......with the evidence he discovered.

Mueller WILL HAVE TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION, Trump ass kissers.......and he will.
So, in your half brain, it is now OK for a hostile, anti-American despot (Putin) to help in determining who should be in the oval office???

Just how fucked up is your hatred???

What if Putin had wanted for Obama to be elected......what would a moron like you be stating after your stroke?
FOOL, I didn't say >> "it is now OK for a hostile, anti-American despot (Putin) to help in determining who should be in the oval office", you said that. nd the only ones who colluded with the Russians, were the Democrats, as the Barr investigation is now revealing and confirming. How do you think Millions went fron the Russian to the Clinton "Foundation", and $500,000 went to =Bill Clintin for a single speech, that Russians were just DYING to hear ? :rolleyes:

Interested in buying a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Let us know when Vlad agrees to extradite these Russians and they actually stand trial, giving them an actual voice to respond to Mueller and his team's charges....

Until then, Mueller indicted 13 Russians he knew would never stand trial and would never be able to oppose the narrative

Moron........of course those spying Russians will never personally stand trial.....HOWEVER, they will also never pollute this country with their presence....

BUT, the important lesson to be learned by you morons is this.....YOUR [albeit, reluctant] FINAL ADMISSION that Russians DID interfere in our election and their goal was to help your orange clown because he is both inept and stupid....the perfect combination that Putin wanted.

So shit fer brains, what MATERIAL affect do you allege that memes on Facebook had on the election?

As much as a dossier purchased from Russia and leaked to the leftist hate site Buzzfeed? :dunno:
So shit fer brains, what MATERIAL affect do you allege that memes on Facebook had on the election?

Here, you these and go change your diaper.

Gov. DeSantis: Russians hacked voting databases in two Florida ...

Russians hacked voting databases in two Florida counties in 2016 ...


And what MATERIAL affect did that have? Did it change a single vote?

You fucking Stalinists used Russian documents to slander the opposition candidate in the press and set federal law enforcement to infiltrating his campaign and spying on what the candidate did reporting to Hillary and Obamugabe for the PURPOSE of altering the vote and staging a coup after he was elected....
Voter data bases? They were looking for Russian vodka consumers

Keep that bent over position........Suits you and other Trump ass kissers' rather well....

No collusion, no conspiracy, no coordination.

But that won't keep you gutter scum Communists from lying.

Maybe if you lie just a little harder, reality will realign to your lies.....

Was there ever a time in your life when you had integrity? :dunno:

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