Limbaugh Sponsors Reflect Obama's Chances


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1." many as 18,000 different sponsors of this program. Let me put it another way: There might be 18,000 different people buying advertising within this program alone.

That is a conservative number: 600 stations, 18 commercial minutes an hour. We take whatever we take to sell ourselves and the local station keeps the rest. They have local advertisers. You add up all those over the course of 600 stations, over three hours a day, five days a week, and we're talking 18,000 different sponsors, okay? ABC News, who understands how this works and are purposely misrepresenting it, is out there ballyhooing that we have lost 28 sponsors. Twenty-eight sponsors out of 18,000! That's like losing a couple of french fries in the container when it's delivered to you at the drive-thru. You don't even notice it. If we lose 28 of those sponsors, the majority of them being in one city or another out of 18 thousand, it's a sad occurrence."
Clearing Up Misinformation on Our Sponsors - The Rush Limbaugh Show

2. On Saturday, Carbonite CEO David Friend released a statement on his company’s website declaring that Carbonite had decided to “withdraw” advertising from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show in the wake of his controversial remarks involving Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke because it will “ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse”...

However, it hasn’t done much to contribute to his company’s stock price. Since the market opened on Monday through its close today, Carbonite stock (NASDAQ:CARB) has plummeted nearly 12 percent, outpacing the drop of the NASDAQ index in that same time period by nine-and-a-half points. It was also one of the biggest decliners on the NASDAQ on Tuesday.

Carbonite | Rush Limbaugh | Sandra Fluke | The Daily Caller

3. Did Slut Comments Actually Win Rush a Sponsor?
And when a reader wrote to Life Quotes, its CEO offered a pretty choice reply. Here's the reader's message:

Please remove your ads from the Rush Limbaugh show or I will contact the providers you aggregate leads for (Lincoln, Fidelity, etc) and tell them that I will not support THEM because of your refusal to do so.

Bland wrote back,

Thanks for the threat. You are free to write any of our partner companies you wish. We've not advertised on Rush since 2007 and, as an independent agent, make our ad decisions based upon audience size and household income, not politics. Moreover, Rush has apologized for his poor choice of words twice, in public, over the last few days.

Let's test you're the genuineness of your radio outrage: how many times have you written a rapper over the past year for writing and signing lyrics that espouse the treatment of women as if they were animals to be raped and then slaughtered?
Did Slut Comments Actually Win Rush a Sponsor?

Contrary to the reports in the Old Left Media, seems not to be a groundswell in the vituperation against Rush....

...but the Obama strategy of 'the war against women' took his failures off the front pages for a while....

Ear to the ground...what is the tone in the nation...?
Left's manipulations seem to be losing steam.

(Too many metaphors there?....)
1." many as 18,000 different sponsors of this program. Let me put it another way: There might be 18,000 different people buying advertising within this program alone.

That is a conservative number: 600 stations, 18 commercial minutes an hour. We take whatever we take to sell ourselves and the local station keeps the rest. They have local advertisers. You add up all those over the course of 600 stations, over three hours a day, five days a week, and we're talking 18,000 different sponsors, okay? ABC News, who understands how this works and are purposely misrepresenting it, is out there ballyhooing that we have lost 28 sponsors. Twenty-eight sponsors out of 18,000! That's like losing a couple of french fries in the container when it's delivered to you at the drive-thru. You don't even notice it. If we lose 28 of those sponsors, the majority of them being in one city or another out of 18 thousand, it's a sad occurrence."
Clearing Up Misinformation on Our Sponsors - The Rush Limbaugh Show

2. On Saturday, Carbonite CEO David Friend released a statement on his company’s website declaring that Carbonite had decided to “withdraw” advertising from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show in the wake of his controversial remarks involving Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke because it will “ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse”...

However, it hasn’t done much to contribute to his company’s stock price. Since the market opened on Monday through its close today, Carbonite stock (NASDAQ:CARB) has plummeted nearly 12 percent, outpacing the drop of the NASDAQ index in that same time period by nine-and-a-half points. It was also one of the biggest decliners on the NASDAQ on Tuesday.

Carbonite | Rush Limbaugh | Sandra Fluke | The Daily Caller

3. Did Slut Comments Actually Win Rush a Sponsor?
And when a reader wrote to Life Quotes, its CEO offered a pretty choice reply. Here's the reader's message:

Please remove your ads from the Rush Limbaugh show or I will contact the providers you aggregate leads for (Lincoln, Fidelity, etc) and tell them that I will not support THEM because of your refusal to do so.

Bland wrote back,

Thanks for the threat. You are free to write any of our partner companies you wish. We've not advertised on Rush since 2007 and, as an independent agent, make our ad decisions based upon audience size and household income, not politics. Moreover, Rush has apologized for his poor choice of words twice, in public, over the last few days.

Let's test you're the genuineness of your radio outrage: how many times have you written a rapper over the past year for writing and signing lyrics that espouse the treatment of women as if they were animals to be raped and then slaughtered?
Did Slut Comments Actually Win Rush a Sponsor?

Contrary to the reports in the Old Left Media, seems not to be a groundswell in the vituperation against Rush....

...but the Obama strategy of 'the war against women' took his failures off the front pages for a while....

Ear to the ground...what is the tone in the nation...?
Left's manipulations seem to be losing steam.

(Too many metaphors there?....)

Your thread compliments the one I put up. I'll let mine fall off the page. Rush is lining up more advertisers of course because he is quite simply has the largest audience (20 million a week in 2010 stats) and he's the highest rated.

I really can't believe people have been thinking that they were going to drive Rush off the air. Especially when Clear Channel said they were going to stand behind him.

And it's really getting disturbing when just because one doesn't like what someone had to say libs have to feel they have to destroy < fill in the conservative blank>.

The histrionics over Rush and this episode have been nothing short of surreal.

Cue twilight zone music.:lol:

ETA: should we just ask to get them merged?
Last edited:
I thought you wingnuts didn't care about Rush? :lol:

I strongly object to the inappropriate use of the phrase "I thought..." in any of your posts.
I've seen your work...and the use of said phrase in any opus of yours can only be considered as syncretism.

C'mon....who put ya' up to that?

But while I have your’re probably the right one to ask this of….do illiterate folks get the full effect of alphabet soup?
Democrats are still trying to call this the republican war on women.

That alone might hurt them.
I thought you wingnuts didn't care about Rush? :lol:

I strongly object to the inappropriate use of the phrase "I thought..." in any of your posts.
I've seen your work...and the use of said phrase in any opus of yours can only be considered as syncretism.

C'mon....who put ya' up to that?

But while I have your’re probably the right one to ask this of….do illiterate folks get the full effect of alphabet soup?
So, insults are all you've got? :lol:

I thought you put yourself out there as an intellectual?

And btw, thanks for answering my question: you wingnuts DO care about Rush!

Well, guess what? He doesn't care about you. He only cares about conflict. In fact, it's in Rush's best interest for Obama to win, so that he can continue to lead the opposition.

FACT: wingnut radio always does better when Democrats are running things. :)
blah, blah, blah

Also, I must say: That is not a great representation of Supergirl in your avatar. You can find a much better one.

Those are NOT Super Breasts!
I thought you wingnuts didn't care about Rush? :lol:

I strongly object to the inappropriate use of the phrase "I thought..." in any of your posts.
I've seen your work...and the use of said phrase in any opus of yours can only be considered as syncretism.

C'mon....who put ya' up to that?

But while I have your’re probably the right one to ask this of….do illiterate folks get the full effect of alphabet soup?
So, insults are all you've got? :lol:

I thought you put yourself out there as an intellectual?

And btw, thanks for answering my question: you wingnuts DO care about Rush!

Well, guess what? He doesn't care about you. He only cares about conflict. In fact, it's in Rush's best interest for Obama to win, so that he can continue to lead the opposition.

FACT: wingnut radio always does better when Democrats are running things. :)

I'm gonna try not to argue with you, based on one of my rules of life:

"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and
beat you with experience."
1." many as 18,000 different sponsors of this program. Let me put it another way: There might be 18,000 different people buying advertising within this program alone.

That is a conservative number: 600 stations, 18 commercial minutes an hour. We take whatever we take to sell ourselves and the local station keeps the rest. They have local advertisers. You add up all those over the course of 600 stations, over three hours a day, five days a week, and we're talking 18,000 different sponsors, okay? ABC News, who understands how this works and are purposely misrepresenting it, is out there ballyhooing that we have lost 28 sponsors. Twenty-eight sponsors out of 18,000! That's like losing a couple of french fries in the container when it's delivered to you at the drive-thru. You don't even notice it. If we lose 28 of those sponsors, the majority of them being in one city or another out of 18 thousand, it's a sad occurrence."
Clearing Up Misinformation on Our Sponsors - The Rush Limbaugh Show

2. On Saturday, Carbonite CEO David Friend released a statement on his company&#8217;s website declaring that Carbonite had decided to &#8220;withdraw&#8221; advertising from Rush Limbaugh&#8217;s radio show in the wake of his controversial remarks involving Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke because it will &#8220;ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse&#8221;...

However, it hasn&#8217;t done much to contribute to his company&#8217;s stock price. Since the market opened on Monday through its close today, Carbonite stock (NASDAQ:CARB) has plummeted nearly 12 percent, outpacing the drop of the NASDAQ index in that same time period by nine-and-a-half points. It was also one of the biggest decliners on the NASDAQ on Tuesday.

Carbonite | Rush Limbaugh | Sandra Fluke | The Daily Caller

3. Did Slut Comments Actually Win Rush a Sponsor?
And when a reader wrote to Life Quotes, its CEO offered a pretty choice reply. Here's the reader's message:

Please remove your ads from the Rush Limbaugh show or I will contact the providers you aggregate leads for (Lincoln, Fidelity, etc) and tell them that I will not support THEM because of your refusal to do so.

Bland wrote back,

Thanks for the threat. You are free to write any of our partner companies you wish. We've not advertised on Rush since 2007 and, as an independent agent, make our ad decisions based upon audience size and household income, not politics. Moreover, Rush has apologized for his poor choice of words twice, in public, over the last few days.

Let's test you're the genuineness of your radio outrage: how many times have you written a rapper over the past year for writing and signing lyrics that espouse the treatment of women as if they were animals to be raped and then slaughtered?
Did Slut Comments Actually Win Rush a Sponsor?

Contrary to the reports in the Old Left Media, seems not to be a groundswell in the vituperation against Rush....

...but the Obama strategy of 'the war against women' took his failures off the front pages for a while....

Ear to the ground...what is the tone in the nation...?
Left's manipulations seem to be losing steam.

(Too many metaphors there?....)

Your thread compliments the one I put up. I'll let mine fall off the page. Rush is lining up more advertisers of course because he is quite simply has the largest audience (20 million a week in 2010 stats) and he's the highest rated.

I really can't believe people have been thinking that they were going to drive Rush off the air. Especially when Clear Channel said they were going to stand behind him.

And it's really getting disturbing when just because one doesn't like what someone had to say libs have to feel they have to destroy < fill in the conservative blank>.

The histrionics over Rush and this episode have been nothing short of surreal.

Cue twilight zone music.:lol:

ETA: should we just ask to get them merged?

"...the one I put up."

Sorry...I didn't realize it...I don't know if I saw it....the forum and the name of the thread?
I strongly object to the inappropriate use of the phrase "I thought..." in any of your posts.
I've seen your work...and the use of said phrase in any opus of yours can only be considered as syncretism.

C'mon....who put ya' up to that?

But while I have your’re probably the right one to ask this of….do illiterate folks get the full effect of alphabet soup?
So, insults are all you've got? :lol:

I thought you put yourself out there as an intellectual?

And btw, thanks for answering my question: you wingnuts DO care about Rush!

Well, guess what? He doesn't care about you. He only cares about conflict. In fact, it's in Rush's best interest for Obama to win, so that he can continue to lead the opposition.

FACT: wingnut radio always does better when Democrats are running things. :)

I'm gonna try not to argue with you, based on one of my rules of life:

"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and
beat you with experience."
Thank you for reinforcing your USMB image. :)
Democrats are still trying to call this the republican war on women.

That alone might hurt them.
That's Right, ONLY CON$erviNAZIs can declare wars, War on Christmas, War on The Family, War on The Constitution, War on Capitalism, War on Catholics, War on Liberty, War on Oil, and on and on and on. :cuckoo:
Democrats are still trying to call this the republican war on women.

That alone might hurt them.
That's Right, ONLY CON$erviNAZIs can declare wars, War on Christmas, War on The Family, War on The Constitution, War on Capitalism, War on Catholics, War on Liberty, War on Oil, and on and on and on. :cuckoo:

You are definitely a basket case.

Why do you insist on checking your liberty at the door.
Hey if you don't mind that the spokeman for your products is a misogynistic PIG?

Then by all means advertise on his program.

I've no doubt that his huge audience of like-minded pigs will buy your products.
Rush Limbaugh has every right to be ignoble and mean and does so with great regularity. His first amendment rights do not protect him from libel and slander law and I would bet is apologies were directed by the law office which is retained by Clear Channel. The character of the apology reflects on the character of the man.

Defamation of a private citizens isn't okay in the court of public opinion.

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