Limbaugh doesn't understand the difference?


Feb 14, 2011
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.
he is about making money off his veiwers, they are TP and dont care about facts
he is about making money off his veiwers, they are TP and dont care about facts

Wrong, again.

Rush makes money off of companies who purchase ad spots on his broadcasts. Because his audience is larger than anyone else's those companies pay a lot more for those spots than they would for spots on, say, Ed Schultz's show, or anyone else's for that matter.
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

He understands the difference; he just doesn't care. You don't sell books and amass listeners by being honest on this score and he knows it.
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

I confess that I have never listened to him but, going solely on what I have read, the guy is an idiot.
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I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

I confess that I have never listened to him but, going solely on what I have read, the guy is an idiot.

I don't think he is an idiot. Not usually. I do listen to him.

It took me a LONG time to warm up to him. In the 1990's when I was p.o.-ed at members of the Republican party (not at theoretical Republican ideals but at the kind of blowhards Republicans sent to congress) - back then when he used the term Feminazi so much - I wouldn't have even tried to leave the radio on throughout an entire hour of his bluster.

Now I'm usually able to see good ideas amid the showmanship. Also, a lot of what people write and say about him is based on tweaks he intentionally makes knowing that people will take it out of context. He sets it up. He predicts that this is the soundbite people will use. People use it. The next day he makes fun of them for it.

I find those segments amusing. :lol:

As he has gotten older and had to deal with embarrassments such as his drug use, he has developed more empathy. He had a serious lack of it, and still does lack it on occasion, but not as bad.

So basically .... I think he has mellowed in his old age. :cool:
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... but I still don't understand why he acts like he and/or America can't/won't be able to understand the difference between a program chosen by a state and one forced on a nation.

Maybe it is only an act to try not to seem too much of a typical establishment Republican.

Hopefully by the time Romney sews up the nomination, Limbaugh will be back to his more clear thinking self.
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

We don't need anymore establishment Republicans like Romney.
Rush Limbaugh's product is the cultivation of discontent. He's an integral part of the GOP's efforts to solidify thier base, and there is nothing wrong or unethical about what he does.

That said....I feel sorry for anyone who mistakes his diatribes, however sincere, as the "thruth", or "facts"
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

We don't need anymore establishment Republicans like Romney.

What is an "establishment Republican"?

If Romney is an establishment Republican, then maybe we do.

We didn't need McCain in 2008. Romney would have been the right person for the job then given the economic challenges we faced. On the economic front, he's still the best of the field by a long shot now. In 2008, Huckabee and his anti-Mormon wing fouled it up (p.s., how the heck was Huckabee considered conservative in any way but social?). But now the anti-Mormon contingent is having trouble finding a candidate who can stand up to scrutiny, so Romney is likely to win the nomination.

Just because someone acts like a grown up and has experience is not a good reason to write him off as "establishment" as if establishment is a bad thing. We're not 20-year-olds and this isn't the 60's.
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I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

Nothing that comes from him should mystify you, if he does not like someone, he will say anything.
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

We don't need anymore establishment Republicans like Romney.

What is an "establishment Republican"?

If Romney is an establishment Republican, then maybe we do.

We didn't need McCain in 2008. Romney would have been the right person for the job then given the economic challenges we faced. On the economic front, he's still the best of the field by a long shot now. In 2008, Huckabee and his anti-Mormon wing fouled it up (p.s., how the heck was Huckabee considered conservative in any way but social?). But now the anti-Mormon contingent is having trouble finding a candidate who can stand up to scrutiny, so Romney is likely to win the nomination.

Just because someone acts like a grown up and has experience is not a good reason to write him off as "establishment" as if establishment is a bad thing. We're not 20-year-olds and this isn't the 60's.

Romney will not fight back against the Progressive Jihad. We need to repeal the whole sections of the New Deal, reform entitlements, repeal Obamacare, close the Department of Education...and that just the first week. Romeny's not the guy
Rush knows Romney will get pummelled in a general election over Romneycare. Yes, Rush understands the "state's rights" versus federal. But the fact is Obamacare used Romneycare as a blueprint.
Why have that kind of candidate when we can have one without that kind of baggage?
Rush knows Romney will get pummelled in a general election over Romneycare. Yes, Rush understands the "state's rights" versus federal. But the fact is Obamacare used Romneycare as a blueprint.
Why have that kind of candidate when we can have one without that kind of baggage?

The constitutional issue is not about what Obama modeled Obamacare on. We supposedly care about states rights. There is no baggage if you look at it constitutionally. Obama is the one who breached the constitution by abusing the commerce clause. Romney did not.

I agree that it's baggage because we are a soundbite culture and people don't understand the constitution and don't really want to try, so I see the point of "why have that kind of candidate when we can have one without that kind of baggage?" if we had a sound alternative.

But we don't have a candidate who is a sound alternative.

Romney has good plans. Cain has relevant skills and achievements but 9-9-9 won't happen. And I wouldn't want it to happen.

Such a massive overhaul of our economy wouldn't pass the congress for the same reason that Obamacare just barely passed. You don't just slam on the brakes* of the ship of state and try to reverse course. The engine will stall. Like it has now under Obama.

*lol sorry I don't know the right nautical term.
Rush knows Romney will get pummelled in a general election over Romneycare. Yes, Rush understands the "state's rights" versus federal. But the fact is Obamacare used Romneycare as a blueprint.
Why have that kind of candidate when we can have one without that kind of baggage?

I love that you guys just refuse to understand you cant win a general election with a tea party candidate.
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

The obese druggie understands exactly what his masters tell him to.
We don't need anymore establishment Republicans like Romney.

What is an "establishment Republican"?

If Romney is an establishment Republican, then maybe we do.

We didn't need McCain in 2008. Romney would have been the right person for the job then given the economic challenges we faced. On the economic front, he's still the best of the field by a long shot now. In 2008, Huckabee and his anti-Mormon wing fouled it up (p.s., how the heck was Huckabee considered conservative in any way but social?). But now the anti-Mormon contingent is having trouble finding a candidate who can stand up to scrutiny, so Romney is likely to win the nomination.

Just because someone acts like a grown up and has experience is not a good reason to write him off as "establishment" as if establishment is a bad thing. We're not 20-year-olds and this isn't the 60's.

Romney will not fight back against the Progressive Jihad. We need to repeal the whole sections of the New Deal, reform entitlements, repeal Obamacare, close the Department of Education...and that just the first week. Romeny's not the guy

We're Perry's boys,
Let's go back to 1910,
When men were men,
Start the First World War all over again,
Yes, we're Perry's boys
I don't understand Limbaugh's opposition to Romney. Limbaugh is totally hung up on Romneycare. Sounds like he honestly thinks that a governor doing what his state wants is tantamount to a president taking over the healthcare of the entire nation.

I understand the average American being confused about the difference between states rights and federal rights but coming from Limbaugh this mystifies me.

Nothing that comes from him should mystify you, if he does not like someone, he will say anything.
Rush is very careful though...or I should say his team of behind the scenes researchers, and he, are very careful about what is said on his show. Rush has skillfully used a little thought of part of the definition of "lie" to his advantage. The dictionary says that a lie can be an untruth told with the intent to decieve....or!....creating fasle and misleading impressions, and those cover Rush's constant hyperbole, opinions, or mistakes. People who defend Rush say they know the difference between his hyperbole, opinons, or mistakes, albeit less than 99.6% of the time...(rolling eyes)

But the problem with that is......many of the posters on this site parrott Rush ver batim. So it appears that the people who like Rush, and defend him, don't know the difference and are prone to believe his false and misleading impressions.

Let me give you an poster a ways back parrotted Rush's assertion that a poll said "78% of Americans want to fire Obama!!!, and fire Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in congress!!!". Rush concluded after reading a poll which stated that 78% of Americans were unhappy with our government. And can you guess it?!.......later that day, pseudo conservatives on this site I used to post on were throwing the stat around.

In conclusion....I must dissagree that Rush will say anything.

His AUDIENCE seems to be willing to believe anything he says....but he doesn't say anything that isn't carefully crafted by advisors.
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Rush knows Romney will get pummelled in a general election over Romneycare. Yes, Rush understands the "state's rights" versus federal. But the fact is Obamacare used Romneycare as a blueprint.
Why have that kind of candidate when we can have one without that kind of baggage?

I love that you guys just refuse to understand you cant win a general election with a tea party candidate.

So you guys should keep the Kennedy seat.

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