Lindsey Graham...what is the difference between sh*thole and hellhole?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah.....lindsey graham......establisment republican doofus went after Trump for his alleged calling of shithole countries shithole countries........

Too bad for graham we have the internet now.....

what is the difference between hellhole countries and shithole countries?

WATCH: Lindsey Graham Said In 2013 That Not Everyone In ‘Hellholes’ Can Come To U.S.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on Friday that he scolded President Donald Trump over alleged remarks that he made about "s***hole" countries on Thursday — which is ironic considering Graham made a similar statement in 2013 about Latin American nations.

During a 2013 Senate panel meeting, Graham referred to Mexico and other countries that are flooding the United States with illegal aliens as “hellholes.”

“I don’t know how many security people we have along the Canadian border — I doubt it’s 21,000,” Graham said. “Why are we okay up there and not okay to the south?”

“The tale of two borders,” Graham continued. “Why is one a problem and the other is not?”

“Because Canada is a place where people like to stay, they like Canada, we like Canada,” Graham said. “We love to have them visit, they want to go home, because it’s a nice place.”

It was at this point where Graham made his “hellhole” remarks.

“The people coming across the southern border live in hellholes,” Graham said. “They don’t like that. They want to come here. Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hellhole come [into] America.

We're just gonna have to create order out of chaos. So, you've gotta do something on the southern border you don't do on the northern border, but if you don't agree that the difference is jobs, then we just don't agree. There are 11 million people coming through the southern border 'cause they come from countries where they can't find work and life is miserable."
In the context that the President used the term, he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'. The immigrants from Africa are, on the average, more educated than we are here. 43% have a BS, 25%, a Masters or Phd. His comment on preferring those from Norway was a clearly racist comment. That he and you are racist scum could not be more apparent.
he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'.

Well, he certainly didn't 'denigrate' anyone who was smart enough to get out of their shithole.

There is no shame in being born in shite ... there is in continuing to wallow in it.
In the context that the President used the term, he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'. The immigrants from Africa are, on the average, more educated than we are here. 43% have a BS, 25%, a Masters or Phd. His comment on preferring those from Norway was a clearly racist comment. That he and you are racist scum could not be more apparent.

No...shitstain....he had just hosted the Prime Minister of Norway and had just had a press conference with her....doofus......

Again....what is the difference between Hell Hole and Shit Hole.......? That lindsey graham felt the need to correct the President........

And again...this was said behind closed doors in a private meeting......Durbin called our soldiers murderers on the Senate Floor.....
On the contrary, he did just that. He stated that he preferred a certain racial type over another, no matter what the attributes of the individual. And, fnnceo, he would have objected to your ancestors coming to this nation.
In the context that the President used the term, he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'. The immigrants from Africa are, on the average, more educated than we are here. 43% have a BS, 25%, a Masters or Phd. His comment on preferring those from Norway was a clearly racist comment. That he and you are racist scum could not be more apparent.
so if I said a ''redneck''/white trasher/etc that lived in a broken down RV --lived in a shithole--that would be racist???
how is Trump's remark racist? please explain specifically
Africa/Haiti highest in:
potable water
they are shit holes
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In the context that the President used the term, he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'. The immigrants from Africa are, on the average, more educated than we are here. 43% have a BS, 25%, a Masters or Phd. His comment on preferring those from Norway was a clearly racist comment. That he and you are racist scum could not be more apparent.

Hey...dumb must have missed this....

“The people coming across the southern border live in hellholes,” Graham said. “They don’t like that. They want to come here. Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hellhole come [into] America.
On the contrary, he did just that. He stated that he preferred a certain racial type over another, no matter what the attributes of the individual. And, fnnceo, he would have objected to your ancestors coming to this nation.

No....asshole.....he didn't designate race...he designated the countries Shithole status.....
And look at what obama got away with..

I can't believe he talked about White liberals like this..

LOL You continue to lie. The asshole definately stated that he did not want people from those designated 'shitholes' coming to this nation. No matter what their individual attributes were.
In the context that the President used the term, he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'. The immigrants from Africa are, on the average, more educated than we are here. 43% have a BS, 25%, a Masters or Phd. His comment on preferring those from Norway was a clearly racist comment. That he and you are racist scum could not be more apparent.
I can't be racist, according to American race rules. Yet I know exactly what the POTUS meant. He wants to know why we can't change the rules to allow the educated, English speaking, accomplished, and innovative people into the country, instead of those who must be taken care of.

So far, the only answer is racist. Which shows what you think of these shithole countries.
In the context that the President used the term, he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'. The immigrants from Africa are, on the average, more educated than we are here. 43% have a BS, 25%, a Masters or Phd. His comment on preferring those from Norway was a clearly racist comment. That he and you are racist scum could not be more apparent.
I can't be racist, according to American race rules. Yet I know exactly what the POTUS meant. He wants to know why we can't change the rules to allow the educated, English speaking, accomplished, and innovative people into the country, instead of those who must be taken care of.

So far, the only answer is racist. Which shows what you think of these shithole countries.
Still trying to polish the turd. Or are you trying to swallow it?
Yeah.....lindsey graham......establisment republican doofus went after Trump for his alleged calling of shithole countries shithole countries.......

You can polish it all day, 2TinyGuy, but what Trump said was racist and even Republicans are denouncing him. wasn't racist, dumb ass...

Shithole of Fake News: Media Hides Fact Trump Wants to Increase Immigration from 'Asian Countries'

Looking at clips from CBS News, ABC News, CNN and MSNBC, it is the same thing… No one who identifies as a journalist is showing any desire to report the fact that Trump wants to boost immigration from a fairly large non-white area known as Asia. Here is a list of “Asian countries”:

  • Afghanistan
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Brunei
  • Cambodia
  • China
  • Cyprus
  • Georgia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kuwait
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar (Burma)
  • Nepal
  • North Korea
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palestine
  • Philippines
  • Qatar
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Sri Lanka
  • Syria
  • Taiwan
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
If Trump is a white supremacist, he is the worst one ever.

The reason the media does not want you to know this is obvious: as Trump’s policies continue to improve the world (where’s ISIS?) and our economy here at home, the Nonsense Machine must stay red-lined, and if the only thing that can be fed into the Nonsense Machine is lies and fake news, so be it.
And I would guess that 2aguy's ancestors came from 'Shitholes'. That is why most of the early settlers came here.
And you want thousands more of him to come be your neighbors.
I want thousands of more 2aguys to be my neighbors? LOL Maybe you should read your posts before pushing the button.
So you agree with Trump and don't want people from shithole countries coming into your country.

You'll be a Trump voter yet.
In the context that the President used the term, he denigrated everyone that is from or living in one of those 'shitholes'. The immigrants from Africa are, on the average, more educated than we are here. 43% have a BS, 25%, a Masters or Phd. His comment on preferring those from Norway was a clearly racist comment. That he and you are racist scum could not be more apparent.
I can't be racist, according to American race rules. Yet I know exactly what the POTUS meant. He wants to know why we can't change the rules to allow the educated, English speaking, accomplished, and innovative people into the country, instead of those who must be taken care of.

So far, the only answer is racist. Which shows what you think of these shithole countries.
Still trying to polish the turd. Or are you trying to swallow it?
Well, you are pretty dull and lifeless.

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