Lindsey Graham Just Perfectly Summed Up the 2016 Race: “My Party Has Gone Batshit Crazy"


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
While Republican presidential candidates continued scream-debating in Houston last night, Sen. Lindsey Graham took a shot at his former challengers with a series of insults that capture the insanity that is the remaining GOP presidential field.

The South Carolina senator, who was speaking at the Washington Press Club Foundation Dinner, nailed it with the following jabs:


Lindsey Graham just went off on the GOP: "My party has gone batshit crazy"
Graham helped take it there. He didn't mind the insane rhetoric and escalating nuttery when it was helping him out 10+ years ago.
Correction....the GOP has been batshit crazy eon's ago, Palin ring a bell??? Yaw got one guy on that whole panel that makes sense....former gov. of Ohio....and yaw treat him like a fuckin loon...cause he makes sense. Thank you Trump for exposing just how fucked up the GOP-igs really are...dumb stupid white motherfuckers.
of course for someone with low standards or no standards. They would think it acceptable. and then turn and wail about how there is no civility in this country. why haven't you people voted this nasty person out of out lives a long time? he should become a Democrat. he fits right in. lowlife
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While Republican presidential candidates continued scream-debating in Houston last night, Sen. Lindsey Graham took a shot at his former challengers with a series of insults that capture the insanity that is the remaining GOP presidential field.

The South Carolina senator, who was speaking at the Washington Press Club Foundation Dinner, nailed it with the following jabs:


Lindsey Graham just went off on the GOP: "My party has gone batshit crazy"

Too funny.

He went nowhere in the campaign, which indicates dissatisfaction in the party with the McCain/Graham wing.

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