Lindsey Lohan: Sincere or Sociopath?

I know the name but only from the news. I have no idea who she is or why she even rates air time, especially where the news is supposedly purveyed.

She was the nicer girl in Mean Girls.. Tina Fey wrote the screenplay for that.
Isn't that the definition of drug use? Hoping for something good to come of it, after using them again, and again and again.

You should look at the run up to prohibition and why things like this were outlawed. Real eye opener. I'm sure you'd love your 18 year old son or daughter to have the same access to pot, cocaine, opiates, chloral hydrate and dozens of other drugs that would suddenly become legal. You think it'd stop at pot. It never does. Oh my personal favorite cocktail I heard about being served in taverns in the 1890's used benzene. THAT'S gotta be good on the liver! Hell, look at what meth does to you. mmm boy... just an innocent little pick me up.

You want to legalize it, fine. Just educate yourself and ditch the pollyanna rainbows. Even the chinese knew for centuries the danger of drugs.

Wow. Where to begin? First, the fallacy of the slippery slope - legalize post and soon all the other drugs will be legal. Prove it.
Next, any 18 year old kid in the U.S. knows where s/he can get pot today. Many times in doing so they come within a degree or two of the criminal elment engaged in the sale and distribution of not only pot but much more dangerous drugs.
Ask any cop this question: Would you rather deal with a drunk or a stoner?
The cost to suppress MJ is enormous, making it legal, controlling it and taxing it makes sense. Revenue saved from enforcement and gained from taxes will pay for the treatment of drug addiction (and MJ is NOT an addictive substance); tobacco is and so is alcohol.
Isn't that the definition of drug use? Hoping for something good to come of it, after using them again, and again and again.

You should look at the run up to prohibition and why things like this were outlawed. Real eye opener. I'm sure you'd love your 18 year old son or daughter to have the same access to pot, cocaine, opiates, chloral hydrate and dozens of other drugs that would suddenly become legal. You think it'd stop at pot. It never does. Oh my personal favorite cocktail I heard about being served in taverns in the 1890's used benzene. THAT'S gotta be good on the liver! Hell, look at what meth does to you. mmm boy... just an innocent little pick me up.

You want to legalize it, fine. Just educate yourself and ditch the pollyanna rainbows. Even the chinese knew for centuries the danger of drugs.

Wow. Where to begin? First, the fallacy of the slippery slope - legalize post and soon all the other drugs will be legal. Prove it.
Next, any 18 year old kid in the U.S. knows where s/he can get pot today. Many times in doing so they come within a degree or two of the criminal elment engaged in the sale and distribution of not only pot but much more dangerous drugs.
Ask any cop this question: Would you rather deal with a drunk or a stoner?
The cost to suppress MJ is enormous, making it legal, controlling it and taxing it makes sense. Revenue saved from enforcement and gained from taxes will pay for the treatment of drug addiction (and MJ is NOT an addictive substance); tobacco is and so is alcohol.
History proves otherwise. I'm all for letting it be a state by state issue, but trust me, I have very strong ideas on how drug dealers should be punished. Zero recidivism.
I dunno, but when I saw tapes of her 'pleading' I just had an instinctive... something's not right here. Now, I'm thinking all the more it was all an act for the casting couch.

Lindsay Lohan's Secret 'F**k U' on Finger Nails in Court - ABC News

I always go by what others get for similar situations.

Fuck her. That entitled rich, snobbish spoiled brat. Fuck her. Oh and did you notice she was alllowed two weeks BEFORE she has to serve her 90 days which she will serve less than half probably.

Fuck her.
well, that's pretty standard in cases like this. They get a date to report to jail if they don't think they're going to be a flight risk. And well, she hasn't yet. I've seen it done for other non celebs in the past. But yeah, the longer and more I see about this incident, the more I am sure it was an act and she's probably alternated between crying at being a victim as much as pitching a fit about how unfair life is... until someone slips her something to get her 'right'.

it's really sad, to be honest. I have a feeling also that the judge has seen all too many actors and actresses try and act their way out of consequences.
Isn't that the definition of drug use? Hoping for something good to come of it, after using them again, and again and again.

You should look at the run up to prohibition and why things like this were outlawed. Real eye opener. I'm sure you'd love your 18 year old son or daughter to have the same access to pot, cocaine, opiates, chloral hydrate and dozens of other drugs that would suddenly become legal. You think it'd stop at pot. It never does. Oh my personal favorite cocktail I heard about being served in taverns in the 1890's used benzene. THAT'S gotta be good on the liver! Hell, look at what meth does to you. mmm boy... just an innocent little pick me up.

You want to legalize it, fine. Just educate yourself and ditch the pollyanna rainbows. Even the chinese knew for centuries the danger of drugs.

Wow. Where to begin? First, the fallacy of the slippery slope - legalize post and soon all the other drugs will be legal. Prove it.
Next, any 18 year old kid in the U.S. knows where s/he can get pot today. Many times in doing so they come within a degree or two of the criminal elment engaged in the sale and distribution of not only pot but much more dangerous drugs.
Ask any cop this question: Would you rather deal with a drunk or a stoner?
The cost to suppress MJ is enormous, making it legal, controlling it and taxing it makes sense. Revenue saved from enforcement and gained from taxes will pay for the treatment of drug addiction (and MJ is NOT an addictive substance); tobacco is and so is alcohol.
History proves otherwise. I'm all for letting it be a state by state issue, but trust me, I have very strong ideas on how drug dealers should be punished. Zero recidivism.

History proves otherwise? I suppose a non sequitur is to be expected. If you cannot debate an issue on point why bother to post an idiotgram? It makes you appear ... ah ... CrusaderFrankish (and that ain't good).
Wow. Where to begin? First, the fallacy of the slippery slope - legalize post and soon all the other drugs will be legal. Prove it.
Next, any 18 year old kid in the U.S. knows where s/he can get pot today. Many times in doing so they come within a degree or two of the criminal elment engaged in the sale and distribution of not only pot but much more dangerous drugs.
Ask any cop this question: Would you rather deal with a drunk or a stoner?
The cost to suppress MJ is enormous, making it legal, controlling it and taxing it makes sense. Revenue saved from enforcement and gained from taxes will pay for the treatment of drug addiction (and MJ is NOT an addictive substance); tobacco is and so is alcohol.
History proves otherwise. I'm all for letting it be a state by state issue, but trust me, I have very strong ideas on how drug dealers should be punished. Zero recidivism.

History proves otherwise? I suppose a non sequitur is to be expected. If you cannot debate an issue on point why bother to post an idiotgram? It makes you appear ... ah ... CrusaderFrankish (and that ain't good).
Buddy, I couldn't trust you to drool properly.

History has proven that legalized drugs is incredibly dangerous at a much higher rate than alcohol and tobacco. China during the colonial years when they dealt with the british spent decades if not a century or so fighting drug wars that tore up it's people The US had to have a temperance movement gain so much force as to ban alcohol and intoxicating spirits to drive the point home that, these things are bad for society.

Children killed themselves with regular basis by drinking and drug use in Victorian England. Just look at the records of creator of the british police force, E. Peel on how bad life was thanks to drink and drugs on the youth of England. Cirrhosis by 12 was not uncommon.

And that was because alcohol was the most common drug and often the cheapest in the west, but in the east, opiates ruled. Thank God we had things like the FDA created to help slow down the destruction and limit it's impact.

Just imagine a world where oxycodone is available over the counter. Or how about Codeine? It's already wrecking the lives of many a sports star.

And you think that it's going to just stop at pot. tsk tsk... so naive.
So right Fitz. Most of the "legalize marijuana" posts I've seen on this board include all drugs. Drug abuse is not a victimless crime.
99% of all pot legalizers are in themselves potheads, hence their desire for it.

Sociopath? C'mon.

Very possble. I use the term Sociopath in that she has exhibited no true emotions, but has endeavored to manipulate the system by pretending them. The cultural dictionary defines it thus:
Cultural Dictionary
sociopath [( soh -see-uh-path, soh -shee-uh-path)]

Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.

I think if this was an act, this term defines her quite well, and if I am right, she needs far more help than just drug rehab. If lucky though, this behavior is only because of her addiction. Sometimes the victim in the 'victimless crime' is the perpetrator themselves.
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So right Fitz. Most of the "legalize marijuana" posts I've seen on this board include all drugs. Drug abuse is not a victimless crime.
99% of all pot legalizers are in themselves potheads, hence their desire for it.

Sociopath? C'mon.

Very possble. I use the term Sociopath in that she has exhibited no true emotions, but has endeavored to manipulate the system by pretending them. The cultural dictionary defines it thus:

Couldn't get the quote function to work here for some reason, so have edited to identify my comments from Fitz - my comments in blue:

Lohan may or may not be a sociopath, but she obviously is an addict which sometimes looks sociopathic but is not the same thing. The addiction creates a kind of insanity that allows the addict to believe irrational things. She can transfer all the disgust and self loathing she feels--sociopaths feel no disgust or self loathing--to others and can convince herself that she is justified in what she is doing because of the way they are. Or because of circumstances beyond her control. Or because of whatever. The addict never sees it as of their own choosing or own doing but must assign blame to assauge their own conscience and/or culpability.
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Well there is that.

But it does provide a vehicle to discuss how artificial environments such as the Hollywood celebrity scene can corrupt and distort people to unbelievably destructive levels.

It lets us discuss how the company we keep and our environment can shape the person we are or will become.

It lets us use high profile public figures to identify and discuss social issues and problems and perhaps learn something in the process.

I think it is a good topic, Fitz.
Of course it is an interesting topic. It's on every news station. Why do people waste their time writing "who gives a fuck?" on a message board. Most people say that silently in their head and move onto a topic that interests them. :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly (yes I've been quoting her a lot the past two days) said that if the judge had seen her fingernail, she would have been held in contempt of court. Her lawyer should have noticed.

If I were the fashion police, I also would have cited her for her hideous manicure and for that trailer trash bottle blonde hair job. :lol:

I'm not sure if she's a sociopath in the clinical sense, but people like her and OJ and Tiger, etc. never accept responsibility for their actions. It's arrogance to the nth degree.

Luissa may be right about that 27 thing. She is one really messed up kid.
"99% of all pot legalizers are in themselves potheads, hence their desire for it" LOL. Prove it. BTW, your 'historical' post above had as much validity as the one quoted here.
Please, post your opinions, but don't expect anyone to believe your opinion(s) is/are based on anything but your biases.

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