Lithuanian judge exposing pedophilia seeks asylum, instead gets arrested in U.S.


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2015
A Lithuanian judge and Parliament Member exposed high level pedophilia in her country and in fear for her life fled to the U.S. asking for asylum. Instead, she gets arrested in Chicago and her extraditing to Lithuania is being considered.

We have illegal aliens running amok killing our citizens what seems to be OK with the government yet, they arrest a LEGITIMATE asylum seeker and considering to return her to face life threatening situation. Who is behind such a despicable act? Who is friends with pedophiles and promoting pedophilia? Who has long arms to reach across borders and even continents?

Details are in this video where her son pleads to the American public.

She's lucky she didn't go to San Francisco or West Hollywood. They would've had her drawn & quartered.

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