Lila Rose: What are your thoughts?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I only discovered her about a week ago. I've been reading as much as I can about her work ever since. It's amazing seeing how suddenly our sisters have taken the lead in transforming the pro-life movement into an unstoppable force for social progress. It's their cause as much as it is that of our unborn brothers and sisters. The least we can do is offer any support we can muster.
I only discovered her about a week ago. I've been reading as much as I can about her work ever since. It's amazing seeing how suddenly our sisters have taken the lead in transforming the pro-life movement into an unstoppable force for social progress. It's their cause as much as it is that of our unborn brothers and sisters. The least we can do is offer any support we can muster.
Everyone is pro-life and opposes abortion, the conflict and controversy concerns how to best end the practice, where there are those who seek to 'ban' abortion in violation of the Constitution and a woman's right to privacy and the protected liberty of choice.

“Live Action” is among the many extremist organizations hostile to the rights of women, seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Rose in particular has been responsible for contriving and propagating lies concerning Planned Parenthood in an unwarranted effort to attack the organization; her extremism represents the worst of those who have nothing but contempt for the Constitution and its case law.
Everyone is pro-life and opposes abortion,
I'm not sure about that. You can only run into so many self-described pro-abortion folks before you start suspecting that they exist.

where there are those who seek to 'ban' abortion in violation of the Constitution
Or this. We've banned quite a few previously constitutionally legitimate practices (such as barring women from the vote and classing a black man as 3/5ths of a person) before by using the process the Constitution lays out for changing it. One would assume that reversing this particular interpretative mistake wouldn't be any different in method.

“Live Action” is among the many extremist organizations hostile to the rights of women,
I don't know too much about them yet and still haven't made my mind up. What I have noticed so far is a strong tendency to use sting operations to expose the clinics that cover for domestic abuse and participate in the sex slavery industry. My impression could be totally wrong though. I know that Eric Holder's justice system refused to investigate and threw out every case brought before them over it.

seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
One of the few things I agree with liberals on is that "big government" doesn't automatically equal "bad and tyrannical and evil and whatever else the rabid right wingers say". One of the many things I disagree with them on is whether individual liberty should be used against other people.

Rose in particular has been responsible for contriving and propagating lies concerning Planned Parenthood in an unwarranted effort to attack the organization; her extremism represents the worst of those who have nothing but contempt for the Constitution and its case law.
I'm all ears if you'd like to show me her lies. What I said. I still haven't made my mind up about her. My personal involvement in the movement is necessarily limited by my career choice. The internet is one thing, but I've definitely learned the easy way that actual physical involvement could very easily lead to career costing retaliation. It's been safer contenting myself with learning and an online presence.

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