List of lefty riots and list of righty riots

I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.

January 6th wasn't a "riot". It was an attack on the Government of the United States of America. It was a well organized and coordinated attempt to kill members of Congress, decapitate the federal government, and prevent the certification of the 2020 election. An insurrection.

In any other country in the world, Donald Trump would have been dead on January 7th, and given his continuing attempts to attack the duly elected government of the United States of America, and overthrow democracy, I'm shocked he's still a free man.
Okay, we can take the Jan 6 DC riot off the list then. Go ahead and list a couple riots for each side.
Still wont excuse the TRUMPriot of Jan 6
READ: I excuse, and won't condemn literally 1,000's and 1,000's of civil unrest and violence against others, I only want to condemn the one event that I don't agree with.

C'mon man!

Doesn’t negate an insurrection caused by a sitting President

You lose
Expand your knowledge. Open your mind to information you don't like as much as you do.... it makes things so much clearer.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Why is it false? Facts are facts. Riots are riots. Partisan bullshit is simply partisan bullshit.
Lol, no. Riots and insurrection are two different things.

Sorry for your luck.
Sorry, but that "insurrection" label won't stick.
Recent leftwing riots: Occupy Wall Street; BLM from Ferguson, MO onward; rioting against Milo Yiannopoulos appearance in Berkely; Antifa. All good excuses to loot.

Recent rightwing riots: TEA Parties (somebody might have accidentally dropped a candy wrapper on the ground); Jan 6 (a rioter was killed)
Still wont excuse the TRUMPriot of Jan 6
READ: I excuse, and won't condemn literally 1,000's and 1,000's of civil unrest and violence against others, I only want to condemn the one event that I don't agree with.

C'mon man!

Doesn’t negate an insurrection caused by a sitting President

You lose
Expand your knowledge. Open your mind to information you don't like as much as you do.... it makes things so much clearer.
Your attempt at “whataboutism” is failing Bigly
So far, we have these lists:

Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Why is it false? Facts are facts. Riots are riots. Partisan bullshit is simply partisan bullshit.
Lol, no. Riots and insurrection are two different things.

Sorry for your luck.
Sorry, but that "insurrection" label won't stick.
View attachment 494962
Too bad for you but already has.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.

CHAZ was an insurrection and worse than the jan six riot
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
...big problem with that----there is no problem of racial inequality
contrivances, such as "equity" in justification for suppressing the whites? That kind of contrivance?

This nonsense about trying to interfere with our democracy is the true "BIG LIE".

But the left always does this.

Cops are killing Blacks indiscriminately while the truth is, they kill more whites.

Whites are killing blacks in genocidal numbers.

Yet more blacks kill blacks than any other group

Always, you take a single, minute incident and blow it out to huge proportions while wanting to silence talk about your own bad behavior.
Your desperate attempt at diversion aside, while no "riot" is justifiable, imho, this one directly targeting our government of, by, and for the People is, by far, of the greatest national consequence and existential implications:

Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 4.54.43 PM.png

If you can cite any other such attack of comparable depravity in its contempt for our democratic way of life, please cite it.
Still wont excuse the TRUMPriot of Jan 6
READ: I excuse, and won't condemn literally 1,000's and 1,000's of civil unrest and violence against others, I only want to condemn the one event that I don't agree with.

C'mon man!

Doesn’t negate an insurrection caused by a sitting President

You lose
Expand your knowledge. Open your mind to information you don't like as much as you do.... it makes things so much clearer.
Your attempt at “whataboutism” is failing Bigly
It is you who engage in whataboutism. Obviously.
Look at this big bad riot in [enter liberal city]. You - "whatabout Jan 6"
The entire premise of "Trump sent minions" is based on a very loosly attributed quote that ignores a flurry of others statements in direct contrast to the one without context.

As I always say - truth doesn't require you to suspend information in order to be believe it.
In order to believe Trump set a band of folks in - you MUST dismiss a flurry of other statements he made, and only pay attention to an edited one removed of context.
Like I said, open your mind. You only see what you want to see.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Which side do I list the false equivalency riot under? I'm not familiar with this riot that you have listed,
Protests for racial equality are not insurrections.

Sorry for your luck.
Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
Still false.
So far, we have these lists:

Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley
Seattle, Saint Louis and just about any blue shithole you can think of.
Thanks, ill add these on:

Righties: Jan 6, but Dragonlady says to pull this one off.

Lefties: Never ending Portland, Minneapolis, Occupy Wall Street, BLM Ferguson, and Berkeley, Seattle, St Louis

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